Jerome Storm Lone Cowboy In the Land of the Otter The Cup of Life The Drunkard The Defense Rests Men with Wings Rainbow Ranch Beau Geste The Iced Bullet The Bride of Hate Somewhere in France The Pinch Hitter His Mother's Boy Diamond Trail The Primal Lure Mississippi The Vamp Dog Law Courtin' Wildcats The Brass Bowl The Racing Strain The Busher The Family Skeleton Sweet Adeline Wise Guys Prefer Brunettes A Desert Wooing Captain Careless Laurel Et Hardy - Deux maris, des soucis ! Her Social Value Her Social Value Children of Jazz The Siren Of Seville A Village Sleuth Bill Henry Homer Comes Home An Old Fashioned Boy Alarm Clock Andy Ladies at Ease Greased Lightning Paris Green The Madness of Youth The Rosary Hay Foot, Straw Foot The Goldfish Honor First The Egg Crate Wallop St. Elmo