Martin Wyldeck The Long Arm Exchange and Divide Just Joe Night Must Fall The Return of Mr. Moto That Kind of Girl Now and Forever The Informers Die Screaming Marianne The Hypnotist Time Bomb Timeslip Squaring the Circle The Embezzler Smuga cienia Cool It, Carol! The Scarlet Pimpernel The Oblong Box The Four Dimensions of Greta Foreign Exchange A Magnum for Schneider Eyewitness Universal Soldier Heart to Heart Street Corner The Frightened City Chain of Events Robbery The Girl on the Boat Will Any Gentleman...? Doctor in Love Spell of Evil The Bushbaby Frenzy The Devil's Pass The Sweeney Interpol Calling The Adventurer Crown Court Fawlty Towers Boys from the Blackstuff The Saint The Saint The Saint Van der Valk The Professionals