
בית 2009


הסרט מתאר את היווצרות החיים על פני כדור הארץ, החל באצות ועד ליונקים הגדולים. הוא עומד על הופעתו של האדם, ועל השינוי הכביר שחל עם המהפכה החקלאית. לאחר מכן הוא מתמקד במהפכת האנרגיה שהחלה עם ניצול הנפט, ובתהליכים ההרסניים שהתרגשו ובאו על כדור הארץ בחמישים השנים האחרונות. הסרט מתייחס, בין היתר, לעיור המואץ, להתפתחות התעשייתית ולסכנת הזיהום, לדלדול במשאבי האנרגייה והמחצבים,לבעית המחסור במים ובמזון, לביעור היערות, ואל חוסר השוויון הקיצוני אליו נקלע המין האנושי. עוד עומד הסרט על הנזק לכיפות הקרח בקטבים, על הסכנה הנשקפת לביצות ועל נזק שגורמים ענפי החקלאות המדורניים - חוות הבקר, ומטעי הדקלים והאקליפטוס. Home מתייחס להתחממות העולמית, לעליית פני הים והשינויים הדרמטיים במזג האוויר. הסרט מסיים במאמצים שעושה המין האנושי כדי לתקן את הנזק לו גרם.


Europe from Above

Europe from Above 2019


Using the very latest in drone and aerial photographic technology, tour across countries and their seasons, getting a unique view from above.


Japan: Between Earth & Sky

Japan: Between Earth & Sky 2018


Discover some the most beautiful sites in the Japan, the great spectacle of nature and the subtle balance that prevails between tradition and modernity.


New Zealand from Above

New Zealand from Above 2012


An aerial journey from the deep south of the South Island to the northern tip of the North Island. We discover the landscapes and meet New Zealanders who talk about their work, interests and culture.


India from Above

India from Above 2020


In India From Above, cutting-edge aerial footage reveals how India, which is at once both modern and steeped in ancient mysticism, is shaped by its developed and untouched landscapes.


Aerial Africa

Aerial Africa 2018


Aerial Africa reveals the fascinating stories you'd never find if you weren't in the air.


Austria from Above: Jewels of the Country

Austria from Above: Jewels of the Country 2016


Georg Riha is and will remain the master of aerial shots. In this series, Riha uses aerial shots only. In shootings that took several years he flew over almost all of Austria and shows the country's most beautiful places from the aerial perspective during the course of a year.


Japan from Above

Japan from Above 2018


Enjoy a bird's-eye view of Japan's amazingly diverse landscapes, as well as intimate portraits of people leading contrasting lives.


Russia From Above

Russia From Above 2018


Natural history series focusing on the spectacular scenery and indigenous wildlife of Russia. The team undertakes a nine month venture to capture the length and breadth of the largest country on Earth from a birds eye view with the best aerial cameras in the world including locations granted film permits for the very first time in cinematic history.


Ancient China from Above

Ancient China from Above 2020


Archaeologist Allan Maca leads a team of intrepid experts on an epic adventure to solve mysteries, explore secrets and reveal amazing wonders of Ancient China like never… Read More


Egypt From Above

Egypt From Above 2019


A spectacular aerial journey across Egypt reveals how the River Nile was the key to the ancients' empire and why it is still important today.


The Pyramids: Solving The Mystery

The Pyramids: Solving The Mystery 2019


The construction of the Egyptian pyramids remains an enigma, an unsolved mystery. But today, Egyptologists and archaeologists have developed a new tool which uses aerial and satellite images to provide valuable fresh clues about the position, construction, and evolution of these edifices. This series sets out to decode the mysteries of the pyramids' construction, and to recreate Egypt as it was more than 5000 years ago.


Aerial Asia

Aerial Asia 2017


A rare glimpse of Asia’s most treasured landmarks, all seen from breath-taking heights. From busy cityscapes to natural wonders, this four-part series shot in stunning 4K captures the history and culture of this extraordinary continent and reveals a spectacular view of Asia that has never been seen before.


Britain From Above

Britain From Above 2008


An epic journey revealing the secrets, patterns and hidden rhythms of our lives from a striking new perspective. Join host Andrew Marr as he discovers how each and every one of us is interconnecting making Britain what it is today. Britain looks very different from the skies. From a bird's eye view of the nation, its workings, cities, landscapes and peoples are revealed and re-discovered in new and extraordinary ways. Cutting edge technology allows you to see through cloud cover, navigate the landscape and witness familiar sights as never seen before.


China From Above

China From Above 2015


China is a land of immense scale and diversity, an ancient civilization with a fascinating history dating back thousands of years. From the monumental engineering feats of the Great Wall, to innovative and unique farming techniques, and a massive water splashing festival, you’ll discover how China has transformed its cities and infrastructure so much in three decades while still retaining its strong traditions, and how these strong traditions have shaped China’s landscape to make it uniquely recognizable and truly magnificent, especially from the air!


Iran From Above

Iran From Above 2021


Around the four corners of the country,1- The mountains 2- The deserts 3- The plains: showing Iran's most symbolic places and telling stories of it's people.


Thailand from Above

Thailand from Above 2017


Thailand is not just a vacation destination, it is a wealth of culture and beauty. From the dramatic mountains of the North to the very tip of the Malay Peninsula in the South, travel the length and breadth of Thailand in this unique aerial adventure. Discover glimmering coastlines, hidden Khmer temples, luscious mangrove forests, and the traditional majesty of Thailand's historic capital.