Jason Bourne

Jason Bourne 2016


Jason Bourne, koji se već dugo vremena skriva nakon što je razotkrio CIA operaciju Blackbriar, biva lociran od strane CIA, koji ustvrde da živi u Grčkoj. Operativci i drugi zainteresirani za njegovu izdaju pokušavaju ga pronaći zbog svojih različitih razloga prije nego što on pronađe istinu koju traži. Kako bi pronašao tu istinu, Bourne ima samo jedan trag – onaj svog oca koji govori o tome kako je bio izdan u operaciji Treadstone. Njihovi međusobni putevi presijeći će se na internacionalnom festivalu tehnologije u Las Vegasu. No, hoće li Bourne tamo napokon dobiti priliku raščistiti dugove sa svojim izdajnicima?


Nož u leđa: Glass Onion

Nož u leđa: Glass Onion 2022


Svjetski poznat detektiv Benoit Blanc u Grčkoj ljušti slojeve misterija u čijem su središtu tehnološki milijarder i njegovi eklektični prijatelji.


Aleksandar Veliki

Aleksandar Veliki 2004


Bilo je to za mnoge ljude: zgodan kralj ratnika pun ambicija, hrabrosti i bahatosti mladosti, vodio je svoju malu vojsku protiv divovskih perzijskih snaga ... sin koji očajnički traži odobrenje svog strogog oca, očvrsnuo bitka, i koji se borio između njegove odanosti tome i ljubavi prema svojoj majci ... nemilosrdnog osvajača koji nikad nije izgubio bitku i gurnuo je svoje vojnike na krajeve poznatog svijeta ... vizionara, čije su snove, podvige i sudbine ostavili njihov trag u povijesti, pomažući oblikovati naš svijet danas. Bio je sve to i više. Bio je Aleksandar Veliki.


Mamma Mia!

Mamma Mia! 2008


Meryl Streep predvodi sjajnu glumačku postavu u mjuziklu prepunom ABBA-inih hitova koji slavi majke, kćeri i očeve te izgubljene i pronađene ljubavi.


Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again 2018


Istražujući život svoje slobodnoumne majke i plešući prema svojem sljedećem životnom poglavlju, Sophie otvori vrata novog hotela Belladonna.



Kleopatra 1963


Priča prati osamnaest burnih godina koje su dovele do pada rimskog carstva. Kleopatra se sureće sa Julijem Cezarom i planira ga namamiti u svoj budoar kako bi inscenirala sjedinjenje sa Rimljanima i tako uspjela zadržaiti svoju poziciju u Egiptu. Kada Cezara smrtno rane u rimskom senatu, Kleopatra ostaje bez saveznika i Egipat je nezaštićen. Rimski general Marko Antonije priskoči joj u pomoć, a ona ga zavodi nadajući se da će tada on biti njen novi zaštitnik. Ali, zbog Kleopatrinog šarma, jedan izvanredan i dominantan general pretvara se u svoju suprotnost. Tijekom bitke kod Aktijuma, rimske trupe koje je predvodio Marko Antonije su poražene pa Kleopatra povlači svoje trupe, proklinjući Antonija i njegovu vojsku. S obzirom na to da je Egipat izložen opasnosti, Antonije i Kleopatra, nesretni ljubavnici, sureću se posljednji put dok neprijateljske trupe naviru.


Lara Croft: Kolijevka života

Lara Croft: Kolijevka života 2003


Dok zla iz Pandorine kutije haraju, ona ih pokušava spasiti. Neustrašiva britanska arheologinja Lara Croft upravo je pronašla možda i najvažnije arheološko otkriće u povijesti, čarobno svjetleće nebeske tijelo koje služi kao mapa koja vodi do mitske Pandorine kutije. Na nesreću, mapa pada u ruke zlog znanstvenika Jonathana Reissa, koji se bavi stvaranjem smrtonosnih virusa, i sadržaj kutije planira prodati kao ultimativno oružje. Britanska tajna služba šalje Laru na zadatak vraćanja vrijednog artefakta, u čemu će joj se pridružiti Terry Sheridan, bivši britanski mornar koji je postao plaćenik, a ujedno je i Larin bivši dečko. Bivše ljubavnike čeka avantura po svim kontinentima, ali i drugdje...


Prije ponoći

Prije ponoći 2013


Priča u trećem filmu Linklaterove trilogije odvija se devet godina nakon radnje u filmu Prije sumraka. Jesse i Celine sada žive zajedno u Parizu i imaju dvije kćeri blizanke. Na kraju godišnjeg odmora u Grčkoj, Jesse mora poslati svojeg četrnaestogodišnjeg sina natrag u Chicago, gdje živi s majkom. On i Celine odluče provesti jednu noć nasamo u hotelu, no umjesto da uživaju u posljednjoj noći odmora, razgovaraju o svojoj vezi i budućnosti, te preispituju svoje životne odluke, što dovede njihov odnos u pitanje.



Beckett 2021


Tokom svog odmora u Grčkoj, Beckett ce postati meta progona nakon što ga je razarajuća saobraćajna nesreća natjerala da bjezi sirom zemlje kako bi očistio svoje ime. Ali tenzije eskaliraju kako se vlasti približavaju, politički nemiri samo rastu, zbog čega Beckett pada još dublje u opasnu mrežu zavjere.


Mračna kći

Mračna kći 2021


Temeljen na uspješnom romanu talijanske spisateljice Elene Ferrante, radnja prati sredovječnu ženu čiji će se ljetni odmor uz more, nakon što postane pomalo opsjednuta mladom majkom i djetetom koje promatra, pretvoriti u mračnu sagu suočavanja s demonima prošlosti, odnosno propitkivanje sebe kao majke.


300 Spartanaca

300 Spartanaca 1962


Godina je 480. prije Krista. Moćni perzijski car Kserkso I. (D. Farrar) okupio je dotad najveću poznatu vojsku kako bi ostvario neostvarene snove njegova oca Darija i napokon osvojio Grčku. Grčke državice teško postižu konsenzus, no kralj Sparte Leonida (R. Egan) i atenski političar Temistoklo (R. Richardson) shvaćaju kako se Perzijancima mogu suprotstaviti jedino ujedinjeni. Temistoklo prepusti Sparti upravljanje moćnom atenskom mornaricom, a Leonida okupi najbolje ljude, kako bi Perzijance zaustavili u uskom Termopilskom klancu. Kratkovidni spartanski moćnici ne žele dati Leonidi svu vojsku prije okončanja važnog religijskog festivala, pa hrabri Leonida mora braniti Grčku sa svega 300 najodanijih Spartanaca.


Happy Traveller

Happy Traveller 2015


A unique travel show that combines selfie filming, POV, drone, social media interaction and more other nowadays filming approaches.


The Durrells

The Durrells 2016


In 1935, financially strapped widow Louisa Durrell, whose life has fallen apart, decides to move from England, with her four children (three sons, one daughter), to the island of Corfu, Greece. Once there, the family moves into a dilapidated old house that has no electricity and that is crumbling apart. But life on Corfu is cheap, it's an earthly paradise, and the Durrells proceed to forge their new existence, with all its challenges, adventures, and forming relationships.


So Long, Marianne

So Long, Marianne 2024


The intimate tale of two young people, Canadian singer and poet Leonard Cohen and extraordinary Norwegian woman Marianne Ihlen, falling in love during a period of their life when they are trying to figure out who they are and their place in the world, while one is becoming one of the most famous singers of all time.


Volta stin Aridaia

Volta stin Aridaia 2015


A series of mini travel documentaries around the region of Aridaia, Greece.


The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization

The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization 2000


In the fourth and fifth centuries, B.C., the Greeks built an empire that stretched across the Mediterranean from Asia to Spain. They laid the foundation of modern science, politics, warfare and philosophy, and produced some of the most breathtaking art and architecture the world has ever seen. It was perhaps the most spectacular flourishing of imagination and achievement in recorded history.


My Family and Other Animals

My Family and Other Animals 1987


Young Gerald explored his passion for the animal kingdom with his inspirational tutor, Dr Theodore Stephanides. The backdrop was sunshine, happiness and the love and laughter of a doting, slightly eccentric family


Paddy and Chris: Road Tripping

Paddy and Chris: Road Tripping 2024


Growing old (dis)gracefully? Facing down 50, Paddy McGuinness and Chris Harris are on a quest to crack the code of aging well, seeking secrets from the Europeans who do it best.


In the Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis

In the Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis 2022


In the Eye of the Storm is a six-part documentary series about one of the foremost intellectuals and political figures of our age, Yanis Varoufakis. In the Eye of the Storm begins with a first-hand account of Varoufakis’ dramatic battle with the European establishment, but goes much further to weave a gripping political narrative about the fate of our civilization: where we are, how we got here, and where he believes we must go. We see up close, through Varoufakis’ unique story, how power works at the highest levels, entering a world so often shrouded in secrecy.


The Assemblies & Constitutions of the Struggle

The Assemblies & Constitutions of the Struggle 2021


How did Greeks managed to coordinate their liberation struggle? A docudrama series that brings to life the Assemblies and the Constitutions that framed the Greek Revolution of 1821.


Years of innocence

Years of innocence 2022


“Years of innocence” signifies the return to the sports memories that have been the balm of the souls of our grandparents, our fathers and those younger people who have heard the narratives or studied the photographs of the great idols of older times. We return to the age of football, when figures of the sport emerged from a completely different setting compared to that of recent years. In this day and age, now that the era of “prosperity” has lapsed into decline, looking at those figures who excelled in conditions of extreme poverty, hunger, terror and the weight of History, offers the most exciting model for today's young people. Through football, we focus on a Greece, true but not ideal, that inspired us, that was lost and which we wish to restore in order to inspire us again, in the midst of such a gloomy juncture.


Greek Island Odyssey

Greek Island Odyssey 2020


Historian Bettany Hughes has embarked on an epic, personal journey. Inspired by Homer's The Odyssey, she will sail the unpredictable Mediterranean seas, tracing Odysseus's long journey home. Her mission: to experience what the Greek hero experienced and to uncover truths behind the myths and legends, all while enjoying the delights of ancient Greece today. Follow her 1,700-mile adventure as it takes her to over a dozen islands and 22 historic sites and puts her through two hair-raising storms and even an earthquake.


Stand Tall, Liberty!

Stand Tall, Liberty! 2021


The Greek Revolution of 1821 was an important military, social and political event. At the same time, though, it was a major intellectual event. How was the Greek state born through the havoc of the battles? Production: COSMOTE TV


About Freedom: 200 Years Since the Greek Revolution

About Freedom: 200 Years Since the Greek Revolution 2021


200 years after the Greek Revolution, this documentary revisits the key moments that led a nation to be reborn and reclaim its Hellenic identity, from the ideological factors that ignited a revolution to the battles that forever scarred it