Reginald Rose ۱۲ مرد عصبانی ۱۲ مرد عصبانی غازهای وحشی Whose Life Is It Anyway? 12 Angry Men Crime in the Streets Crime in the Streets Man of the West The Man in the Net Wild Geese II The Challenge گرگ های دریایی Dino The Rules of Marriage Twelve Angry Men The Defender (Studio One) Who Dares Wins ۱۲ مرد عصبانی 12 Angry Men A Marriage of Strangers Escape from Sobibor Tragedy in a Temporary Town Dvanásť nahnevaných mužov সত্যি বলে সত্যি কিছু নেই एक रुका हुआ फैसला Die zwölf Geschworenen Tragedy in a Temporary Town Stranger on the Run Douze hommes en colère The Kill Somebody Killed Her Husband Thunder on Sycamore Street My Two Loves Doce hombres sin piedad Tolv edsvorne menn 12 O veredicto