Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal

Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal 2001


Harry Potter é un orfo de 10 anos que vive infeliz cos seus tíos até que recibe unha carta contendo un convite para ingresar en Hogwarts, unha famosa escola para meigallos novos. Inicialmente é impedido de ler as cartas polo tío, mais remata por recibir a visita de Hagrid, garda dos campos de Hogwarts, que o leva á escola. A partir de aí, Harry pasa a coñecer un mundo máxico que endexamáis imaxinara.


Harry Potter e a Cámara dos Segredos

Harry Potter e a Cámara dos Segredos 2002


De vacacións na casa dos tíos, Harry Potter recibe a inesperada visita de Dobby, un elfo doméstico que o vén avisar para non voltar á Escola de Hogwarts. Harry non lle dá importancia e decide voltar. Mais hai novidades á espera e unha delas é a contratación do novo profesor Gilderoy Lockhart, un grande galán que non perde unha oportunidade de falar de si mesmo. Porém, a paz da escola vai ser ensombrada por un misterio que retorna á época da súa propia fundación.


Harry Potter e o preso de Azkaban

Harry Potter e o preso de Azkaban 2004


Hogwarts vai comezar máis un grande perigo agarda: o asasino Sirius Black fuxiu da prisión de Azkabán, considerada até entón a proba de fugas, e para Harry todos os indicios sinalan cara a involucración de Lord Voldemort.


Harry Potter e a Orde do Fénix

Harry Potter e a Orde do Fénix 2007


Harry Potter volta a Hogwarts, para o seu quinto ano lectivo. Boa parte dos meigallos, no entanto, foi levada a crer que o retorno de Voldemort foi unha troulada inventada por el. Alén disto, o Ministro da Maxia impón á escola a presenza de Dolores Umbridge, unha nova e incómoda mestra que irá impor, rapidamente, as decicións do Ministerio dentro da escola, as cales deixan aos alunos despreparados para os perigos dos días que se aveciñan. Harry liderará entón un grupo de estudantes que rapidamente pasará a ser unha ameaza ao propio Ministerio.



Momo 1986



Megabeast Investigator Juspion

Megabeast Investigator Juspion 1985


Juspion's parents were killed by space pirates when he was a baby. After escaping to the planet Eijin, he is raised by a space hermit. He eventually embarks on a quest to fight the Mega beasts and defeat Satan Gorth. Hetravels from planet to planet until he finally arrives on Earth. Wearing a special suit, he has super human powers and a transforming spaceship.


Avatar the Last Airbender

Avatar the Last Airbender 2024


A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save a world at war — and fight a ruthless enemy bent on stopping him.


Avatar: The Last Airbender

Avatar: The Last Airbender 2005


In a war-torn world of elemental magic, a young boy reawakens to undertake a dangerous mystic quest to fulfill his destiny as the Avatar, and bring peace to the world.


Tai Chi Chasers

Tai Chi Chasers 2007


After a strange and devastating attack on his home, a young boy named Rai is shocked to discover he’s a secret descendent of the Tigeroids: an ancient race of peaceful beings locked in a struggle with the ruthless and cunning Dragonoids. In a parallel universe called Suhn, the Tigeroids and Dragonoids are battling furiously to recover 500 lost tai chi characters. Whoever retrieves these precious and potent symbols will possess the ultimate power to rule their realm... and destroy their enemies. As Rai hones his innate tai chi skills to fight the Dragonoids, he must find the lost tai chi and battle to become one of the champion Tai Chi Chasers!


Niko and the Sword of Light

Niko and the Sword of Light 2017


A plague of shadows has swept across the land, turning innocent creatures into terrible monsters. One champion remains to battle the darkness and return the world to the light: Niko. Armed with his magic sword and guided by a determined Princess, young Niko journeys to the Curse-ed Volcano to face the evil sorcerer Nar Est and free his people from their magic prison.


Chi's Sweet Adventure

Chi's Sweet Adventure 2016


Chi is a sweet playful kitten who’s always full of energy. She lives with the loving Yamada family. Her daily routine is to drink milk, take naps, and go walk in the park.