Pedeset nijansi sive

Pedeset nijansi sive 2015


U filmskoj adaptaciji najprodavanijeg romana E. L. James, PEDESET NIJANSI SIVE, život studentice književnosti Anastasie Steele zauvijek se promijeni kada upozna mladog sado-mazo ženskara i milijardera Christiana Greya. Filmska adaptacija najprodavanijeg romana E. L. James, PEDESET NIJANSI SIVE, prati milijardera Christiana Greya (Jamie Dornan) – mladog sado-mazo ženskara i izvršnog direktora. Kada nevina studentska novinarka, Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson), intervjuira tajanstvenog, neizmjerno bogatog mladog korporativnog mogula, očaraju je njegove intenzivno erotske BDSM igre. Gonjena novim seksualnim žudnjama, Steele se nemoćno preda perverznom, dominantnom milijarderu u nastojanju da shvati njegovo stanje i izliječi njegovu slomljenu dušu.


Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 2013


U filmu Iron Man 3 koji nam dolazi direktno iz studija Marvel briljantni industrijalist Tony Stark/Iron Man suočava se s neprijateljem koji ne poznaje granice. Nakon što neprijatelj u potpunosti uništi Starkov osobni život, on kreće u sudbonosnu potragu za odgovornima. Na svakom koraku avanture njegova hrabrost biti će testirana, a kada se nađe prislonjen uza zid, Stark će morati preživjeti koristeći svoje vlastite inovacije, osloniti se na svoju ingenioznost i instinkte kako bi zaštitio one koji su mu najbliži. Dok se bori za vlastiti povratak, Stark otkriva odgovor na pitanje koje ga je potajno proganjalo: čini li čovjek odijelo ili odijelo čini čovjeka?


Nemoguća misija: Protokol duh

Nemoguća misija: Protokol duh 2011


IMF je ukinut kada ga okrive za globalnu terorističku bombašku urotu. Pokrenut je „Protokol duh“, a Ethan Hunt i njegov odmetnuti novi tim moraju ući u ilegalu i bez ičije pomoći i kontakata očistiti ljagu s imena svoje organizacije.


Nož u leđa: Glass Onion

Nož u leđa: Glass Onion 2022


Svjetski poznat detektiv Benoit Blanc u Grčkoj ljušti slojeve misterija u čijem su središtu tehnološki milijarder i njegovi eklektični prijatelji.


Dva tjedna za ljubav

Dva tjedna za ljubav 2002


Posvećena odvjetnica za zaštitu okoliša Lucy Kelson počne raditi za milijardera Georgea Wadea u sklopu dogovora o očuvanju društvenog centra. Neodlučan i slabe volje, George postaje ovisan o Lucynim uputama o svemu – od pravnih stvari do odjeće. Ogorčena, Lucy daje obavijest i kao zamjenu odabire diplomiranu studenticu Harvarda June Carter. Kako se Lucyino vrijeme u firmi bliži kraju, ona postaje ljubomorna na June i počne preispitivati svoju odluku o odlasku.



Sobar 2022


Svjetski poznata filmska zvijezda Olivia suočava se s PR katastrofom kada je paparazzi uslikaju s njezinim oženjenim ljubavnikom Vincentom. Na istoj fotografiji slučajno se pojavljuje i vrijedni sobar Antonio koji postaje angažiran da se pretvara da je Olivijin novi dečko. Ovaj trik s Olivijom baca Antonija u centar pažnje i neočekivani kaos.


Na rubu divljine

Na rubu divljine 1997


Sredovječan milijunaš Charles Morse (A. Hopkins) prati na snimanje u divljine Aljaske svoju mladu suprugu Micky (E. McPherson), poznati fotomodel. Kad fotograf Robert Green (A. Baldwin) ugleda fotografiju jednog lokalnog stanovnika, odluči ga unajmiti za fotografiranje s Micky, ali je problem u tome što živi daleko u divljini. Charles, Robert i njegov asistent (H. Perineau) kreću malim zrakoplovom k njemu, ali putem dožive nesreću i zrakoplov se sruši u divljini. Zahvaljujući Charlesovoj inteligenciji i obrazovanju, snalaze se i kreću prema sjeveru, u susret eventualnoj potrazi. Uz sve opasnosti, između Charlesa i Roberta raste napetost, jer Charles sumnja da je Robert ljubavnik njegove žene. Postaje jasno da pravo pitanje možda nije tko će preživjeti nego tko će koga ubiti...


Afera Thomasa Crowna

Afera Thomasa Crowna 1999


Milijunaš plejboj bez izazova u privilegiranom životu iz dosade krade Cezannea iz MOMA-e. Zatim započne vatrenu romansu s lukavom istražiteljicom.



Sharper 2023


Grupa prevaranata preuzima imućnu obitelj koja je će uskoro biti potpuno opljačkana. Dok prevaranti imaju briljantan plan, emocije i ljubomora ubrzo im staju na put, zbog čega postaje nejasno tko je prevarant, a tko žrtva.


Imaš petlju?

Imaš petlju? 2007


Mehaničar Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman) i milijarder Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) po prvi put se susreću u bolnici nakon što im je oboma dijagnosticiran rak. Dok prolaze kroz različite tretmane, njih dvojica postaju dobri prijatelji. Carter je briljanti povjesničar i obiteljski čovjek koji je oduvijek želio postati profesor povijesti ali nije uspio a Cole je bogati ekscentrični usamljenik. Uskoro obojica saznaju da imaju manje od godinu dana života, pa Carter počinje sastavljali listu stvari koji bi želio napraviti prije nego što umre. Iako nije ozbiljno razmišljao o tome, nakon nagovaranja od strane Colea koji obeća da će on platiti za sve, Carter dovrši listu. Par kreće na putovanje oko svijeta dodajući i brišući nove stvari na listu, njih dvojica se počnu baviti teškim pitanjima i još težim odgovorima koji muče sve nas.



Loot 2022


After divorcing her husband of 20 years, Molly Novak must figure out what to do with her $87 billion settlement. She decides to reengage with her charitable foundation and reconnect with the real world—finding herself along the way.


J.J. Starbuck

J.J. Starbuck 1987


J.J. Starbuck is an American crime drama series that aired on NBC from September 1987 to June 1988. The series follows cornpone-spouting Jerome Jeremiah "J.J." Starbuck, a billionaire Texan who wears ten-gallon hats, cowboy boots and fancy western shirts. He drives a flashy limousine with steer horns on the hood and a horn that plays "The Eyes of Texas," and spouts a steady stream of folksy homilies.


The Colbys

The Colbys 1985


The Colbys is an American prime time soap opera, which originally aired on ABC from November 20, 1985 to March 26, 1987. Produced by Aaron Spelling, it was a spin-off of Dynasty, which had been the highest rated series for the 1984–1985 U.S. television season. The Colbys revolved around another wealthy, upper-class family, who were distant relatives of the Carringtons of Dynasty and who owned a large multi-national corporation. Intended to surpass its predecessor in opulence, the series' producers were handed an immensely high budget for the era and cast a handful of well-known movie stars among its leads, including Charlton Heston, Barbara Stanwyck, Katharine Ross and Ricardo Montalban. However, The Colbys was ultimately a ratings disappointment, and was canceled after two seasons.


Born Rich

Born Rich 2009


Billionaire tycoon Marcus Cheuk Yat-yuen welcomes home Malaysian swindler Sha Fu-loi, who claims to be his long-lost half-brother Cheuk Yat-ming. Blinded by the assumed brotherhood, Marcus fails to recognize the true nature of Fu-loi but brings him into the hierarchy of his family banking empire. They both face dilemmas of their own in their relationships. Marcus is married to Connie Ho Tseuk-nin, but an affair with his old flame Angie Tung Ling-chi following a traumatic kidnap scare threatens to jeopardize all he has. Fu-loi secretly falls for Marcus' younger sister Rene Cheuk Yat-sum, who is torn between this fake brother and her devoted admirer Ko Tok-man. Consumed by greed and jealousy, Fu-loi eventually reveals his hidden agenda...


Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich

Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich 2020


Stories from survivors fuel this docuseries examining how convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein used his wealth and power to carry out his abuses.


Running Wilde

Running Wilde 2010


Running Wilde is an American comedy television series created by Mitchell Hurwitz for the Fox Network. It stars Will Arnett as Steve Wilde, a self-centered, idle bachelor and heir to an oil fortune. The series follows Wilde's awkward attempts to regain the affection of his childhood sweetheart, Emmy, an environmentalist who had been living in the South American jungle, but whose young daughter does not want to return there and who secretly enlists Steve's help to keep Emmy at his mansion, leading to farcical situations and misunderstandings.


Pure Genius

Pure Genius 2016


A young Silicon Valley tech-titan enlists a veteran surgeon with a controversial past in starting a hospital with a cutting-edge, new school approach to medicine.


The Philanthropist

The Philanthropist 2009


The title character, Teddy Rist (portrayed by James Purefoy), is a billionaire playboy haunted by the death of his only child. His life changes when he rescues a young boy during a hurricane in Nigeria. As a result, Rist begins using his fortune to personally change the lives of others.[4] The Philanthropist is based loosely on the life of Bobby Sager.[5] The Philanthropist is an American action drama series that premiered on NBC on Wednesday, June 24, 2009. The program was a limited summer series, principally filmed in South Africa. It opened to strong ratings, but saw a drop in viewers in subsequent weeks. The Philanthropist is a Carnival Films production in association with The Levinson/Fontana Company and Original Media. Tom Fontana, Barry Levinson, Peter Horton, Charlie Corwin, Gareth Neame, and Teri Weinberg served as executive producers.


The Billionaires Who Made Our World

The Billionaires Who Made Our World 2022


Landmark series lifting the lid on Silicon Valley's tech titans - Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg and Musk - who changed our world forever, from how we communicate to how we shop and the information we get.


Bad Boy Billionaires: India

Bad Boy Billionaires: India 2020


This investigative docuseries explores the greed, fraud, and corruption that built up - and ultimately brought down - India's most infamous tycoons.


Goodbye, My CEO

Goodbye, My CEO 2023


James Knight is your boss. Sexy, rich, and totally off limits. Dating him might destroy your career, but loving him will certainly break your heart. Because what’s worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it?


Rise of the Billionaires

Rise of the Billionaires 2022


The origin stories and turbulent journeys of the tech titans who shape our world. We track how tech became the dominant industry in the world, from the dawn of internet to the present day.