Hitz gakoa Farm
Pearl 2022
Jeepers Creepers 2 2003
Babe, Txerritxo Ausarta 1995
Hogget etxaldean, mota guztietako animaliak bizi dira elkarrekin. Bakoitzak eginbehar bat du, ondotxo ezagutzen duena eta ahalik eta hobekien egiten ahalegintzen dira. Norberak badaki bere lekua zein den.Baina etxaldera Babe iristen da; baserritarrak zozketa batean irabazi duen txerrikumea. Hoggetek zerbait berezia antzematen dio txerritxoari, eta artzain zakurraren ofizioa irakastea erabakitzen du. Eta era xelebre honetan, Babek Gabonetako afaria izatea ekidingo du.
Home on the Range 2004
Signs 2002
Oilasko ihesa 2000
Ingalaterra, 1959. urtea. Tweedy baserriko oilategian, Ginger oiloak askatasuna du amets. Egunero, kortatik ihes egiten saiatzen da. Bere lagun lumadunei ulertarazi nahi die burdin-hesia ez dagoela baserriaren inguruan, beraien buruetan baizik. Eta Gingerren itxaropena berpiztu egingo da Rocky oilar amerikarra kortara iristen duenean, Rockyk hegan erakusten badie, denak ihes egiteko gai izango baitira.
The Visit 2015
Umma 2022
Hush 1998
The Dukes of Hazzard 2005
Field of Dreams 1989
Mudbound 2017
Out of Africa 1985
The Unforgiven 1960
Road to Perdition 2002
Barnyard 2006
The Last Exorcism 2010
Emmerdale 1972
The lives of several families in the Yorkshire Dales revolve around a farm and the nearby village. With murders, affairs, lies, deceit, laughter and tears, it's all there in the village.
Garfield and Friends 1988
The animated stories of Garfield the cat, Odie the dog, their owner Jon and the trouble they get into. And also Orson the Pig and his adventures on a farm with his fellow farm animals.
Heartbeat 1992
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.
Green Acres 1965
Green Acres is an American sitcom starring Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor as a couple who move from New York City to a rural country farm. Produced by Filmways as a sister show to Petticoat Junction, the series was first broadcast on CBS, from September 15, 1965 to April 27, 1971. Receiving solid ratings during its six-year run, Green Acres was cancelled in 1971 as part of the "rural purge" by CBS. The sitcom has been in syndication and is available in DVD and VHS releases. In 1997, the two-part episode "A Star Named Arnold is Born" was ranked #59 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time.
McLeod's Daughters 2001
When Jack McLeod passes away, his two daughters inherit Drovers Run, a vast cattle ranch in the Australian outback. Ultimately, Tess and Claire decide to run the ranch together, with their housekeeper, Meg, her teenage daughter, Jodi, and a local girl, Becky. Their lives are hard and the obstacles many, but the rewards are every bit as grand as the wild open land they've inherited.
Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks 2003
The adventures of Piggley, a spunky eight-year-old pig, and his friends Dannan the Duck and Ferny the Bull on Raloo Farm in Ireland.
Bless This Mess 2019
After dropping everything to make the move from skyscrapers to farmhouses, Rio and Mike soon realize that the simpler life isn't as easy as they planned.
Shaun the Sheep 2007
Shaun the Sheep thinks and acts like a person in a barnyard, which usually gets him into trouble. The farmer's sheepdog, Bitzer, tries to keep Shaun and his friends out of trouble. The farmer is oblivious to the humanlike features of his flock, who are like one big, happy family.
Sítio do Picapau Amarelo 2001
The series exhibited several stories based on folklore and mythology , with characters such as Cuca, Saci Pererê and Iara from Brazilian folklore and then later with several characters from fairytales, fables, literature and greek mythology. The residents of Sítio, Emília, Narizinho, Pedrinho, Dona Benta and Tia Nastacia live several adventures with a lot of the mystery and dangers that haunt the remote town of Arraial do Tucanos.
The Real McCoys 1957
The Real McCoys is an American situation comedy co-produced by Danny Thomas' "Marterto Productions", in association with Walter Brennan and Irving Pincus' "Westgate" company. The series aired for five seasons on the ABC-TV network from 1957 through 1962 and then for its final year on CBS from 1962 to 1963. The series, set in the San Fernando Valley of California, was filmed in Hollywood at Desilu studios.
The Dukes of Hazzard 1979
Cousins Bo and Luke Duke and their car "General Lee", assisted by Cousin Daisy and Uncle Jesse, have a running battle with the authorities of Hazzard County (Boss Hogg and Sheriff Coltrane), plus a string of ne'er-do-wells often backed by the scheming Hogg.
La semaine verte 1971
The Croods: Family Tree 2021
Two very different families join forces to create a new community, an us-against-the-world, cave person co-op on the most amazing farm in the history of prehistory!
Quem Quer Namorar com o Agricultor? 2019
Five farmers look for love. The suitors will have to carry out various tests related to the world of agriculture in order to win the heart of each farmer.
Arrive en campagne 2016
Clarkson's Farm 2021
Follow Jeremy Clarkson as he embarks on his latest adventure, farming. The man who on several occasions claims to be allergic to manual labour takes on the most manually labour intensive job there is. What could possibly go wrong?
Heartland Docs, DVM 2020
In picturesque rural Nebraska, the husband and wife veterinary team of Drs. Ben and Erin Schroeder cares for the region's many animals in need.
Maryland Farm & Harvest 2013
Hosted by Joanne Clendining, Maryland Farm & Harvest takes viewers around the state to see and experience what it's like to run a 21st century farm – from technological advances and conservation challenges to age-old complications such as weather hardships. MF&H also captures the number one reason why planters and growers dedicate themselves to it all: their simple love of farming.