Allen Rivkin Are These Our Children? My Dream Is Yours Tension Ma femme est un grand homme Le tourbillon de la danse The Guilt of Janet Ames Maison de jeux de hasard Laissez Nous Vivre Kid Glove Killer Highway West Une grande bagarre It's a Big Country Le Cirque infernal Black Sheep Typhoon Prisoner of War Dancing on a Dime The Thrill of Brazil Pavillon de combat The Devil Is Driving Night World Madison Square Garden Grounds for Marriage Amoureuse Girls on the Loose Timberjack Half Angel Singapore Woman Singapore Woman The Strip Straight, Place and Show Is My Face Red? Joe Smith, American Sunday Punch It Could Happen to You Headline Shooter Love Under Fire This Is My Affair This Is My Affair The Road to Denver L'Amour en première page Cheating Cheaters Pressés de vivre Bad Boy Le témoin doit être assassiné 70,000 Witnesses Meet the Baron En marge de l'enquête Our Little Girl Champagne Charlie What Price Hollywood?