Alison Bartlett Sesame Street: Friends to the Rescue Sesame Street Stays Up Late! Sesame Street: Three Bears and a New Baby The Innkeepers Sesame Street: 40 Years of Sunny Days Sesame Street: Elmo Saves Christmas Karaoke! Sesame Street: Rock & Roll! Corn Sesame Street: Elmo Visits the Doctor Sesame Street: Elmo's Potty Time Le Droit de tuer/Crime de sang Liaison bestiale Sesame Street: Elmopalooza! Sesame Street: Elmo's Magic Numbers Elmo au pays des grincheux Submission The History of Sound Sesame Street: Sesame Sings Karaoke Sesame Street | Put Down the Duckie: An All-Star Musical Special Sesame Street's 50th Anniversary Celebration Sesame Street Jam: A Musical Celebration Sesame Street: Big Bird Sings! Sesame Street 'A Is for Asthma' Crooked Lines Materialists It's Only Rock & Roll A Sesame Street Christmas Carol Les Soprano New York, police judiciaire Kidnapped La Loi de Canterbury Rescue Me, les héros du 11 septembre New York : Section criminelle The Jury Mercy hospital Golden Boy New York Unité Spéciale New York, police judiciaire New York : Section criminelle FBI