Morton Schindel Noisy Nora Where the Wild Things Are The Caterpillar and the Polliwog Joey Runs Away Сюда идет кот! What's Under My Bed? Morris's Disappearing Bag Drummer Hoff The Three Robbers The Mysterious Tadpole In The Night Kitchen Fourteen Rats & a Rat-Catcher Changes, Changes Obři Corduroy King of the Cats The Doughnuts The Great White Man-Eating Shark Rosie's Walk Picnic The Snowy Day Doctor De Soto Sylvester and the Magic Pebble Make Way For Ducklings Red Riding Hood A Picture For Harold's Room Goldilocks and the Three Bears Harold's Fairy Tale Hot Hippo The Beast of Monsieur Racine Happy Birthday, Moon The Emperor's New Clothes Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears The Pigs' Wedding The Hat Charlie Needs a Cloak The Trip Mrňous a čarodějnice The Five Chinese Brothers The Happy Owls This is Ireland Zlateh the Goat Peter's Chair Moon Man Smile for Auntie Owen Wings: A Tale of Two Chickens Whistle for Willie