The Chef

The Chef 2021


« Magic Friday » : le vendredi avant Noël, la soirée la plus fréquentée de l’année. Dans un restaurant gastronomique de Londres, côté cuisine, à quelques minutes du coup de feu, tout le personnel est en ébullition. Mais les problèmes s'accumulent autour du chef étoilé Andy Jones et de sa brigade. S'ajoute à cela la pression constante d'une clientèle toujours plus exigeante qui menace de mener le restaurant à sa perte…


House of Spoils

House of Spoils 2024


Une chef ambitieuse ouvre un restaurant dans une propriété isolée où elle doit faire face au chaos de la cuisine, à des doutes écrasants sur elle-même... et à une présence obsédante qui menace de la saboter à chaque instant.


The Grill

The Grill 2024


C’est le coup de feu dans la cuisine du Grill, restaurant très animé de Manhattan. Pedro, cuisinier rebelle, tente de séduire Julia, l'une des serveuses. Mais quand le patron découvre que l’argent de la caisse a été volé, tout le monde devient suspect et le service dégénère.


Un festin à New York

Un festin à New York 2003


April n'est plus en bons termes avec sa mère. Elle a néanmoins fait preuve de bonne volonté cette année en se proposant d'accueillir la famille pour le dîner de Thanksgiving. Dans l'appartement new-yorkais qu'elle partage avec son petit ami, Bobby, la voilà donc qui se met aux fourneaux pour préparer la traditionnelle dinde. Mais le four est cassé, et il lui faut frapper à la porte de tout l'immeuble et rencontrer une foule de voisins sacrément déjantés, pour trouver un endroit où faire cuire sa volaille. Pendant ce temps, le reste de la famille fait le trajet en voiture. Il y a le père, Jim, qui espère passer une bonne journée ; la mère, Joy, qui se plaint déjà ; la soeur, Beth, parfaitement horripilante ; le frère, Timmy, un vrai casse-pieds ; et la grand-mère, Dottie, qui a bien du mal à se rappeler des prénoms de chacun...


Porky restaurateur

Porky restaurateur 1942


Porky utilise ses gadgets mécaniques pour préparer un repas pour un étrange petit homme, tandis que le cuisinier Conrad Cat s'occupe d'une fourmi dans la préparation des crêpes.


Yamak Ahmet

Yamak Ahmet 2011


Yamaga Ahmet works as a servant and helps his master prepare food for Ramadan. They often engage in Ramadan-related discussions.


Martha Cooks

Martha Cooks 2022


Martha Stewart welcomes viewers to her farm kitchen, where she shares favorite recipes, cooking techniques and how-to instructions.


Gourmet Makes

Gourmet Makes 2017


Pastry chef Claire “Half-Sour” Saffitz attempts to make gourmet versions of popular snacks and desserts without the hard-to-pronounce chemical ingredients.


The Backpacker Chef

The Backpacker Chef 2022


Extreme cooking in extreme places! Open the backpacks and it's our kitchen! The location and the guests are strictly confidential?! The only thing you can trust in the chaos is the backpacks. What's the special business trip dish that starts with four different bags? Starting with the irreplaceable "K-food industry's big hand" Baek Jong-won. Oh Dae-hwan, who transformed from Chungmuro scene stealer to 'National Cook Stealer'. Ahn Bo-hyun, the "Visual Main Store" that occupies not only the screen but also the kitchen. "A spoon of fun powder, please~" "Human MSG" DinDin, too!


The Kitchen. War for the hotel

The Kitchen. War for the hotel 2019


Having suffered a fiasco in the hotel business and saying goodbye to the Eleon Hotel, Eleanor retreats to Tuscany. Everything changes when the ex-fiance Dmitry Nagiyev, who is guilty of her bankruptcy, begins construction of the grandiose Resort complex in Sochi. To take revenge on the showman for all the insults, Eleanor buys a hotel that Nagiyev has his eye on, hires her ex-husband, chef Viktor Barinov, their daughter Katya and manager Mikhail Dzhekovich.


Boiling Point

Boiling Point 2023


Eight months after her mentor Andy Jones suffered a heart attack, Head Chef Carly is battling to forge a name for new London restaurant Point North alongside her old kitchen crew. With the pressure to draw in new, hungry customers and the financial squeeze to keep the business profitable, the team must find a way to manage their complicated personal lives whilst creating quality food day in, day out.


Making Perfect

Making Perfect 2019


The entire Bon Appétit Test Kitchen works together to figure out how to make the perfect version of iconic dishes through a mix of in-kitchen testing, expert wrangling, and out-in-the-world exploring.


Jinny's Kitchen

Jinny's Kitchen 2023


A spin-off of the Youn's Kitchen series. A program that shows the process of Lee Seo-jin, who was promoted from director of 'Youn's Kitchen' in the past to now a CEO/boss, opening and running a small snack & street food bar abroad.


The Chef

The Chef 2020


The “chef” follows an unemployed high-tech worker who fights to keep the talented chef relevant and starts working in the kitchen of a well-known restaurant that fights to keep its name at the top of Tel-Aviv’s super-competitive gastronomic world.


Recipes from Hell's Kitchen

Recipes from Hell's Kitchen 2017


Hell's Kitchen Sous Chef Christina Wilson walks us through some of the classic dishes cooked at the restaurant.


Lee's Kitchen Alone

Lee's Kitchen Alone 2020


“Lee’s Kitchen” is a spin-off from “Kang’s Kitchen,” which was itself a spin-off from “New Journey to the West”. Lee Soo Geun was on “Kang’s Kitchen” as a dishwasher and general kitchen helper. In “Lee’s Kitchen,” he will run the restaurant all by himself.



Babydoll 2024


1911, A graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens, Sasha Meshcherskaya returns to a small provincial town. The well-being of her family is based on her relationship with her loving uncle, the owner of the arms factory Nikolai Shumilov. Sashenka's parents: Prince Ivan Sergeevich Meshchersky and Maria Ilyinichna dream of their daughter's early marriage, and she herself dreams of a brilliant career as an architect. Wanting to please her parents, Sasha makes new acquaintances and instantly plunges into a whirlpool of intrigue, where political interests are at stake above personal passions. Cold-blooded murders and blackmail, intricacies of conspiracies, daring provocateurs eluding detection - all this captivates the enthusiastic schoolgirl, who experiences mortal melancholy from the paucity of life prospects. Without noticing it, Sasha becomes an ideal target for terrorist hypnosis.


Magnolia Workshops

Magnolia Workshops 2022


Move from inspiration into action with hand-picked experts in home, kitchen, garden and the arts. Whether you're looking to style a room, start a garden or cook a new dish, each class is designed for anyone to roll up their sleeves and try something new.



Našķoties 2020


Zane, the author of the blog and cookbook “Našķoties”, will go on a quest to find new tastes and recipes – she will visit various Latvian producers and farmers to experience, learn, taste and find inspiration for new recipes to show her viewers. When she returns to her kitchen, Zane together with her little kitchen helper Susurs will put to work the things she has learned and brought back to create some tasty recipes.


Kitchen Glow Up

Kitchen Glow Up 2024


Pro cook & designer Ellen Bennett works with homeowners to reimagine their kitchens through a chef’s eyes. With an emphasis on function, each kitchen is transformed into a beautifully designed space fit for a chef without spending a fortune.


Kitchen For Singles

Kitchen For Singles 2019


Natsuki Hayashi is a 26-year-old office worker who leaves home at 8:00 a.m. and returns home at 6:00 p.m. everyday. She is usually dressed in a suit, but when she comes home, it is her castle. She lives in a 2DK apartment complex, surrounded by the sundries she has collected since her school days. Her daily routine is to cook dinner while listening to music. All recipes are in her head. The events of the day, things that interest her, and nostalgic memories. Whatever pops into her head, she cooks it rhythmically. Muttering to herself, she lets the music take over and today, too, a new recipe is born.