Kenshin : Le Commencement 2021
Avant de devenir protecteur, Kenshin était un redoutable assassin nommé Battosaï. Après sa rencontre avec l'affable Tomoe Yukishiro, tout commence à changer pour lui.
Avant de devenir protecteur, Kenshin était un redoutable assassin nommé Battosaï. Après sa rencontre avec l'affable Tomoe Yukishiro, tout commence à changer pour lui.
En 1879, Kenshin se bat avec ses alliés contre son plus grand ennemi : son ancien beau-frère Enishi Yukishiro, entouré de ses sbires qui ont juré de se venger.
Après avoir remercié Kaoru qui tentait désespérément de l’arrêter, Kenshin se rend finalement à Kyoto. Là-bas, armé de son sabre, il va devoir faire face à son ennemi le plus redoutable jusqu’à maintenant : Shishio, l’homme que tout le monde craint. Mais c’est sans compter les nombreux alliés de Sojiro qui vont se mettre sur son chemin.
Une nouvelle vie commence pour Kenshin, installé avec Kaoru et ses amis, jusqu'au jour où il est appelé par le gouvernement : Makoto Shishio, célèbre assassin, a été trahi, brûlé vif et laissé pour mort. Survivant et avide de vengeance, il est désormais à Kyoto où il prépare un complot avec sa troupe de guerriers pour renverser le gouvernement. Kenshin se voit donc obligé d'aller contrer les plans de Shishio pour l'avenir de son pays.
À l’aube d’une ère nouvelle, le légendaire tueur Battosai décide de se retirer. Dix ans plus tard, un homme doté d’une incroyable dextérité fait son apparition. Ce combattant hors pair qui se fait appeler Kenshin rôde tel un vagabond sur les routes du Japon. Armé d’un sabre dont la lame ne peut pas tuer, il tente de protéger un idéal dans une nation plongée dans le chaos...
Kyoto, au printemps 1865. Sozaburo et Hyozo viennent tous deux d'être embrigadés, au temple Nishi-Honganji, dans une prestigieuse milice composée exclusivement de samouraïs. Sozaburo, par son aspect androgyne, trouble tous les soldats, suscitant bien des convoitises. Bien que rien dans la milice n'interdise les amours entre hommes, certains d'entre eux le désirent en secret, même si Sozaburo clame haut et fort qu'il n'aime pas les garçons. Lorsqu'on retrouve le corps sans vie d'un soldat, c'est Sozaburo qui est chargé d'exécuter le principal suspect, qui n'est autre que Hyozo, soupçonné d'avoir tué par jalousie…
Au moment de la chute du Shogun, le samourai Kanichiro Yoshimura n'arrive plus à subvenir aux besoins de son épouse et de ses enfants. L'argent qu'il reçoit de son clan est insuffisant. Par amour pour les siens, Kanichiro est contraint de quitter son petit village. Il part à la recherche d'un clan plus important lequel pourrait le payer à hauteur de ses besoins en échange de ses services.
Ryoma Sakamoto, un idéaliste japonais considéré comme étant à l’origine de la chute du régime féodale (période nommée Bakumatsu 幕末, c’est le titre original). Cet homme rêvait de permettre au Japon de s’ouvrir au monde Occidental afin de se moderniser. Mais surtout de pouvoir rivaliser avec ces puissantes nations de l’Ouest lors d’éventuelles futures batailles. Ses idées dérangent, très vite Sakamoto est rejeté de son clan puis chassé par le gouvernement qui le considère comme un rebelle. En pleine chute du régime féodal, Ryoma Sakamoto est l’ennemi de tous, aussi bien des loyalistes (soutenant l’empereur) que des inconditionnels du Shogun. (Source : Wildgrounds)
Ten years have passed since the end of Bakumatsu, an era of war that saw the uprising of citizens against the Tokugawa shogunate. The revolutionaries wanted to create a time of peace, and a thriving country free from oppression. The new age of Meiji has come, but peace has not yet been achieved. Swords are banned but people are still murdered in the streets. Orphans of war veterans are left with nowhere to go, while the government seems content to just line their pockets with money.
The year is 1863, with the story being based in Kyoto. We follow a youth named Nio who is an honest and kind soul who's considerate of his family, yet he also has a hidden burning passion for seeking justice. From the time he came across Toshizou Hijikata and Souji Okita, members from a group of hated ronin known as the Miburo, his life then takes a turn to a bluer, and clearer path. Nio, alongside the other men whose hearts burn bravely and true, step forth towards an honest path with their blue wills adorned on their hearts!
The Meiji Era was one of great renewal for Japan, where swords and killing were outlawed. However, many survivors from the time of Revolution still live, lurking in the shadows and waiting for a chance to use their killing blades again. Only Kenshin Himura, formerly one of the most brutal of killers, hopes to keep his swordsman's honor and still live in the new era.
Soar High! Isami is an anime series made by Group TAC and directed by Gisaburô Sugii. The anime is based on The Hakkenden but is set in the future. The anime was broadcast on NHK between April 8, 1995 and March 30, 1996. It is licensed by Hirameki International in the USA.
Shinsengumi! is a Taiga drama television series produced by Japanese broadcaster NHK. It was a popular drama about the Shinsengumi, a Japanese special police force from the Bakumatsu period.
In an era where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
In an era when samurai ruled Japan, the Zomen no Oni wiped out all but one member of the Shinsengumi. A top-secret replacement operation is executed to protect the security of Kyoto—seven criminals are chosen as doubles to replace the Shinsengumi while being led by Ichibanboshi, whose parents were also killed by the Zomen no Oni. Now’s their time to shine the brightest!
There were men who were passionate about being samurai. The men became samurai warriors at the forefront of the fierce battle that affected the future of Japan as part of the Shinsengumi...
Based on Tezuka Osamu’s “Shinsengumi” series from 1963. 1863, Kyoto. At a small teahouse run by his father, Fukakusa Kyujuurou lived modestly yet earnestly day by day. However, one night, that peaceful everyday life changed dramatically. His father, who had been sheltering a pro-Shogunate samurai, ends up being killed by Shonai, a Choshu samurai. Shaken with rage, Kyoujurou dashed out of the shop to pursue Shonai and his comrades, but then a man appeared, seemingly understanding Kyoujurou’s intentions, and swiftly cut down one of the samurai. Identifying himself as the chief of the Shinsengumi, Isami Kondo offered words of condolence to Kyoujurou, expressing gratitude for his father’s bravery, before departing. Determined to seek revenge, Kyoujurou resolved to enlist in the Shinsengumi. Credit : DramaClub
The arrival of Matthew Perry's Black Ships rudely awakened Japan from 300 years of isolation from the world. Men set their eyes beyond Japan and began to demand change in society. Old clashed with the new, and thus began an age of turmoil. Amidst this confusion, one group remained true to the old ways and risked their lives to preserve the traditional shogunate system. Led by their charismatic captain, Kondo Isami, the Shinsengumi upheld the code of honor of the samurai. Tales abound of the feats of men like Kondo, Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Soshi. In general, the passion and glory of these men who lived during these turbulent times in Japanese history are given exploration.
Based on the novel by Jirō Asada, the TV movie depicts the lives of the Shinsengumi warriors during the turmoil of the late Edo period.
The long-awaited live-action version of the popular series! The turbulent period at the end of the Edo period. Chizuru Yukimura, a girl who visited Kyoto from Edo in search of her missing father. What appeared before Chizuru were Rakshasa, who was engaged in a horrific work that could not be thought of as a human being, and Shinsengumi soldiers led by Toshizo Hijikata. The Shinsengumi slashes Rakshasa in an instant. However, Chizuru's father, Tsunado, had an inseparable connection with both Rakshasa and the Shinsengumi. Eventually, Chizuru puts himself in the Shinsengumi and searches for his father.
It is said that the Shinsengumi, led by Isami Kondo, delayed the start of the Meiji restoration by 10 years. This is a large-scale historical drama that tells about their life path up to the battle of Ikedaya.