Bill Lenny Dangerous Davies: The Last Detective جاسوسان کجا هستند Dracula قمارخانه رویال The Snorkel Pope Joan Florence Nightingale The Full Treatment Funny Money The Beauty Jungle Dentist on the Job Dentist in the Chair The Day the Earth Caught Fire The Steel Bayonet Life Is a Circus The Abominable Snowman 80,000 Suspects Jigsaw The Camp on Blood Island Ike Mask of Dust عروسکی روی زنجیر Confessions of a Window Cleaner Further Up the Creek It's Trad, Dad! The Stranger Came Home Expresso Bongo Mackenna's Gold Cromwell پل را بالا نکش ، رودخانه را پایین بیاور The Mouse on the Moon Break in the Circle