Indiana Jones arka galduaren bila

Indiana Jones arka galduaren bila 1981


1936. urtea. Indiana Jones arkeologia irakaslea da, eta abentura arriskutsuak bizitzeko prest dago altxor historikoak lortzeko. Estatu Batuetako gobernuak Itun Arka galdu bat bilatzeko eskatzen dio, kondairak dionez mugagabeko boterea ematen omen du berau lortzen duenak, eta hori dela eta naziekin egingo du topo bilaketa horretan.


Mr. Link: Jatorri galdua

Mr. Link: Jatorri galdua 2019


Lionel Frost ikertzaileak mitoak eta munstroak ditu ikergai eta izaki arraro eta maitagarri bat aurkituko du, bere espezieko azkena, eta Mr. Link izena jarriko dio. Frostekin batera, Mr. Linkek bidaia zoragarri bezain dibertigarri bati ekingo dio duela asko galdutako bere lehengusu Yetiak aurkitzeko asmoz. Horretarako Adelina Fortnight abenturazale adoretsuaren laguntza izango dute, beronek baitauka Yetien kokagunea adierazten duen mapa bakarra. Hirurek elkar hartuta, arrisku ugari gainditu beharko dituzte helmugara iristeko.


Ausarki Yeti dibertigarria

Ausarki Yeti dibertigarria 2018


Adin guztietako ikusleentzako animaziozko abentura bat da, jatorrizko musika eta izar ugariz osatutako aktore-taldea duena. Smallfoot-norabide berri bat emango dio mito bati. Yeti gazte eta bizkor ustez existitzen ez zen zerbait aurkituko du: gizaki bat. Gizakiaren inguruko albiste horrek zirrara sortuko du yetien.komunitate xumean; izan ere, pentsatzen hasiko dira haien herrixka elurtutik harago zer gehiago existi daitekeen. Adiskidetasunari aurkikuntzaren balioari eta pozari lotutako istorio berri bat da.



K2 1991




Meru 2015



Les Coulisses De L'Exploit

Les Coulisses De L'Exploit 1970


"Les Coulisses De L'Exploit" was a French television program of sports information created by Jacques Goddet and Raymond Marcillac, and broadcast on RTF Television then on the first channel of the ORTF from December 13, 1961 to August 16, 1972. The principle of this program is to report on sports news but also to meet men and women performing exceptional feats. According to Raymond Marcillac: "Competitive sport is not our only field of action. It never has been. We want to discover beings whose life is enriching, exhilarating; men who have accomplished acts that can be offered to our admiration without reluctance."


Black Narcissus

Black Narcissus 2020


Himalayas, 1934. A remote clifftop palace once known as the ‘House of Women’ holds many dark secrets. When the young nuns of St. Faith attempt to establish a mission there, its haunting mysteries awaken forbidden desires that seem destined to repeat a terrible tragedy. Adaptation of the 1939 novel by Rumer Godden.


Czech Himalayan adventure

Czech Himalayan adventure 2003


Documentary series dedicated to the history of the conquest of the 14 highest Himalayan peaks by Czech climbers.


Destination Wild: India

Destination Wild: India 2024


India's biodiverse landscapes range from vast deserts and dense forests to towering mountains, each contributing to the country's rich tapestry of life. The Himalayas, standing tall in the north, shelter rare and iconic species such as the elusive snow leopards and Himalayan brown bears. Among the dense canopies of the Western Ghats in the south, endangered lion-tailed macaques scour the trees for jackfruit. And lying in the heart of southern India, one of its largest protected woodlands harbours Indian elephants and Bengal tigers. Then finally transitioning to the west, the Thar Desert unfolds, challenging life to adapt to extreme arid conditions. Here, blackbuck antelope and Asiatic lions navigate the vast, sandy expanses in search of food. A tapestry of ecosystems, all within one country.


Al Filo De Lo Imposible

Al Filo De Lo Imposible 1982


Al Filo De Lo Imposible is a documentary series, broadcast on the second Spanish channel, with the theme of adventure and exploration of wild and extreme places on Earth, such as climbing peaks over 8,000 meters, exploring the polar ice caps, free-flying crossings, scuba diving, etc. This series, which includes more than two hundred documentaries whose first program was broadcast in January 1982, under the title "Dimension 8000", is the only television program that has filmed the 14 peaks over 8,000 meters high that exist on the planet, as well as the three poles (the North Pole, the South Pole and Everest).


Walking the Himalayas

Walking the Himalayas 2015


Explorer Levison Wood sets out to walk the length of the world's highest mountain range, from Afghanistan to Bhutan.


Sky River of the Himalayas

Sky River of the Himalayas 2020


Travel the entire length of the Sky, the world’s highest major river, as it flows from the Himalayan mountains down to the Indian Ocean, passing Asia’s biodiversity hotspots and affecting more than a billion people along the way.



Ganges 2007


A journey that follows the Ganges from its source deep within the Himalayas through to the fertile Bengal delta, exploring the natural and spiritual worlds of this sacred river.


Everest ER

Everest ER 2009


Documentary following the staff working at the highest hospital in the world as they treat the many climbers who suffer injuries while climbing Mount Everest.