Avainsana Sexuality
Young Hearts 2024
Hotel Desire 2011
Queer 2024
Kellopeliappelsiini 1971
Knallipäisen huligaanin Alexin matka moraalittomasta pikkurikollisesta aivopestyksi kunnolliseksi kansalaiseksi ja takaisin hulttioksi.
I Saw the TV Glow 2024
Q 2011
Love 2015
Aamuvarhaisella, tammikuun ensimmäisenä päivänä Murphyn puhelin soi. Hän nousee vuoteestaan nuoren vaimonsa viereltä, kantaa kaksivuotiaan poikansa vanhempien sänkyyn ja kuuntelee viestin vastaajastaan. Viestin jättäjä on Murphyn entisen tyttöystävän Electran äiti, joka on huolissaan tyttärestään. Tämä on ollut kateissa jo jokin aikaa, ja äiti pelkää jotain pahaa tapahtuneen. Loputtomalta tuntuvan päivän aikana Murphy istuu yksin asunnossaan miettien myrskyisää romanssiaan Electran kanssa. Niitä kahta vuotta intohimon paloa, rajojen etsintää, ja virheitä jotka maksoivat Murphylle tämän elämän rakkauden.
The Dreamers 2003
Nymphomaniac vol. 2 2013
Nymphomaniac on villin runollinen tarina naisen matkasta syntymästä 50 vuoden ikään. Kertojana on päähenkilön Joe, joka on diagnosoinut itsensä nymfomaaniksi. Eräänä kylmänä talvi-iltana vanhempi hurmaava poikamies Seligman löytää Joen pahasti piestynä kujalta. Seligman vie Joen kotiinsa, hoitaa tämän haavoja ja kyselee tämän elämästä. Seligman kuuntelee tarkkaan, kun Joe seuraavan 8 luvun aikana kertoo rönsyilevän ja monimuotoisen elämänsä tarinan, josta ei kohtaamisia ja sattumuksia puutu.
9 Songs 2004
Crash 1996
James ja Catherine Ballard huomaavat, että auto-onnettomuudet ja niiden tuoma jännitys herättävät heissä seksuaalisia intohimoja. He ryhtyvät etsimään muita kaltaisiaan ihmisiä.
Minä, Simon 2018
Jokainen ansaitsee suuren rakkaustarinan, mutta Simonille asia ei ole ihan niin yksinkertainen. Kukaan ei nimittäin vielä tiedä hänen pitävän pojista. Simon on myös rakastunut netissä, eikä hänellä ole aavistustakaan pojan henkilöllisyydestä. Asioiden ratkaiseminen osoittautuu hulvattomaksi, pelottavaksi ja ennen kaikkea elämää mullistavaksi.
Juno 2007
Juno MacGuff on viileä, itsevarma teini, joka ottaa yhdeksän kuukauden oikotien aikuisuuteen yllätysraskautensa myötä ja ryhtyy etsimään täydellisiä vanhempia vauvalleen.
Seksiä, valheita ja videonauhaa 1989
John makaa vaimonsa sisaren kanssa. Ja Ann kulkee terapeutillaan autuaan tietämättömänä siitä, että hänen miehellään ja sisarellaan on suhde. Kun Johnin vanha koulukaveri Graham saapuu vierailulle, salat tulevat julki ja tunteiden helvetti pääsee valloilleen. Mutta Grahamillakin on omat salaisuutensa. Hän on patologinen valehtelija ja impotentti, joka saa tyydytyksensä katselemalla videokirjastoa, johon hän on nauhoittanut naisten kertomia seksuaalisia kokemuksia. Kaiken keskellä raivoaa sydänjuuriaan loukattu Ann. Etsien aitoutta ja rehellisyyttä…
Isabelle, nuori ja kaunis 2013
Nuoren ranskalaistytön kasvutarina seksuaalisesta heräämisestä ensikertaan ja haparoivasta rakkaudesta oman identiteetin etsintään. Käsikirjoittaja-ohjaaja Francois Ozon jatkaa teinikapinoinnin kuvausta keskiluokkaisten perhearvojen kautta. 17-vuotias Isabelle kokee seksuaalisen heräämisen, ja itsensä etsiminen johdattaa hänet, koulunkäynnin ohessa, prostituoiduksi.
The Piano 1993
Mykkä Ada myydään 1800-luvun lopulla vaimoksi Uuteen-Seelantiin. Kommunikaatio-ongelmista kärsivä avioliitto alkaa huonosti, kun jäyhä maatilallinen luovuttaa pois Adan rakkaan pianon. Saadakseen soittimensa takaisin nainen alkaa myydä hellyyden hetkiä pianon hankkineelle miehelle. Holly Hunter, tytärtä esittävä Anna Paquin ja Jane Campionin käsikirjoitus palkittiin Oscarilla. Cannesista tuli Kultainen palmu.
Sexo 2001
The Power of the Dog 2021
Komenteleva mutta karismaattinen karjatilallinen suhtautuu veljensä uuteen vaimoon ja tämän poikaan pilkallisen julmasti, kunnes tapahtuu jotain odottamatonta.
Undressed 1999
A peek behind closed doors at the intricacies of modern relationships. Each episode features three different fictional stories and follows various characters to see what happened during their most intimate moments. No subject is too taboo. All the stories have one very important thing in common, though: someone inevitably gets undressed.
Masters of Sex 2013
William Masters and Virginia Johnson are real-life pioneers of the science of human sexuality. Their research touched off the sexual revolution and took them from a midwestern teaching hospital to the cover of Time magazine and multiple appearances on Johnny Carson's couch. He is a brilliant scientist out of touch with his own feelings, and she is a single working mother ahead of her time. The series chronicles their unusual lives, romance, and unlikely pop culture trajectory.
My Husband's Lover 2013
The story of Vincent Soriano who got his girlfriend Lally pregnant while they were still in college. They decided to get married even if Vincent's mother Elaine was very much against it. But unknown to Lally, Vincent is keeping a secret from her - a secret he kept from everyone else ever since he was young.
Sense8 2015
One gunshot, one death, one moment out of time that irrevocably links eight minds in disparate parts of the world, putting them in each other's lives, each other's secrets, and in terrible danger. Ordinary people suddenly reborn as "Sensates."
Baby Reindeer 2024
When a struggling comedian shows one act of kindness to a vulnerable woman, it sparks a suffocating obsession which threatens to wreck both their lives.
Three Women 2024
Three women from different walks of life take radical steps to explore their true desires, while struggling to emerge from a prison of expectations. A writer, grieving her own loss, persuades each of them to tell her their stories.
Playing It Straight 2005
The reality game show that throws down the ultimate gaydar gauntlet, with money at stake for the man who can 'play it straight'.
We're Here 2020
Small-town residents from across America are recruited and trained to participate in a one-night-only drag show. In each episode, former RuPaul’s Drag Race contestants Bob the Drag Queen, Eureka O’Hara and Shangela Laquifa Wadley will help prepare their “drag daughters” by teaching them how to step outside of their comfort zones.
Nos hemos liado 2022
Sarazanmai 2019
After accidentally breaking a statue of the guardian god of the Asakusa district, middle school students Kazuki, Toi and Enta are transformed into kappas -creatures from japanese folklore- by Keppi, self-proclaimed prince of the Kappa Kingdom. If they want to regain their human form, they must collect the five Dishes of Hope for him, which fulfill the wishes of whoever possesses them. To do so, they will fight against the kappa-zombies and extract their "shirikodama", the mythical organ containing humans' deepest desires. Two policemen, Reo and Mabu, are the ones behind this evil scheme, turning humans into zombies as agents of the Otter Empire, enemy of the Kappa Kingdom since ancient times. In the guise of "Kappazon, Inc.", they control society by manipulating the desires of the masses for their own goals. To succeed in their mission, the boys must be connected through the "Sarazanmai", revealing their most intimate secrets in the process...
The Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo 2016
A wondrous story of the complexities of relationships, friendly and romantic that blurs the lines of expected tropes through random comedy and realistic, interconnected interactions.
Wild Wild Country 2018
When a controversial cult leader builds a utopian city in the Oregon desert, conflict with the locals escalates into a national scandal.
Teenagers 2014
A web series that depicts the intersecting lives of several off-beat 21st century teenagers.
Gaycation 2016
Elliot and his best friend Ian set off on a personal journey to explore LGBTQ cultures around the world. From Japan to Brazil, Jamaica to America, they discover the multiplicity of LGBTQ experiences, meeting amazing people and hearing their deeply moving stories of struggle and triumph. Gaycation celebrates the state of LGBTQ identities across the globe.
Planet Sex with Cara Delevingne 2022
On this immersive journey, Cara Delevingne puts her mind and body on the line in search of answers regarding human sexuality, its joys, mysteries, and constantly changing nature. In every episode, she shares her own personal experiences. Uniquely unfiltered and authentic, there's no limit on how far Cara's willing to go to explore what makes us all human.
Rinko-san Wants to Try 2021
Rinko Amaki is a successful 27-year-old woman who works at a busy wedding planning agency. She excels at her job to such an extent that she is promoted to lead her unit. She is popular, beautiful, and hard-working, but there is just one thing that frustrates her: Despite being surrounded by loved-up couples and romance all day at work for years, she is still single. And on top of that, she has never made love. She wants to lose her virginity, but has never found the right man. In a twist of fate, her male co-worker Gen Kamisaka, another wildly successful wedding planner is in the exact same predicament. Also aged 27, he has never had any intimate relations with a woman. The duo, having discovered they share the same “problem,” decides to do something about it. But they soon discover that work and physical intimacy are not easy to balance. And while they might have initially envisaged a quick and fuss-free fling, Cupid might have other plans for them...
The Big Sex Talk 2022
The Big Sex Talk challenges Canadians' ideas about gender and sexuality, explains new vernacular, and debunks all the myths surrounding sex.
Sex Around the World 2011
Did you know that Australians have more outdoor sex than any other country? Or Brazilians are obsessed with bum shaking? From sexual fantasy to polygamy, this documentary series reveals how the one thing that everyone has in common means something different in every country around the world.
Broke Straight Boys 2014
A reality-based docu-series that explores the world of “Gay for Pay,” a term used to describe when straight men do gay porn for money.
Sexplora 2016
Discover everything there is to know about that three letter word that turns us all on: SEX.