Trinaesti ratnik

Trinaesti ratnik 1999


Godina 922. Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan (A. Banderas), arapski dvorjanin, zaljubi se u ženu visokog dvorskog časnika i zbog toga ga pošalju u diplomatsku službu daleko na sjeverozapad - u Europu. Na putu susreće skupinu Vikinga koji u svratištu saznaju vijest da njihovo selo Waldon napada kanibalska skupina iz totema medvjeda. Proročica i legenda kažu da samo trinaest ratnika može spasiti udaljeno selo, no trinaesti ratnik ne smije biti sa sjevera. Tako je Ahmed regrutiran u skupinu i kreće na daleki sjever. U bespoštednoj borbi zlo je svladano, a Ahmed napušta sjever, stekavši sjajne prijatelje, čijih se barbarskih običaja na početku putovanja užasavao.


Conan barbarin

Conan barbarin 1982


U povijesti čovječanstva najviše se pamte vremena velikih djela i fantastičnih avantura. Ovo je vrijeme Barbara Conana. Conan je zarobljen kad je bio tek dijete nakon što je roditelje ubio zli Thulsa Doom, voditelj sekte štovatelja Zmija. Petnaest godina agonije kovao je Conana kao nepremostivog ratnika. Oslobođen od svog vlasnika Conana, u društvu svojih prijatelja Subotai, Mongola i Valerije, kraljice lopova, kreću u put u potrazi za osvetom i mudrošću.


Conan razarač

Conan razarač 1984


Zla kraljica Taramis (Sarah Douglas) pronalazi Conana (Arnold Schwarzenegger) i njegovog prijatelja, lopova Malaka (Tracey Walter) te obećaje Conanu da će oživjeti njegovu mrtvu ljubav Valeriju ukoliko joj donese čarobni ključ iz začaranog dvorca čarobnjaka Totha Amona (Pat Roach). Na putovanju im se pridružuju kraljičina nećakinja princeza Jehnna (Olivia d'Abo) koja jedina može taknti dijamantni rog boga Dagotha i njen tjelohranitelj Bombaat (Wilt Chamberlain).



Gor 1987



Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons 1983


Six friends are transported into the Dungeons & Dragons realm and must try to find a way home with the help of their guide 'Dungeon Master'.



Barbarians 2020


Three people's fates are interwoven in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9 A.D., during which Germanic warriors halt the spread of the Roman Empire.



Attila 2001


Attila was an American TV miniseries set during the waning days of the Western Roman Empire, in particular during the invasions of the Huns in Europe.


Conan the Adventurer

Conan the Adventurer 1997


Conan: The Adventurer is an American television series created, developed, financed, distributed and produced by Max A. Keller and Micheline Keller from 1997 to 1998 and loosely based on the fantasy hero Conan the Barbarian. The TV show premiered on September 22, 1997, and ran for 22 episodes. The series has been broadcast in over 150 countries throughout the world. Keller Entertainment Group continues to market and distribute the series worldwide and the series has longevity among international broadcasters and dvd aggregators. The series will soon be available on the internet. This live-action series stars Ralf Möller as Conan of Cimmeria and Danny Woodburn as his sidekick Otli. The storyline is quite different from the Conan lore created in the original Conan novels and short stories by Robert E. Howard, as well as that of the Conan earlier depicted in the various Conan comic book series by Marvel Comics. The TV character is based on the version in the 1980s films, but there is no continuity between the films and TV series.


The Barbarian's Bride

The Barbarian's Bride 1970


Serafina de Lavillant, the strongest female knight in the West, was sent to subjugate the barbaric tribes of the East. But when her mission fails spectacularly, she’s captured alive and imprisoned. Humiliated and dreading what horrific torture she’ll endure, she asks to be put to death. To her surprise, rather than tearing her limb from limb, the tribe leader asks for her hand…in marriage! Will Serafina face a cruel and abusive arranged marriage? Or will she discover that these tribes aren’t as barbaric as she was led to believe?