Izotz Aroa: Dinosauroen Egunsentia

Izotz Aroa: Dinosauroen Egunsentia 2009


Hemen ditugu berriro ere "Izotz Aroa" eta "Itzoz Aroa 2:Urtze Aldia" filmetako lagunak, historiaurreko abenturarik ikusgarrienean. Oraingo honetan Mannyk eta gainerakoek mundu galdu bat aurkitu dute. Mundu horretan dinosauro bitxi batzuk bizi dira, besteak beste tiranosauro erretxin bat, Sidekin garbitu gabeko kontu bat daukana. Bestetik, Scrat txora-txora eginda dago Scratterekin, baina... zein dira Scratteren benetako asmoak: Scrati bihotza lapurtzea, ala ezkurra lapurtzea?


Twelve Monkeys

Twelve Monkeys 1995


2035ean, James Cole kondenatua gogoz kontra denboran atzera bidaltzeko boluntarioa da, lurreko ia populazio osoa desagerrarazi eta bizirik atera zirenak lurpeko komunitateetara behartu zituen birus hilgarri baten jatorria ezagutzeko. Baina Cole oker 1990era bidali beharrean 1996ra bidaltzen dutenean, atxilotu eta buruko ospitale batean giltzapetu dute. Bertan Kathryn Railly doktorea psikiatra eta Jeffrey Goines pazientea ezagutuko ditu, birusen aditu ospetsu baten semea, zeinak izan lezakeen giltzarria talde malkartsu misteriotsuaren, 12 Tximinoen Armada, gaixotasun hiltzailea askatzeko arduraduna dena.



Pi 1998



The Fall of the House of Usher

The Fall of the House of Usher 2023


Ruthless siblings Roderick and Madeline Usher have built Fortunato Pharmaceuticals into an empire of wealth, privilege and power. But past secrets come to light when the heirs to the Usher dynasty start dying at the hands of a mysterious woman from their youth.



Gannibal 2022


After causing a major incident, police officer Daigo Agawa takes his wife and daughter to live in the remote mountain village of Kuge. It seems the perfect place to recover from the ordeal, despite the mysterious disappearance of a previous officer posted there. One day, the body of an old woman is found on the mountain. The Goto family says she was attacked by a bear, but Daigo notices a human bite mark. It soon becomes clear that not all is as it seems in the village.


My Crazy Ex

My Crazy Ex 2015


Extraordinary-but-true stories of past relationships that went seriously awry are detailed, when one partner’s behavior goes from romantic… to excessive… and then to the extreme. Each episode follows the intrepid souls who venture out in search of love, but end up in a desperate search for escape.