Ralph Dawson Skybound הרפתקאות רובין הוד Hondo הארווי Island in the Sky Blonde Crazy Mr. Skeffington Ivy The Boss The High and the Mighty Larceny, Inc. Undertow The Adventures of Mark Twain Outward Bound Deported Big Boy The Desert Song Under a Texas Moon The Silk Express Honeymoon Espionage Agent An Act of Murder Rogues' Regiment Tenderloin Blackbeard, the Pirate Four Wives Free For All בן המלך והעני Ride the Pink Horse Kings Row Anthony Adverse סיפורו של לואי פסטר Lady of the Night The Mad Genius Another Dawn Jewel Robbery The Great Lie First Lady One Way Passage High Pressure Sweet Adeline My Past The Dawn Patrol The Singing Fool Manpower A Midsummer Night's Dream The Bermondsey Kid Her Majesty, Love Heartbeat The Firebird Flight to Hong Kong Blood Alley Once More, My Darling Peggy Dr. Socrates Caught in the Fog Beware of Bachelors Sealed Cargo The Spanish Main The Girl in the Glass Cage כולם היו בניי Five and Ten Cent Annie Four Mothers Experiment Perilous Something Always Happens Three Men on a Horse Beware of Married Men If I Were Single George Washington Slept Here Soho Conspiracy Girl Missing Four Daughters Daughters Courageous The Lusty Men Knute Rockne All American