Perskooppi pystyyn

Perskooppi pystyyn 1996


Komedia itsepäisestä armeijan upseerista, joka rangaistukseksi saa komennettavakseen rähjäisessä kunnossa olevan dieselvetoisen sukellusveneen ja surkean miehistön.



Stalingrad 1993


Kesällä -41 alkoi saksalaisten "Operaatio Barbarossa". Hitlerin joukot tunkeutuivat Venäjälle. Saksan sodanjohto uskoo helppoon voittoon ja mahdollisuuteen vallata Kaukasuksen öljykentät. Stalingradista piti tulla välietappi ja tukikohta matkalla hyökkäykseen Moskovaan. Totuus on kuitenkin toisenlainen. Venäläisten vastarinta on peräänantamatonta. Alkutalvella 1943, kun saksalaiset lopulta antautuvat, heidän tappionsa ovat riipaisevat. Monet asiantuntijat pitävät Stalingradin murskatappiota toisen mailmansodan ratkaisuna, vaikka sota vielä jatkuikin yli kaksi vuotta.


Fighting Spirit

Fighting Spirit 2000


Makunouchi Ippo is an ordinary high school student in Japan. Since he spends most of his time away from school helping his mother run the family business, he doesn't get to enjoy his younger years like most teenagers. Always a target for bullying at school (the family fishing business grants him a distinct odor), Ippo's life is one of hardship. One of these after-school bullying sessions turns Ippo's life around for the better, as he is saved by a boxer named Takamura. He decides to follow in Takamura's footsteps and train to become a boxer, giving his life direction and purpose. Ippo's path to perfecting his pugilistic prowess is just beginning...


Glory of the Special Forces

Glory of the Special Forces 2022


Yan Poyue, a high school student who comes from a family of soldiers. He forgoes the university entrance examinations and joins the armed police force in order to prove his worth to his father.


Drawing Sword 3

Drawing Sword 3 2020


Wang Yunshan is the leader of the Eighth Route Army Regiment. Although uneducated and hot tempered, he possess an extraordinary military mind. He dared to fight hard and taking an unorthodox strategy, he was able to win against the Japanese army.