Bull's Heart

Bull's Heart 2025


Eva Stefani follows the rehearsals at Onassis Stegi and the international tour of Dimitris Papaioannou’s legendary stage work, Transverse Orientation. Her film is also a portrait of the artist in his effort to give shape and breathe life into his work.



Broadway 2022


Nelly has escaped from her wealthy and controlling family. As she dances in a strip club, she meets Markos, a small yet charismatic gangster, who helps her run away from her stepfather’s henchmen. Markos soon becomes her protector and lover. He brings her into Broadway, Athens, an abandoned entertainment complex squatted by a small community of dancers, tramps, thieves and a captive monkey. For a while, everything goes well, even when Broadway hosts a mysterious man, injured and covered with bandages, wanted dead by Athens’ most dangerous mafia. However, when Markos gets arrested and imprisoned, the newcomer will take an unexpectedly important place in the gang.



MJ 2024


Michalis or MJ is obsessed with fame, wealth and Michael Jordan. He is a trap rapper. "I am destined for greatness! I am already Number One! But why don't they love me?"


Dimitris Skyllas: Afterpop

Dimitris Skyllas: Afterpop 2022


From the Greek mountains to BBC's grand stages, the 35-year-old provocative composer Dimitris Skyllas reveals the secrets of today's music-making. The sacred musician, the party freak, and all the life in-between. A visionary gesture to break the stereotypes of classical music in our fast, pop-consuming universe.