Bernard Lee 007: Elä ja anna toisten kuolla Kolmas mies Salainen agentti 007 ja tohtori No 007: Kultasormi 007: Pallosalama 007: Salainen agentti 007 Istanbulissa 007: Hänen Majesteettinsa salaisessa palveluksessa 007: Elät vain kahdesti 007: Timantit ovat ikuisia 007: Kultainen ase 007: Rakastettuni 007: Kuuraketti Valheitten talo Sir John Mills' Moving Memories Beat the Devil Dr. Terror's House of Horrors Whistle Down the Wind Saturday Night Out The Spy Who Came In from the Cold Kidnapped Sailor of the King Mr. Denning Drives North A Christmas Carol Dangerous Davies: The Last Detective Taistelulaiva Graf Spee Morning Departure Dunkirk Partners in Crime Odette Nowhere to Go The Blue Lamp Across the Bridge The Man Who Died Twice The Purple Plain The Angry Silence The L-Shaped Room Percy's Progress The Secret Partner OK Connery Avain Father Brown The Man Upstairs Appointment with Venus The Spanish Gardener Crossplot Elizabeth of Ladymead Beyond This Place Cage of Gold White Corridors Murder in Soho Once a Crook Calling Bulldog Drummond Let George Do It! Seagulls Over Sorrento The Raging Moon The Terror Spare a Copper A Place to Go High Flight Fury at Smugglers' Bay The Adventures of Dusty Bates The Incredible World of James Bond Cone of Silence Danger Within The Brain Beauty and the Beast Out of the Clouds The Man in a Looking Glass Ring of Spies Fire Down Below Clue of the Silver Key Who Was Maddox? Clue of the Twisted Candle The Share Out The Yellow Balloon The Adventurers The Frozen Limits Best Ever Bond This Man Is Mine The Night Before The Morning After I Have Been Here Before Seawrack The Outsider Last Holiday Danger Point Rhodes of Africa Gift Horse Murrain Quartet Dulcima Bismarckin tuho The Courtneys of Curzon Street The New Lot Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell Bons baisers de Hong Kong Two Left Feet The Ship That Died of Shame The Legend of Young Dick Turpin Death Becomes Me The Persuaders! Hallmark Hall of Fame The Champions King of the River Warship Man in a Suitcase The Expert Vienna 1900 BBC Play of the Month The Jazz Age Edgar Wallace Mysteries Danger Man The Human Jungle Journey to the Unknown Strange Report The Wonderful World of Disney Father Brown