Paranenormalna aktivnost 2

Paranenormalna aktivnost 2 2014


Nakon što je egzorcizmom istjerao vraga iz svoje bivše supruge, Malcolm započinje s novim životom, s novom djevojkom i njezino dvoje djece. Mladi zaljubljeni par seli se u novu kuću iz snova, i sve je baš kako treba kada Malcolma počinju mučiti nova paranormalana zbivanja.


Mrak film

Mrak film 2000


Nakon ubojstva prekrasne studentice, skupina tinejdžera otkriva da među njima postoji i ubojica. Heroine, Cindy i njezinu skupinu zbunjujućih prijatelja, terorirat će jedinstveni maskirani psihopat koji se namjerava osvetiti njima jer su ga vodili tijekom posljednjeg Noći vještica.


Mrak mrak film

Mrak mrak film 2001


Ovoga puta braća Wayans započinju priču satiričnom parodijom The Exorcista, u kojoj glumi Jamesa Woodsa u ulozi nekonvencionalnog svećenika, oca McFellyja, zaokupljenog spašavanjem Natasha Lyonne od izvanzemaljskog duha. Zatim su, bratajući priču tamo gdje su stali, braća Wayans komično se ponovno ujedinila s heroinom Cindy Campbell, koja je sada dobra studentica. Ludi profesor regrutira nju i njezinu skupinu kolega iz kolege, željan avanture i novih iskustava, za izlazak na vikend pod izgovorom provođenja znanstvenog eksperimenta. Kako se vikend aktivnosti odvijaju, kontinuirana iznenađenja održavaju zabavu.


Goli pištolj 2

Goli pištolj 2 1991


Policajac Frank Drebbin (L. Nielsen) pokušava spriječiti okrutnog Quentina Hapsburga (R. Goulet) da uništi okoliš. Naime, vrhunski znanstvenik dr. Mainheimer (Richard Griffiths), namjerava svijetu obznaniti svoje otkriće omogućem novom izvoru energije u budućnosti. Time su ugroženi tradicionalni snabdjevaći naftom i njihova industrija, stoga Hapsburg otima dr. Mainheimerai na njegovo mjesto postavlja dvojnika, s mnogo pogodnijim izvješćem za javnost. Frank Drebbin treba spasiti stvar, uz pomoć svoje stare ljubavi Jane Spencer (P. Presley).


Mrak film 3

Mrak film 3 2003


Nakon što je imala strašno vrijeme - uvijek onako kako gledate - u dvije prethodne rate, Cindy Campbell (Anna Faris) spremna je krenuti dalje. Sada je ona lijepa novinarka koja namjerava pronaći priču s kojom će se istaknuti u svijetu tako teškom kao i televizijsko novinarstvo, u kojem prevladava smeće. Ali svojim pretraživanjem otkriva da Zemlji prijeti nekoliko teroričnih slučajeva zbog kojih nečija kosa stoji na kraju.


Svemirske lopte

Svemirske lopte 1987


Lone Starr (Bill Pullman) i njegov kopilot, polučovjek, polupas po imenu Barf the Mawg (John Candy), bezbrižno lete galaktikom i uživaju u svome lagodnom životu. Nevoljko odluče spasiti druišku princezu Vespu (Daphne Zuniga) od zlog vladara Darka Helmeta (Rick Moranis) koji želi ukrasti sav zrak s njezina planeta Druidije. Zarobljeni u okrutnome pustinjskom svijetu s Vespom i njezinom robotskom pratiljom po imenu Dot Matrix (glas joj je posudila Joan Rivers), Lone Starr i Barf bespomoćni su kada Helmet dođe oteti princezu. Međutim, pomoć pristiže u liku Yogurta (Brooks), čarobnjaka koji Lone Starru daje tajanstvenu moć poznatu kao 'Švarc'. Sustižući Helmeta u trenutku kad on pretvara svoj svemirski brod u divovski usisavač u orbiti oko Druidije, neodlučni junaci pobrinu se za dramatičan konačni obračun.


Mrak film 4

Mrak film 4 2006


Mrak filma vraća se s najsmješnijim nastavkom dosad! Mrak film 4 okupirat će vaše male ekrane parodijom hitova poput "Rata svjetova", "The Grudge," "The Village," "Saw" and "Saw II," "Million Dollar Baby" i mnogih drugih. Legendarni redatelj komedija David Zucker ("Airplane!," "Goli pištolj", "Mark film 3," i "Ruthless People") i producent Bob Weiss udružili su se ujedinjujući elemente posljednjih hitova, glazbe, nedavnih događaja, pop kulture i i poznatih zvijezda. Anna Faris i Regina Hall vraćaju se kao ljupka i tupava Cindy Campbell i njezina samoživa i pohotna prijateljica Brenda – udružene ovoga puta s Craigom Bierkom ("Cinderella Man") kao slatkim, ali bedastim Tomom Ryanom. Zajedno se bore da spase svijet od nemilosrdne najezde svemiraca.


Mrak film 5

Mrak film 5 2013


Mladi par dovodi kući iz bolnice novorođenog sina i nakon toga svjedoče neobičnim aktivnostima u svom domu. Uz pomoć nadzornih kamera i tima eksperata spoznaju da ih progoni zli demon.


Ovo nije još jedan film za mlade

Ovo nije još jedan film za mlade 2001


Školska izopćenica Janey Briggs umjetnica je u usponu koji stalno nosi naočale, konjski rep i kombinezon umrljan bojom. Ona postaje predmetom oklade između sveameričke nogometne zvijezde Jakea Wylera i ljigavog Austina da je nije moguće pretvoriti u 'materijal za kraljicu maturalne'.



Superbrzi! 2015


Vin Serento i ostatak njegove družine očekuju vas u ovoj izvrsnoj parodiji na serijal filmova Brzi i žestoki. Mješavina Lancea Armstronga umjesto hrabrosti, uličnih utrka i savršeno uvrnutog zapleta, kao i mnogo više toga učinit će vam ovu sjajnu parodiju za zabavnom.


Goli pištolj 3

Goli pištolj 3 1994


Inspektor Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen) napokon odlazi u mirovinu nakon što se oženio s Jane Spencer (Priscilla Presley). Dane provodi u mirnom obiteljskom životu, ali problemi nastaju kad Jane počne sve više čeznuti za djetetom, a Frank za povratkom policijskom poslu. Upravo ga tada njegov bivši šef kapetan Hocken (George Kennedy) i bivši partner Nordberg (O. J.Simpson) dolaze zamoliti za pomoć. Njegov bi zadatak bio tajno se uvući u Statesville zatvor i sprijateljiti s opasnim kriminalcem Roccom (Fred Ward) i tako saznati koja je sljedeća meta njegovog bombaškog napada. Drebin pristaje i odlazi u akciju, a razočarana Jane mora odlučiti hoće li ga ostaviti ili ne.


Ima li pilota u avionu?

Ima li pilota u avionu? 1980


Bivši vojni pilot Ted Striker nije letio od rata, kada je njegova pogrešna presuda dovela do desetkovanja njegove eskadrile. Sada ima problema s pićem (stalno promašuje usta), a njegova djevojka – stjuardesa Elaine Dickinson – ostavila ga je. U očajničkoj želji da mu se vrati, Ted je slijedi na njezin idući let… koji strahovito pođe po zlu kada se cijela kabinska posada otruje hranom usred leta! Uz pomoć Elaine, flegmatičnog doktora Rumacka (Leslie Nielsen) i njegova bivšeg neprijatelja Rexa Kramera u zračnoj kontroli, Ted će hrabro pokušati sretno prizemljiti avion. No ima li još ono potrebno?


Povratak u zemlju zombija

Povratak u zemlju zombija 2019


Deset godina nakon što su udružili snage kako bi preživjeli zombi-apokalipsu, Columbus, Tallahasse, Wichita i Little Rock odlaze u srce Amerike dok se suočavaju s drugim preživjelima i raznim novorazvijenim zombijima.


Paranenormalna aktivnost

Paranenormalna aktivnost 2013


Malcolm i Keisha uselili su u svoju kuću iz snova, ali vrlo brzo su otkrili da nisu sami, te da u kući živi demon. Vrlo brzo Keisha postane opsjednuta, a Malcolm traži pomoć kako demon ne bi ugrozio njihov seksualni život. Tako se Malcolm obrati svećeniku, psihijatru i timu istjerivača duhova za pomoć.


Čovječe, gdje mi je auto?

Čovječe, gdje mi je auto? 2000


Nakon noćnog provoda, dva prijatelja se ne mogu sjetiti gdje su parkirali automobil. Njihova potraga značit će početak niza iznenađenja. Sve započinje kad se mladi Jesse i Chester probude jedno jutro nakon vrlo intenzivne zabave, ali nitko od njih ne može se sjetiti što se dogodilo noć prije. Jessejeva auta više nema, a sve se čini na svom mjestu, pa dvojica prijatelja započinju potragu za automobilom i tragove koji će im omogućiti da se rekonstruiraju noć prije, iako su stvarno dublje u događaje posljednjih dvadeset i četiri sata, Situacija se pretvara u divlju priču koja izgleda kao da je izvučena iz znanstvene fantastike.


Nije li romantično?

Nije li romantično? 2019


Mlada žena razočarana ljubavlju misteriozno se našla zarobljena u romantičnoj komediji.


Film o superjunaku

Film o superjunaku 2008


Drake Bell glumi srednjoškolskog štrebera kojeg ugrize genetski modificirano vretence i koji se potpuno izgubi na svom putu da postane super-junak i borac protiv zločina! Kako njegove moći rastu, tako raste i količina smijeha! Sara Paxton i Christopher McDonald glume bespomoćnu djevojku u nevolji i komičnog zločinca, a pridružuju im se Pamela Anderson i Leslie Nielsen.


Galaktička pustolovina

Galaktička pustolovina 1999


Desetljećima nakon uspjeha SF serije, pravi izvanzemaljci angažiraju njezine već ishlapjele zvijezde za međugalaktičku spasilačku misiju misleći da se radi o pravim zaštitnicima galaksije.


Cunk o životu

Cunk o životu 2024


Sarkastična autorica dokumentaraca Philomena Cunk u ovom dugometražnom specijalu zbunjuje filozofe i akademike u svojoj potrazi za smislom života.



Schmigadoon! 2021


Josh and Melissa are a struggling couple whose lives are transformed when they get trapped in a magical musical town—with a mission they must complete.


Burning Love

Burning Love 2012


Burning Love is a scripted comedy series which is a web spoof of the television shows The Bachelor, The Bachelorette and Bachelor Pad. Depending on the season, the show either follows a man or a woman who is looking for the perfect mate from a pool of contestants, or has contestants living together in a mansion competing for a cash prize. Ben Stiller is executive co-producer. Season 1 showcases fireman Mark Orlando as the bachelor. Season 2 of the series, which premiered in February 2013, stars June Diane Raphael reprising her role as season 1 contestant Julie, now the bachelorette given the chance to find the perfect man. Season 3 also premiered in 2013 and starred former contestants from Seasons 1 and 2 competing for a $900 prize rather than for love.


Trial & Error

Trial & Error 2017


A bright-eyed New York lawyer takes his first big case defending an eccentric poetry professor accused of murdering his wife.


The Detectives

The Detectives 1993


The absurd adventures of two defective detectives, who - despite unbelievable incompetence - somehow manage to solve their cases (or be nearby when the cases are solved) and retain their jobs.


The Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. 2004


Hank and Dean Venture, with their father Doctor Venture and faithful bodyguard Brock Samson, go on wild adventures facing megalomaniacs, zombies, and suspicious ninjas, all for the glory of adventure. Or something like that.


The Octopus

The Octopus 1993


The 1993 Telenorba sit-com written and directed by Gennaro Nunziante. The Show it's a parody, in Apulian dialect sauce, of the Michele Placido starring series "La Piovra" (1984) A bloody feud features two families, the Inpetto and the Sanguellatte. At the origin of it all is a wrong suffered on a Sunday morning many years earlier. Rocco Sanguellatte's mother, intent on preparing the traditional ragout, realized she lacked parsley, essential for seasoning the braciole. She then went to ask for some from across the street, that is, Freddy Inpetto's mother, who, however, apologized, telling her that she had none in the house, dismissing her. Shortly thereafter, Rocco, having met his friend Freddy, noticed something green between his teeth, identifying it precisely as parsley, thus inferring disrespect to his mother and thus beginning the tragedy.


Medical Police

Medical Police 2020


Doctors Owen Maestro and Lola Spratt leave Children's Hospital and join a secret arm of the CDC to investigate and destroy a deadly global virus.


No Activity

No Activity 2015


The nightly exploits of our boys and girls in blue, and their shady criminal counterparts, through an unfolding kidnapping investigation. Truth is, being a cop or a crook is nowhere near as exciting as Hollywood would have us believe. Long nights with nothing to do but watch and wait, and spin a yarn or two... or, in the case of these over-caffeinated, sleep-deprived souls, share way too much information about themselves, opine on matters far beyond their qualifications, and discuss topics that most would agree are strictly NSFW.


Diddy TV

Diddy TV 2016


Diddy Dick and Dom launch their own television channel.


Angie Tribeca

Angie Tribeca 2016


Lone-wolf detective Angie Tribeca and a squad of committed LAPD detectives investigate the most serious cases, from the murder of a ventriloquist to a rash of baker suicides.



Pets 2001


Pets is an adult British puppet sitcom, produced by Fit2Fill Productions Limited. It was originally aired on Channel 4 and ran for two series, the first being broadcast in 2001, and the second in 2002. It was also sold to Fox in Australia, MTV in Italy, and the Middle East. The series was created and written by Andrew Barclay and Brian West, who had previously worked together at the Edinburgh Festival, winning an award for an advert for The Jerry Springer Show, and on the sketch show We Know Where You Live. A total of 26 episodes of Pets were aired, all approximately 11 minutes long. They were shown in the early hours of the morning, and as a result, the series was fairly unknown, although it did gain a significant cult following. There was a demand on the official website for Pets to be released on DVD. Eventually a limited edition DVD was made available to purchase via the official website. As well as the two series, the DVD included two unbroadcast episodes, a clip show named "The Trials Of Hamish", and a behind-the-scenes special named "The Making Of Pets". Several episodes of Pets are currently available as a free podcast downloadable via iTunes. In 2010, a similar show named Mongrels aired on BBC3, sparking controversy between the two. The casts of characters in those two shows are almost similar as well, although Pets had four main characters while Mongrels had five. Also, Mongrels' range of locations is more diverse, while Pets is confined to a single flat.


Cunk on...

Cunk on... 2018


Landmark mockumentary-maker Philomena Cunk traces the history of Britain and Earth.


Son of the Beach

Son of the Beach 2000


A parody of "Baywatch" featuring Malibu Adjacent's Notch Johnson, the world's greatest lifeguard (hardly), and his unit SPF-30.


James Gunn's PG Porn

James Gunn's PG Porn 2008


James Gunn's PG Porn is a web series created by brothers James Gunn, Brian Gunn, and Sean Gunn. It consists of a series of pornography spoofs, with a humorous event occurring just before the supposed commencement of pornographic sexual acts. Each episode pairs a mainstream actor with a pornographic actress or model. The tagline is, "For people who love everything about Porn...except the sex." The initial web episode premiered on and received over a million hits in a week, and was featured on Entertainment Weekly's The Must List. Spike subsequently picked up the series for an additional 11 episodes.


The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window

The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window 2022


For Anna, every day is the same. She sits with her wine, staring out the window, watching life go by without her. But when a handsome neighbor moves in across the street, Anna starts to see a light at the end of the tunnel. That is until she witnesses a gruesome murder… Or did she?


SCTV Network 90

SCTV Network 90 1981


After a successful Canadian run as Second City TV on Global and SCTV on CBC, the cast packed up and moved to America (theoretically) when NBC offered them a timeslot under the title SCTV Network 90. With them, they brought their unique, quirky characters, their personalities, and the shows they had appeared on. Dick Blasucci had begun writing for the cast in their second series, SCTV, and joined them here, serving as a recurring straight man for the characters. Tony Rosato and Robin Duke wrote scripts at the beginning of the show as they had before, until quickly leaving to write and perform for Saturday Night Live. The appeal of SCTV Network 90, however, doesn't only come from the writing, but from the sheer wit of its legendary stars.


American Vandal

American Vandal 2017


A true-crime satire that explores the aftermath of a costly high school prank that left twenty-seven faculty cars vandalized with phallic images.