Rich Webber Shaun the Sheep: The Flight Before Christmas Shaun The Sheep: Spring Lamb Button Shaun The Sheep: Happy Farmer's Day Late Lammas -elokuva Shaun the Sheep: One Giant Leap for Lambkind Late Lammas ja villit laamat Shaun the Sheep: Party Animals Shaun the Sheep: Shear Madness Luolamies Late Lammas -elokuva: Farmageddon Sleepy Sleepy Kananlento Button Button Bench Bench Sleepy Len's Lens Shaun the Sheep: One Giant Leap for Lambkind Shaun the Sheep: Party Animals Shaun the Sheep: Shear Madness Dastardly & Muttley in 'Press the Red Button' Late Lammas Angry Kid Shaun the Sheep: Mossy Bottom Shorts