Chungking Express

Chungking Express 1994


Chungking Express alkaa hysteerisen nopeilla, villisti kieppuvilla kuvilla. Blondiperuukkiin ja aurinkolaseihin naamioitunut kaunotar piilottaa heroiinia pakistanilaisten palkkakuriirien matkatavaroihin pahamaineisen Chungking Mansionin sokkeloissa, ja joutuu petoksen uhriksi. Samaan aikaan toisaalla: tyttöystävän hylkäämä Poliisi-223 polttaa murtunutta sydäntä molemmista päistä. Hän päättää rakastua ensimmäiseen naiseen joka astuu ovesta... Ja vielä: pikanuudelitiskin Faye iskee silmänsä toiseen poliisiin...


Sunshine Cleaning

Sunshine Cleaning 2008


Perhe Lorkowski polkee paikoillaan. Rose elättää itsensä siivoamalla ja yrittää saada elämänsä järjestykseen 8-vuotiaan Oscar-poikansa kanssa. Samanaikaisesti hänellä on suhde naimisissa olevan nuoruudenrakkautensa kanssa. Rosen nuorempi sisar Norah etsii tarkoitusta elämälleen. Hän asuu edelleen kotona, on jälleen kerran saanut potkut töistään ja kuluttaa päivänsä marihuanaa polttamalla. Joe-isä puuhastelee viimeisimmän suunnitelmansa, jonka avulla rikastua, parissa – tällä kertaa kyseessä on maustetun popcornin myyminen. Oscarin jällleen kerran jouduttua vaikeuksiin koulussa, Rose päättää laittaa hänet yksityiskouluun ja saadakseen rahat kasaan hän käyttää hyväkseen saamaansa vihjettä rikospaikkojen siivoamisesta. Tuottoisa työ, joka vaatii sekä vahvoja hermoja että itseluottamusta, varsinkin kun Rose saa vastahankaisen sisarensa Norahin kumppanikseen.


The Cleaning Lady

The Cleaning Lady 2022


A whip-smart doctor comes to the U.S. for a medical treatment to save her ailing son. But when the system fails and pushes her into hiding, she refuses to be beaten down and marginalized. Instead, she becomes a cleaning lady for the mob and starts playing the game by her own rules.


How Clean Is Your House?

How Clean Is Your House? 2003


How Clean Is Your House? is a British entertainment/lifestyle television programme in which expert cleaners Kim Woodburn and Aggie MacKenzie visit filthy homes and then clean them. The thirty-minute show is produced by Talkback Thames, the UK production arm of FremantleMedia, and airs on Channel 4 and many of its subsidiary channels. It was first broadcast in 2003 and was an immediate ratings success.


Your House Helper

Your House Helper 2018


Kim Ji-Woon was born to a lawmaker father and doctor mother. He then went on to work at a big company, but he quit his job and stopped talking to his parents. Kim Ji-Woon meets a woman and begins to work as a housekeeper at her home. While doing his job, he listens to his customer's worries and gives advice to help them solve their problems.


How Clean Is Your House?

How Clean Is Your House? 2004


Kim Woodburn and Aggie MacKenzie give a new meaning to the calling, The British Are Coming! The British Are Coming! Then they take aim on the most messy in the U.S.! You think your house is "a mess" , you have got to see this! Two very proper ladies from across the pond tear through homes in America on a mission. Some of these episodes are unbelievable and if the tips they hand out for cleaning success aren't enough, knowing your house really isn't the mess you thought it was, should be! When's the last time you polished copper with ketchup and scrubbed tubs with baking soda and lemon juice; how about fog-proofing mirrors in the bathroom with shaving cream? Tune in and find out, How Clean Is Your House?


Sort Your Life Out

Sort Your Life Out 2021


Stacey Solomon and her crack team help families transform their homes with a life-changing declutter. All of the homeowners possessions are taken to a warehouse where they will choose what to let go and what will return to their reorganised home.


Hoarder SOS

Hoarder SOS 2016


A look inside the cluttered life of hoarders. Across the UK thousands of us live our lives surrounded by too much stuff, and all that chaos could be hiding potential money makers! The average household has over three thousand pounds of saleable goods. Hoarders SOS will offer help to people living in cluttered homes and advice on how to make money from their potential goldmine while freeing up some much-needed space. Our experts will dispense top tips and invaluable advice to the 'hoarders' on what is worth selling, what they should keep hold of and those items which should have been thrown away years ago.


Clutter Nutters

Clutter Nutters 1970


Clutter Nutters is a Children's TV show produced by Ricochet in 2006 for the CBBC Channel, where two contestants battle it out to win a prize and at the same time, tidy their bedrooms.