Stranger Things love triangle, skateboarding, sheriff, monster, small town, experiment, halloween, telekinesis, nostalgia, friendship, supernatural, drug scene, coming of age, female protagonist, redemption, cheerleading, evil corporation, psychological thriller, single mother, parallel world, super power, missing person, missing child, nostalgic, computer nerd, government conspiracy, chief of police, teenage romance, family tension, superhero kids, teen drama, 1980s, 80s throwback, supernatural horror, suspenseful, horror, depressing, ominous Nuori poika katoaa, ja pikkukaupungin väki alkaa selvittää mysteeriä. Asiaan liittyy salaisia kokeita, kauhistuttavia yliluonnollisia voimia ja eräs outo pieni tyttö. OtsikkoStranger Things Vuosi2022 GenreDraama, Sci-Fi & Fantasia, Mysteeri MaaUnited States of America StudioNetflix HeittääMillie Bobby Brown, Finn Wolfhard, Gaten Matarazzo, Caleb McLaughlin, Sadie Sink, David Harbour MiehistöJustin Bischoff (Assistant Director), Victor Van De Velde (Visual Effects), Nix Herrera (Prosthetic Makeup Artist), Maciej Kubica (Stunt Coordinator), Tudor Jones (Co-Producer), Lea Prainsack (Visual Effects Producer) Vaihtoehtoiset otsikotCoisas Estranhas, 怪奇物语, Extraño al revés, უცნაური საქმეები, Παράξενα Πράγματα, Stranger Things: Keményebb leckék, اتفاقات عجیب, ストレンジャー・シングス, 기묘한 이야기, Чудни Нешта, Cosas Extrañas, Странные вещи, Крайне странные события, Загадочные события, ОСД, Странные дела, Zvláštne veci, Tuhaf Şeyler, Загадкові справи, Дивні дива 3, Дивні дива 2, Stranger Things 2, Stranger Things 4, Stranger Things 3, Stranger Things 5 Avainsanalove triangle, skateboarding, sheriff, monster, small town, experiment, halloween, telekinesis, nostalgia, friendship, supernatural, drug scene, coming of age, female protagonist, redemption, cheerleading, evil corporation, psychological thriller, single mother, parallel world, super power, missing person, missing child, nostalgic, computer nerd, government conspiracy, chief of police, teenage romance, family tension, superhero kids, teen drama, 1980s, 80s throwback, supernatural horror, suspenseful, horror, depressing, ominous Ensimmäinen lentopäiväJul 15, 2016 Viimeisen lähetyksen päivämääräJul 01, 2022 Kausi5 Kausi Jakso42 Jakso Ajonaika26:14 pöytäkirja LaatuHD IMDb: 8.60/ 10 mennessä 18,120.00 käyttäjille Suosio5.044 KieliEnglish ladata Netflix 4K ladata Netflix basic with Ads 4K ladata HD ladata HD ladata HD ladata SD ladata SD ladata SD ladata