David McMahon Captain Fathom צלע האדם The Scarf Something in the Wind Bannerline The Case of Patty Smith Storm Warning The Bonnie Parker Story I Died a Thousand Times Best of the Badmen Inside the Walls of Folsom Prison The FBI Story O. Henry's Full House The Peacemaker Cry Danger Let No Man Write My Epitaph Don't Bother to Knock Party Girl Operation Mad Ball The Enforcer Dance with Me, Henry It Conquered the World When Willie Comes Marching Home מרד הנעורים The Deadly Mantis Glory Alley איש הציפורים מאלקטרז I Was a Male War Bride The Creature Walks Among Us Where the Sidewalk Ends The Great Sinner Off Limits The Monster That Challenged the World Hazard The Spirit of St. Louis Let's Do It Again The Sainted Sisters Peggy יצור מכוכב אחר Roadblock The Lover Pitfall The Breaking Point תחנת אוטובוס Mystery Street Darling, How Could You! מלחמת העולמות Top of the World Cowboy Maverick Wagon Train אלפרד היצ'קוק מציג