Minor Watson La Glorieuse Parade La Femme de l'année Charlie Chan in Paris Rue sans issue La Femme à l'écharpe pailletée Trapèze La Garce Bewitched Des hommes sont nés L'introuvable rentre chez lui Le Courage de Lassie L'Histoire de Jackie Robinson Guadalcanal Gentleman Jim Moon Over Miami Les Pionniers de la Western Union Abraham Lincoln The Falcon Out West Cupid and Three Love Incognito Day by Day Le caïd Maisie Hidden Gold My Son John Dollars-Pounds-Sense Crimes sans châtiment The Star The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Young People Birth of the Blues Une certaine femme La Bonne Combine L'Intrigante de Saratoga Angels Wash Their Faces While New York Sleeps Des cœurs humains Hollywood Classic Special Mr. District Attorney Pursuit Mary Jane's Pa Stablemates Viva Cisco Kid Boys' Ranch Gallant Sons That's My Baby! Age of Indiscretion Saturday's Heroes The Llano Kid A Southern Yankee Face to Face When's Your Birthday? Love, Honor and Behave Kiss the Boys Goodbye Fast Company 24 Hours Here I Am a Stranger The Flying Irishman The Woman I Love Happy Land You Came Along La Nouvelle Aurore Rendez-moi ma femme Frisco Lil Television Spy Yanks Ahoy Little Egypt Mister Dynamite 20 Mule Team Stand Up and Fight Henry Aldrich, Boy Scout The Hardys Ride High Les cadets de la mer News Is Made at Night Vacances de Noël Rangers of Fortune La Petite Exilée The Parson of Panamint Power of the Press Lady Tubbs The Ambassador's Daughter The Pursuit of Happiness Babbitt Passage interdit The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn La Charge fantastique Les Années sauvages Dix hommes à abattre The Longest Night Rose of the Rancho The Remarkable Andrew Touchdown, Army Annapolis Farewell Les rivages de Tripoli The Monster and the Girl Convoi vers la Russie Shadows in the Night Requins d'acier Mission to Moscow James Stewart: A Wonderful Life Pour que sonne la cloche Bombes sur Hong-Kong Roar of the Crowd Here Come the Waves Checkers Boy Friend