American Beauty

American Beauty 1999


Lester ja hänen vaimonsa Carolyn Burnham ovat anonyymillä lähiöalueella asuva, tavalliselta vaikuttava pariskunta, jonka avioliitto on hitaasti, mutta varmasti hajoamassa, käynnistäen muutosten myrskyn heidän täydelliseltä vaikuttavassa naapurustossaan.


Don Jon

Don Jon 2013


Jon Martellon elämä näyttää täydelliseltä: hänellä on täydellinen asunto, täydellinen auto, täydellinen perhe, täydellinen seurakunta – ja liuta täydellisiä naisia. Kaverit kutsuvat miestä lempinimellä Don Jon, koska baarista nuorukainen nappaa mukaansa pelkkiä täyden kympin naisia. Joka ikinen viikonloppu. Mutta upeinkaan nainen ei vedä vertoja ylimaalliselle autuudelle, jonka Jon saavuttaa istuessaan yksin tietokoneensa ääressä – pornoa katsoen.



Warrior 2011


Menneisyytensä piinaama entinen merijalkaväen sotilas Tommy Riordan palaa kotiin ja pistäytyy visiitille isänsä, toipuvan alkoholistin ja entisen valmentajansa luo, pestaten tämän koutsaamaan itseään tulevaan MMA-turnaukseen, jonka palkintorahat ovat historiallista luokkaa. Tommyn vieraantunut veli, Brendan, entinen MMA- ammattilainen, jonka opettajan palkkiot eivät riitä perheen elättämiseen, ilmoittautuu samaan turnaukseen. Törmäyskurssille ajautuneiden veljesten on viimein kohdattava menneisyys, joka repi heidän välinsä riekaleiksi, samalla kun he taistelevat – ottelu kerrallaan – kaikkien aikojen vaativinta ja vaarallisinta turnausta, jossa vain voittaja puhdistaa pöydän.



Gattaca 1997


Koska Vincent syntyi luonnollisella tavalla maailmaan, jossa vanhemmat voivat valita lastensa geneettiset ominaisuudet, hän on toisen luokan kansalainen. Vincent ei kuitenkaan suostu hyväksymään sitä, vaan päättää toteuttaa unelmansa: tulla valituksi astronautiksi Gattacaan ja päästä tutkimaan avaruutta. Hän ostaa itselleen uuden identiteetin ja sen kautta mahdollisuuden toteuttaa unelmansa. Unelman, joka uhkaa maksaa hänen henkensä...


Learn to Grow Old

Learn to Grow Old 2019


Learning to age gives a new meaning to old age, not as the end of life, but the beginning of a new stage that we can design to be enriching and enjoyable.


The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser 2004


The Biggest Loser features obese people competing to win a cash prize by losing the highest percentage of weight relative to their initial weight.


How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?

How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift? 2019


Hibiki Sakura is your average high school girl, with a voracious appetite. Noticing her clothes tightening in lieu of her slowly expanding waistline she decides to look into enrolling in the nearby gym. There she runs into a girl from her grade named Souryuuin Akemi. Akemi, who has a muscle fetish tries to get Hibiki to enroll in the gym despite its high ratio of macho men. Thankfully a beautiful trainer, Machio, appears and unknowingly convinces her to enroll and start her quest to a great body.


Hey Duggee & Joe Wicks - The Workout Badges

Hey Duggee & Joe Wicks - The Workout Badges 2021


The brilliant Joe Wicks joins Duggee and the squirrels to teach kids how to exercise and keep fit! In each episode, the kids try to win a different badge all while doing simple exercises. Will you be able to win a badge too? You won’t know unless you try!


Michael Mosley's Science of You

Michael Mosley's Science of You 2011


Journalist, Physician, Producer, TV Presenter – Michael Mosley is a multi-talented communicator of bold and original ideas. With insight, intelligence and passion, the creator of the landmark series Inside the Human Body takes you on a fascinating journey through the mysterious worlds of biology and medicine.


Jillian Michaels: 10 Minute Body Transformation

Jillian Michaels: 10 Minute Body Transformation 2016


Jillian Michaels’ 10 Minute Body Transformation is designed to get you incredible results in less time. Jillian created 5 insanely effective 10-minute workouts each comprised of a different modality, so whether you have an hour to exercise or only 10 minutes, the 10 Minute Body Transformation has you covered. Each workout is completely different so you stave off boredom and prevent plateaus. Exciting variety. Amazing results. Less time.


How to Be Behzinga

How to Be Behzinga 2020


Once a poster boy for poor health, Ethan Payne (aka Behzinga) has turned his life around. His biggest challenge yet, the London Marathon, has been cancelled- so what will he do next?


Jillian Michaels: Killer Abs

Jillian Michaels: Killer Abs 2012


Are you self-conscious about your abs? Do you want to annihilate belly fat and banish the "muffin top" permanently? Or maybe you want to take your body to the next level - a high performance machine with wicked tight abs to die for. If any of this applies to you, Jillian Michaels Killer Abs will help you make your goals a reality with three quick fun workouts that deliver visible results fast. These 30-minute workouts progress in difficulty providing something for everyone from beginner to state of the art athlete.


Jillian Michaels: Killer Buns & Thighs

Jillian Michaels: Killer Buns & Thighs 2011


Do the saddlebags on your legs make you insane? Do you loathe wearing shorts because of saggy knees or flabby thighs? Have you avoided skinny jeans like the plague? Or do you just want to go from good shape to great shape and rock a bikini with the best of them? Well no matter what point you are starting out from, if you want to get your lower body in sick, crazy, amazing shape, Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs promises to deliver with three fat-blasting booty-sculpting workouts that will get you results fast! These 30-minute workouts range in difficulty level in order to provide something for everyone from beginners to the most advanced athletes. So what are you waiting for? Get started with Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs today to get the rockin booty and ripped thighs you've always wanted.


Run Run Revolution

Run Run Revolution 1970


Series following 10 inactive middle school students as they train to run in the youth section of the Boston Marathon. The stars, however, are the kids themselves. They are the faces of the next generation of Canadians, one whose state of health need not be dictated by fast-food and video games. --By Joe Woodward



Mousercise 1970


A kids' exercise program featuring the iconic mouse, and host, Kellyn and friend, Steve. The show offered exercise routines and health tips set to popular, classic, Disney tunes.


21 Day Fix Extreme

21 Day Fix Extreme 2019


Get seriously shredded in the shortest time possible with 21 Day Fix EXTREME, created by Autumn Calabrese. This breakthrough 21-day fitness and nutrition program combines simple portion control, clean eating, and extreme 30-minute workouts to deliver a body that is hard, lean, and defined.