Guillermo del Toron Pinokkio

Guillermo del Toron Pinokkio 2022


Elokuva sijoittuu 1930-luvulle Italiaan ja kertoo Gepettosta, joka on menettänyt poikansa ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa. Noin kymmenen vuotta myöhemmin hän nikkaroi itselleen puisen pojan, joka saa nimekseen Pinokkio.


Kotka on laskeutunut

Kotka on laskeutunut 1976


1943. Berliinin suurtapaamisessa Hitlerille esitellään rohkea suunnitelma, joka tulisi muuttamaan koko II Maailmansodan lopputuloksen. Natsi-Saksan korkea-arvoinen upseeri on saanut Himmleriltä tehtävän suunnitella ja toteuttaa Churchillin kidnappaamisen. Tehtävän suorittamaan käytännössä valitaan vankeustuomion saanut ja sen myötä mitalinsa ja sotilasarvonsa menettänyt natsieversti Kurt Steiner, joka yhdessä miestensä sekä irlantilaissyntyisen, mutta sittemmin Saksaan muuttaneen Liamin kanssa tulisi mennä pieneen rannikkokylään, jonne Churchillin on tarkoitus saapua lomailemaan huvilalleen. Marraskuun kuudentena päivänä brittiläisten maaperälle laskeutuu puolalaissotiladen univormuihin pukeutunut laskuvarjojääkärijoukkue eversti Steinerin johdolla. Himmlerille lähetetään lyhyt viesti: ”Kotka on laskeutunut!”.


M – Son of the Century

M – Son of the Century 2025


Based on the book "M. Il Figlio del Secolo", this series follows the rise of power of Benito Mussolini, from 1919 to the assassination of Giacomo Matteotti.


The World Wars

The World Wars 2014


The story of three decades of war told through the eyes of various men who were its key players: Roosevelt, Hitler, Patton, Mussolini, Churchill, Tojo, DeGaulle and MacArthur. The series examines the two wars as one contiguous timeline starting in 1914 and concluding in 1945 with these unique individuals coming of age in World War I before ultimately calling the shots in World War II.


Benito: The Rise and Fall of Mussolini

Benito: The Rise and Fall of Mussolini 1994


After rapidly ascending the ranks of the Socialist Party, Benito Mussolini created a Fascist state in 1920s Italy through his use of propaganda and diplomacy and led his people in a bloody war that would ultimately result in his downfall.


Inspector De Luca

Inspector De Luca 2008


Between 1938 and 1948, from the height of Italy s Fascist regime to the end of the tumultuous post-war period, Chief Detective De Luca investigates and solves crimes in the City of Bologna and along the Adriatic coast. With little or no regard for those in power, whoever they happen to be, his solitary, uncompromising character often lands him in trouble, but his respect is reserved for the truth and justice alone. In the four TV movies of the series Unauthorized Investigation , Carte Blanche , The Damned Season and Via Della Oche each taken from a novel by best-selling mystery Carlo Lucarelli Chief Detective De Luca always ultimately gets to the bottom of his cases, though what he finds leaves a bitter aftertaste.


World War II: Battlefield Europe

World War II: Battlefield Europe 2020


Designed in partnership with HISTORY and using a distinctly European perspective, this series offers a fresh lens through which to study the European Theater’s major battles, larger-than-life personalities, twists of fate, and tales of intrigue. You’ll uncover the strategic decisions behind Operation Barbarossa, D-Day, the Battle of the Bulge, the invasion of Italy, the fall of Berlin, and more.


1914-1945: They Made History

1914-1945: They Made History 2016


Between 1914 and 1945, two major conflicts engulfed the planet. Among the combatants of the First World War, eight men would play a decisive role in the next one.