Obitelj Addams

Obitelj Addams 1991


Kad se davno izgubljeni ujak Fester pojavi nakon dvadeset i pet godina što je proveo u Bermudskome trokutu, Gomez i Morticia planiraju proslavu da probude mrtve. Wednesday jedva stigne zagrijati svoju električnu stolicu prije nego što Stvar ukaže na neobično "normalno" ponašanje ujaka Festera. Je li moguće da je taj Fester varalica, dio opakog plana da se opljačka bogatstvo Adamsovih?



Pokeraši 1998


Student prava Mike je upravo izgubio svoju ušteđevinu u partiji pokera protiv ruskog mafijaša Teddyja KGB-a. Zarekao se da više neće kockati, ali iz zatvora uskoro izlazi njegov prijatelj, također okorjeli kockar Worm koji ga nagovara na brzu i laku zaradu u ime starih dana...


Utjerivač dugova

Utjerivač dugova 2018


Majstor borilačkih vještina počinje raditi za mafijaškog utjerivača dugova. Posao se čini jednostavnim, sve dok ga klijent ne uvuče u situaciju koja je složenija nego što je očekivao...


Lovac na glave

Lovac na glave 2010


Milo Boyd (Gerard Butler) je lovac na glave koji baš i nema sreće, no odjednom dobiva posao iz snova. Zapadne ga zadatak da uhvati svoju bivšu ženu, novinarku Nicole Hurley (Jennifer Aniston) koja se oglušila o propisanu jamčevinu. Milo misli da ga očekuje brza i jednostavna zarada, no kada mu Nicole pobjegne i odjuri za važnim tragom u vrućoj priči o zataškanom ubojstvu, Milo shvaća kako između njega i Nicole nikada ništa ne može biti jednostavno.



Tracers 2015


Tražen od strane Kineske mafije, Cam (Taylor Lautner) koji je kurir na biciklu u New Yorku, pridružuje se svijetu parkura nakon što upozna prekrasnu devojku Nikki (Marie Avgeropoulos)…



Bloodhounds 2023


Two young boxers band together with a benevolent moneylender to take down a ruthless loan shark who preys on the financially desperate.


Wonderful Mama

Wonderful Mama 2013


Wonderful Mama is a 2013 South Korean television series starring Bae Jong-ok, Jeong Yu-mi and Jung Gyu-woon. It premiered on April 13, 2013, and ended on September 22, 2013, airing on SBS every Saturday and Sunday at 20:40 for 48 episodes.


Ushijima the Loan Shark

Ushijima the Loan Shark 2010


Kaoru Ushijima's Kaukau Finance is the lender of last resort for many of the poorest people in the area: He collects without mercy and without fail.


When a Man Falls in Love

When a Man Falls in Love 2013


Han Tae-Sang is a former gangster, but now a successful business man. He has a cold-blooded decisiveness and incredible drive. This helped him to attain his current status, as he started with nothing. He then meets a younger woman named Seo Mi-Do. Her personality reminds him of himself when he was that age. Han Tae-Sang begins to feel love for the first time in his life.


The Now

The Now 2021


For Ed Poole, clarity comes when a secret from his past has seemingly destroyed his future. He soon realizes the only thing that will make his life worth living is to forget the past, screw the future and just live in The Now.


You Make Me Dance

You Make Me Dance 2021


Song Shi-on is an aspiring contemporary dancer who has recently been thrown out of the house by his family, while Jin Hong-seok gave up on his dream to dance and now lives off his investments as a mortgage collector. These two wind up sharing a place and the action unfolds from there.


Easy Money

Easy Money 2008


Easy Money is a comedy-drama television series that aired on The CW from October 5, 2008 to August 16, 2009. The series was created by Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider. The show—along with Valentine, Surviving Suburbia, and In Harm's Way—are shows programmed by Media Rights Capital, an independent producer of television programming. The Sunday night block was sold to the producers on a leased-time basis from The CW after the network had no ratings success with the night. Production of the series was put on hold in mid-October and was expected to resume within four to six weeks. Two weeks later, MRC decided to cancel both Easy Money and Valentine. On November 20, 2008, The CW announced that it was ending its Sunday Night agreement with MRC, removing the current shows and programming the night itself. On July 6, 2009, The CW announced that beginning July 26, the series would begin burning off the remaining episodes Sundays at 7 p.m.