Mot-clé Runaway Children
Le monde de Ludovic 1993
Ludovic, un jeune garçon délaissé par ses parents artistes, tombe amoureux de Sophie, la fille d'un professeur de piano. Ils se rencontrent dans des endroits secrets de la ville. Peu de temps après que le père de Sophie les a trouvés nus ensemble dans sa chambre, Ludovic est renvoyé chez ses grands-parents. Sophie s'enfuit de chez lui pour le rejoindre, et ils se cachent au bord de la mer et dans des bâtiments abandonnés. Une fois retrouvés, leurs parents essaient de les séparer, mais ils tombent tous les deux dans une profonde dépression.
The Happy Road 1957
Zoe 2001
The Young Runaways 1978
A domani 1999
Green Green Grass By The River 1992
Xiao Cao is a young orphan living with her cruel aunt and uncle. She has a sisterly bond with her neighbour, Qing Qing, who is being forced into a marriage with a much older man by her older brother. Desperate to escape their unfortunate circumstances, the two girls manage to run away together on the day of Qing Qing's wedding. During their escape they coincidentally meet He Shiwei, a young university student who is also running away from his family due to an arranged marriage. After a few initial misunderstandings the three decide to travel together. However, things become complicated when they encounter the Fu family, and the family matriarch mistakes He Shiwei for her son, Fu Yuankai, who died 10 years ago.