John Bailey Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks Rasputin: The Mad Monk Never Let Go Circle of Danger Venetian Bird High Treason להטביע את הביסמארק Journey to the Unknown The Night Won't Talk The Hostage Cairo Road So Little Time Operation Amsterdam Celia: The Sinister Affair of Poor Aunt Nora Personal Services The Franchise Affair The 14 Doctor Who: The Horns of Nimon Meet Simon Cherry VOTE, VOTE, VOTE for Nigel Barton It Happened in Soho Henry VIII The Winter's Tale Doctor Who: The Sensorites Man on the Run Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks Running Scared Kill Two Birds Thriller Department S דוקטור הו Tales of the Unexpected The Avengers האלופים 1968 Ivanhoe Man of the World The Adventures of Sir Lancelot Special Branch Van der Valk No Hiding Place Codename The Expert The Expert Nicholas Nickleby Life of Shakespeare The BBC Television Shakespeare Jennie: Lady Randolph Churchill Ivanhoe Ivanhoe דוקטור הו The Avengers Crown Court Return of the Saint Journey to the Unknown המלאך המלאך The Troubleshooters Thirty-Minute Theatre The Wednesday Play The Wednesday Play The Wednesday Play דוקטור הו The Wednesday Play The Wednesday Play Armchair Theatre Dixon of Dock Green Armchair Theatre Armchair Theatre קורוניישן סטריט שואה Detective