Električna država 2025
Tinejdžerica koja je ostala bez roditelja krene na put s robotom kako bi pronašla davno izgubljenog brata te se udruži s krijumčarom i njegovim šaljivim pomoćnikom.
Tinejdžerica koja je ostala bez roditelja krene na put s robotom kako bi pronašla davno izgubljenog brata te se udruži s krijumčarom i njegovim šaljivim pomoćnikom.
Umoran si od swipeanja? Muka ti je od toga da te ghostaju? Osjećaš li se kao da dio tebe nedostaje? FindYourCompanion.com zajamčuje ti da će pronaći pratnju koja je stvorena za tebe.
Epska pustolovina prati putovanje robota ROZZUM 7134, skraćeno “Roz” koji doživi brodolom na pustom otoku i mora naučiti prilagoditi se okolišu, postupno gradeći odnose sa životinjama i postajući usvojitelj guske siročeta.
Nakon što otkriju novu crvotočinu, grupa istraživača i znanstvenika krene na putovanje kroz nju da prekorače prijašnje granice ljudskog putovanja svemirom i pokore ogromne daljine međuzvjezdanog putovanja. Među putnicima se nalazi strojar i udovac koji se posvetio mirnom životu na farmi s dvoje djece, i sada mora donijeti tešku odluku da napusti svoju djecu kako bi otputovao u drugu galaksiju s ciljem da spasi čovječanstvo.
Događaji se odvijaju 1994. godine. Dvoje arheologa iz New Yorka, Noah i Elena, saznaju za drevni sukob između tri frakcije transformersa: Maximala, Predacona i Terrorconsa. Kada svijet bude korak bliže ponoru, čovječanstvo će morati udružiti snage u globalnom sukobu.
Zabavna i dirljiva priča o posebnoj vezi između debeljuškastog robota Baymaxa i mladog genijalaca Hiro Hamade, koji udružuju snage s skupinom prijatelja kako bi zaustavili moćnog zlikovca.
Pokornost je američki znanstveno-fantastični triler iz 2024. godine redatelja S.K. Dale prema scenariju Willa Honleya i April Maguire. U njemu glumi Megan Fox kao ginoid s umjetnom inteligencijom koja stječe osjećaje i postaje neprijateljski nastrojena, a Michele Morrone kao njezin kupac. Objavljen je 13. rujna 2024.
John Connor šalje Kylea Reesea natrag kroz vrijeme kako bi zaštitio svoju majku Saru Connor, no kada se vratio u 1984. godinu, ništa nije bilo onako kako je očekivao.
Popularni pas Gromit uskoči u akciju kako bi spasio svojega gazdu kad se Wallaceov najnoviji izum otme kontroli te mu smjeste za niz sumnjivih zločina.
Nakon što je stotinama godina radio ono za što je napravljen, Wall-E (kratica od Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class) otkriva novu svrhu u svom životu kad upozna istraživačkog robota EVE. EVE je upravo saznala da je Wall-E slučajno pronašao način kako spasiti budućnost naše planete i odlazi natrag do ljudi kako bi ih obavijestila o tome. U međuvremenu, Wall-E kreće u potragu za EVE kroz cijelu galaksiju i vodi nas u najzabavniju avanturističku komediju koju smo ikada imali priliku vidjeti.
Pripovjedač Anthony Hopkins nas uvodi u priču povijesnim prizorima, uz scene viteza na konjima, zapaljenim strijelama do nacističke Njemačke pa sve do suvremenog doba. Grad je devastiran, Optimus Prime pluta beživotno u svemiru, a Cade Yeager je tražen od strane vlasti. Da stvar bude gora, nezaustavljiva sila zla ide prema Zemlji.
Pet godina nakon uništenja Chicaga ljudi napadaju sve robote. No samohrani otac i izumitelj uskrsnut će osobu koja bi mogla spasiti svijet.
Spektakularna akcija prepuna specijalnih efekata. Bića iz druge dimenzije prijete uništenjem Zemlje, a oduprijeti im se možemo jedino divovskim robotima kojima upravljaju najbolji piloti. Izvanzemljska prijetnja svijetu došla je iz dubina Pacifika, iz rasjekline između dviju tektonskih ploča, iz portala između dimenzija. Da bi se obranili od čudovišta, čelnici velikih sila su se ujedinili i stvorili vlastita čudovišta—rođen je program Jäger (jeger, njemački: lovac)… koji će nakon prvotnih uspjeha doći na rub propasti, zajedno sa cijelim svijetom.
Radnja filma događa se u bliskoj budućnosti kada su roboti dobrim dijelom zamijenili ljude u obavljanju raznih poslova. Naravno, ponekad se i roboti pokvare i otkažu poslušnost. Tada u pomoć priskaču specijalci kao što je Jack.
Usred budućeg rata između ljudske rase i snaga umjetne inteligencije, Joshua, okorjeli bivši agent specijalnih snaga koji tuguje zbog odlaska svoje žene, regrutiran je da ulovi i ubije Stvoritelja, nedostižnog arhitekta napredne umjetne inteligencije koji je razvio tajanstveno oružje s moći da okonča rat i samo čovječanstvo. Misija spašavanja svijeta vodi do moralne dileme kada Joshua sazna da je najveći neprijatelj čovječanstva – dijete.
Svako rođeno dijete dolazi na svijet prepuno obećanja, a takva je situacija i s Chappiejem: on je nadaren, poseban, pravo čudo. Poput svakog djeteta, Chappie će ubrzo doći pod utjecaj okoline koja ga okružuje – dobre i loše – te će se morati osloniti na svoje srce i dušu kako bi pronašao svoje mjesto u svijetu i postao samostalan.
U 2035. godini roboti su uređaji kojima se svakodnevno koristimo i kojima vjerujemo, osim jednom paranoičnom detektivu (Smith), koji istražuje ono za što sam vjeruje da je zločin počinjen od strane robota. Slučaj ga tjera da otkrije nešto još gore što prijeti ljudskom rodu. Will Smith će glumiti u ovom akcijskom trileru nadahnut klasičnom zbirkom kratkih priča Isaaca Asimova, a u film ga je napravio dinamični i vizionarski redatelj Alex Proyas (Dark City, The Raven). U ovom su filmu korištene najmodernije i najspektakularnije tehnike vizualnih efekata za oživljavanje svijeta robota.
In the year 20XX, a young boy named Netto Hikari receives a very special gift as he enters the 5th grade: his very own customized Net Navi, Rockman.
Hank and Dean Venture, with their father Doctor Venture and faithful bodyguard Brock Samson, go on wild adventures facing megalomaniacs, zombies, and suspicious ninjas, all for the glory of adventure. Or something like that.
Dexter, a boy-genius with a secret laboratory, constantly battles his sister Dee Dee, who always gains access despite his best efforts to keep her out, as well as his arch-rival and neighbor, Mandark.
Three young girls, Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu, are transported to a magical world called Cephiro during a field trip to Tokyo Tower. They are soon greeted by Master Mage Clef, who explains to them that they have been summoned to become the Legendary Magic Knights and save Cephiro. The girls are less than enthusiastic about this idea, and only want to return home. Clef further explains that they must seek out the three Rune Gods to help them fight. He bestows armor and magical powers to each of them. They learn from Clef that High Priest Zagato has kidnapped the Pillar of Cephiro, Princess Emeraude. The Pillar of Cephiro has the sole responsibility of keeping Cephiro alive and in balance with her prayers. Without Princess Emeraude, Cephiro would fall into ruin. Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu must fight off Zagato's henchman and find the Rune Gods if they ever want to get back home. They soon learn that friendship and loyalty are the only things they can rely on in the crumbling Cephiro.
Robotboy is the latest creation of the world renowned scientist Professor Moshimo. Due to fears that Robotboy would be stolen by his arch-enemy Dr. Kamikazi and his main henchman Constantine to be used to take over the world, Professor Moshimo entrusts Robotboy to 10-year-old Tommy Turnbull, his biggest fan. While being protected by Tommy and his two friends Lola and Gus, or "G-man" as he calls himself, Robotboy learns how to behave and act as if he were a real boy.
As Iron Man, teenage child prodigy Tony Stark uses his technological inventions to fight various similarly technologically advanced threats. His friends, James "Rhodey" Rhodes and Pepper Potts, help him on his courageous and dangerous adventures.
Bob, a guardian from the Super Computer, helped by his friends Dot, Enzo, and dog Frisket, defend the digital city of Mainframe from evil computer viruses that seek to dominate the city and infect the entire net.
Rolie Polie Olie was a children's television series produced by Nelvana, distributed by Disney, and created by William Joyce, Maggie Swanson, and Anne Wood. The show centers on a little roly pollie who is composed of several spheres and other three-dimensional geometric shapes. The show was one of the earliest series that was fully animated in CGI, and the first CGI animated preschool series.Rolie Polie Olie now airs in reruns on Disney Junior. Rolie Polie Olie won a Gemini Award in Canada for "Best Animated Program" in 1999. The show also won a Daytime Emmy Award for "Outstanding Special Class Animated Program" in 2000 and 2005. William Joyce won a 1999 Daytime Emmy for Best Production Design for this series. The show has a vintage atmosphere reminiscent of the 1950s and early 1960s, with futuristic elements.
After a mysterious spaceship crashes on Earth a fleet of spaceships belonging to a race of aliens known as the Zentradi descend upon Earth sparking an intergalactic war.
The adventures of a late-20th-century New York City pizza delivery boy, Philip J. Fry, who, after being unwittingly cryogenically frozen for one thousand years, finds employment at Planet Express, an interplanetary delivery company in the retro-futuristic 31st century.
Follow the futuristic adventures of Zeta, a renegade government-designed robot, and Ro, his 15-year-old streetwise companion.
An action-packed preschool series about an adorable jet plane named Jett who travels the world delivering packages to children. On every delivery, Jett encounters a new problem that the he and his friends the Super Wings must work together to solve!
Kim Min Gyu has wealth and success, but lives an isolated life due to his allergy of people. He then meets and falls in love with a girl who is pretending to be a robot for her ex-boyfriend, a genius robots professor.
Denizens of Lux have come to call it "The City" and treat it as a sentient force. Three factions vie for control of the city: the Organo, a strictly professional conglomerate with ties to the criminal underworld in the prosthetics business; the Union, a fanatical populist group interfering with Organo's affairs; and Racan, a marauding group of Texhnolyzed youths.
A team of specialized Autobots not quite ready for prime-time battles against the Decepticons is given a vital mission by Optimus Prime. The goal for the Bots is to learn about mankind and how to help others to find out what it really means to be a hero.
A stranded spaceship pilot captured by mad scientists survives a blitz of cheesy B movies by riffing on them with his funny robot pals.
A dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the evolution of sin. Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, it explores a world in which every human appetite, no matter how noble or depraved, can be indulged.
Follows the humorous adventures of the little girl robot Arale Norimaki, her creator Senbei Norimaki, and the other residents of the bizarre Penguin Village.
The Transformers is the first animated television series in the Transformers franchise. The series depicts a war among giant robots that can transform into vehicles and other objects.
Mitchell, Becky, and Templeton set out to discover their school's many mysteries and secrets, along the way encountering monsters, paradoxes, and timely winery nonsense as they try to avoid the headmaster and Mitchell's worst enemy, Mr. Abercrombie.