Charles Bennett Le Roman comique de Charlot et Lolotte Step Lively, Jeeves! Whose Baby? Charlot garçon de théâtre Fièvre printanière L'erreur de Mabel Madame Miniver America L'amiral mène la danse Narcotic Teddy at the Throttle The Captain's Christmas L'Île au Trésor The Courage of the Commonplace Charlot et les Saucisses Charlot artiste peintre A Little Madonna The Triumph of Right The Craven The Greater Love How States Are Made A Wasted Sacrifice I Live My Life The Light That Failed The Better Man Citizen Kane The Adventures of Ruth Gunga Din A Bit of Blue Ribbon All Wrong Cursed by His Beauty Deux nigauds dans le foin Chasse à l'homme The Top of New York Mabel’s Latest Prank