Gino Corrado Rebekka Vihan hedelmät Auringonnousu One Night of Love Mr. Smith lähtee Washingtoniin The Talk of the Town Dodsworth End of the Road Beyond the Rocks The Ten Commandments Mr. Deeds Goes to Town Bluebeard's Eighth Wife Pelkkää harmia My Sister Eileen Without Mercy Yolanda and the Thief The Last Parade Flying Down to Rio Men The Mask of Dimitrios The Dead Line Moon Over Miami Broadway Melody of 1938 Blondie in the Dough Angel Experiment Perilous Madame Q The Lost City Secrets of Monte Carlo Orchids to You Cowboy and the Senorita Deception Pest from the West Saratoga Trunk The Great Hotel Murder Wilson Arch of Triumph Saved by the Belle Broadway Bill Rebellion I Dream Too Much Rendezvous The Countess of Monte Cristo Brute Force Flight for Freedom Butch Minds the Baby The Ordeal The Emperor's Candlesticks Under Your Spell San Quentin Bedside The Petty Girl Micro-Phonies Wonder Bar Calendar Girl I Dood It Fight for Your Lady The One Woman Idea Sing Sing Nights Mama Steps Out That's My Line An Ache in Every Stake Hoi Polloi He Was Her Man Humoresque I Conquer the Sea! Remember? That Hagen Girl Doctor Rhythm That Night in Rio Three Coins in the Fountain Dramatic School Tappajat The Spanish Dancer Bitter Sweet Casanova's Big Night The Good Fairy Charlie Chan in Paris Obey the Law The Volga Boatman The Iron Mask Café Metropole Casablanca A Roman Scandal Una nueva y gloriosa nación Modern Youth The Flames of Chance Down to Earth Somewhere I'll Find You Señor Americano Song of the Caballero Restitution Tide of Empire The Great Lover They Got Me Covered La Bohème Lord Byron of Broadway Navy Blues Wintertime Cornered Doughnuts and Society Stolen Holiday Zorron merkki Midnight Blood and Sand Careless Lady Swing High, Swing Low Kansalainen Kane I Walk Alone Expensive Husbands City in Darkness Broadway Gondolier Top Hat His Greatest Gamble Adam's Rib Stars Over Broadway Words and Music Picture Snatcher Hired Wife Devil's Island The Three Musketeers Wife, Husband and Friend Never Say Die Another Thin Man Tuulen viemää Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation Beau Geste Lady of the Tropics The Coast Patrol An Innocent Affair The Oregon Trail To Each His Own Hallelujah, I'm a Bum Street of Women Forced Landing I Married a Witch Kiihko House of Frankenstein An American in Paris The Country Doctor Espionage Oh, Sailor, Behave! Diktaattori Seikkailu San Franciscossa Torchy Blane in Panama An Angel Comes To Brooklyn Second Chance Nora Prentiss Those Who Dance It Happened in Flatbush A Notorious Affair Brother Orchid Daughter of Shanghai Rose of the Rio Grande The Invisible Wall Fazil Arpinaama Paris Calling This Is the Night This Is My Affair The Great Sinner Her Bridal Night-Mare Breakdowns of 1941 Suvaitsemattomuus I Sell Anything Ulkomaankirjeenvaihtaja The House Across the Bay Dance, Girl, Dance Kitty Foyle One Touch of Venus New Moon Beyond Tomorrow The Keyhole Down Argentine Way Take a Letter, Darling Miss Pacific Fleet The Merry Widow The Catman of Paris Passkey to Danger The Girl from Scotland Yard I Live My Life Diamond Jim A Shot in the Dark Give Us This Night Lady from Louisiana Paradise Canyon My American Wife Rascals Jäähyväiset aseille A Day at the Races Possessed Trouble in Paradise Fall In Oh, for a Man! Viva Villa! Break of Hearts That's Entertainment, Part II The Amateur Gentleman A Two Cylinder Courtship Exit Quietly Two Sisters from Boston Chained The Desert Song Grand Slam The Thrill Chaser Kiss Me Again Mission to Moscow The Widow from Monte Carlo Uneasy Payments The Velvet Hand The Devil's Skipper The Rose of Paris Bardelys the Magnificent One More River Dishonored Lady A Bell for Adano A Song to Remember Road to Rio My Woman The Bride Wore Red Romance on the High Seas Assignment: Paris Ei rikkautta, vaan rakkautta Come and Get It The Great Lie Ilta oopperassa Suddenly It's Spring The Prince Who Was a Thief The Desert Flower Goin' to Town The Stratton Story The Man from Death Valley The Wildcat of Paris Flirting with Danger Sin Takes a Holiday The Cohens and the Kellys in Paris Cock of the Air