David Lewis Night of the Demons 2 Night of the Demons Leprechaun 3 Witchboard 2: The Devil's Doorway Pucker Up and Bark Like a Dog The Set Up להגיע לשם Atomic Dog לנצח את לונדון חופשה בשמש יום ברומא Halloween Party Dangerous Curves Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror תחנת שידור לקריינים מתחילים Linda Ronstadt | in Concert: What's New שפתינו חתומות Blueberry Hill Echo Base The Erskine Bridge The Sleeping Car The Compleat Al Night Angel The Stockman's Tale Chairman of the Board Leprechaun 4: In Space המקדש KH-4 Fatal Pulse Betrayal of the Dove The Proposition Killer Bud Eusébio: História de Uma Lenda The Hills Have Eyes Part 2 Pee-wee's Playhouse Christmas Special