Paul Marquardt Golden Gloves Mad Holiday The Devil-Doll Three Godfathers The Women Men Marry پسران صحرا The Sign of the Cross ربکا Blonde Venus Kind Lady The Magnificent Yankee A Farewell to Arms Fury Captains Courageous The Night Is Young Boys Town Double Wedding نیمروز Down the Stretch Miss Pacific Fleet چه زندگی شگفتانگیزی Sporting Blood The Kid From Texas D.O.A. The Women The Forgotten Step A Wicked Woman Jeopardy Rackety Rax The Cuban Love Song Untamed Dakota Lil China Seas Lions on the Loose Susan Lenox (Her Fall and Rise) A Failure at Fifty Champagne for Caesar Madame X Wild and Woolly The Secret of Madame Blanche رودخانه سرخ Trained Hoofs The Perfect Tribute Out of Darkness My Six Convicts Manhattan Melodrama Conquest The Bride Wore Red City of Children Whistling in the Dark The Shining Hour Mannequin Murder in the Fleet Utopia of Death One Against the World The Garden Murder Case Football Thrills of 1937 Mad Love Babes in Arms Midnight Mary Hail the Conquering Hero جادوگر شهر اُز Red Light