Frank Launder Une femme disparaît Emil and the Detectives The Pure Hell of St. Trinian's The Pure Hell of St. Trinian's Geordie Les Belles de Saint-Trinian Les Belles de Saint-Trinian Les Belles de Saint-Trinian Prisonnières de guerre L'Étrange Aventurière L'Étrange Aventurière L'Étrange Aventurière Train de nuit pour Munich The Great St. Trinian's Train Robbery The Great St. Trinian's Train Robbery Geordie Oh, Mr. Porter! Blue Murder at St. Trinian's The Bridal Path Millions Like Us Seven Sinners The Happiest Days of Your Life The Happiest Days of Your Life The Happiest Days of Your Life Crook's Tour Kipps Folly to Be Wise Captain Boycott Where's Sally? Under the Greenwood Tree Under the Greenwood Tree Inspector Hornleigh on Holiday The Blue Lagoon The Blue Lagoon The Blue Lagoon Joey Boy Captain Boycott Londres appartient à moi Un mari presque fidèle Fortune Is a Woman Ring of Spies Twelve Good Men Left Right and Centre After Office Hours A Southern Maid Get Off My Foot Lady Godiva Rides Again Lady Godiva Rides Again The W Plan Ooh... You Are Awful La nuit qui ne finit pas Hawleys of High Street A Girl Must Live Fortune Is a Woman The Middle Watch How He Lied to Her Husband The Woman Between The Last Coupon You Made Me Love You The Wildcats of St. Trinian's The Black Mask The Young Mr. Pitt The Bridal Path Une bombe pas comme les autres Une bombe pas comme les autres Rolling Home Kinder des Glücks Children of Chance Song of Soho Hobson's Choice Keepers of Youth For the Love of Mike Old Spanish Customers Josser in the Army Geordie Educated Evans Inspector Hornleigh Goes to It So You Won't Talk So You Won't Talk Folly to Be Wise The Rake's Progress The Rake's Progress Secret d'état Prisonnières de guerre Une bombe pas comme les autres Mr. What's-His-Name? Partners in Crime Millions Like Us Soldier, Sailor The Pure Hell of St. Trinian's Blue Murder at St. Trinian's Blue Murder at St. Trinian's Folly to Be Wise Joey Boy L'Étrange Aventurière Captain Boycott Happy Partners in Crime La couleur qui tue