Palabra clave Holidays
The Hating Game 2021
Stuck in Love 2013
New in Town 2009
A Family Man 2016
Hanging Up 2000
Long Weekend 1979
La Fonte des neiges 2009
Postal (O, desde la distancia eres un espejismo) 2024
"As palmeiras desta tarxeta son unha ilusión, tamén a area rosa". Esta frase, tomada dun poema de Margaret Atwood, ilumina o camiño trazado en "Postal". A medida que pasan os anos, as paisaxes transfórmanse, resignifícanse e hai alegrías que nunca volverán recuperarse. O mar e a praia que algunha vez foron os escenarios de veráns felices, amores e encontros, convertiranse en campos de concentración ou centros de detención e tortura. Ocorre en distintas épocas e lugares. Nesta peza emprendo un percorrido por algunhas das miñas obras que exploran a relación entre o testemuño, os espazos e o tempo, entablando un diálogo coa fermosa película filmada por Alejandro Segovia en 1972.
Escape 2024
Grumpy Old Santa 2023
Holiday Land 1934
Une femme à la mer 2022
Homicide for the Holidays 2016
The holidays are meant to be a time of festive cheer when family and friends come together to celebrate the season. But when family members are forced to occupy the same space for too long, the joy and merriment can often morph into anger and resentment.
Susan Calman's Grand Day Out 2021
The comedian explores the British isles in her vintage camper van, Helen, taking in some dramatic scenery, unspoilt countryside and incredible historic sights along the way.
Kamiki Ryunosuke's Filming Break 2022
Depicts how Ryunosuke Kamiki spends his days off during breaks in shooting dramas and movies.
Holidazed 2024
A neighborhood of families explore what it means to celebrate both the chaos and the joy of the holiday season.
When Holidays Go Horribly Wrong 2023
First hand accounts of what happens when a well-earned break becomes a nightmare.
Shared House 2002
Hagar lives in a shared apartment building, and every holiday she hears and comes across interesting stories related to it