Ujak Drew

Ujak Drew 2018


Nesretnom prodavaču tenisica Daxu hitno je potreban novac te angažira lokalnu legendu i svoju staru košarkašku ekipu kako bi pobijedio na turniru ulične košarke.


Prelomilo se u četrdesetima

Prelomilo se u četrdesetima 2012


Tvorac urnebesnih komedija Kncoked Up, The 40 Year Old Virgin i Bridesmaids donosi nam još jednu priču iz svakodnevnog života na velika platna. Naravno, nasmijat će vas do suza! Svojevrsni nastavak filma Zalomilo se (Knocked Up)! Paul Rudd i Leslie Mann su bračni par s dvoje djece, rade, bore se s bračnim problemima, poslom i svakodnevnim obvezama. Godine idu i bliže se četrdesete… kriza srednjih godina? Kako se nose s njom ne propustite pogledati, zabava je zagarantirana!


On Becoming a God in Central Florida

On Becoming a God in Central Florida 2019


In the early 1990s, a recently widowed, impoverished Orlando water park employee schemes and cons her way up the ranks of the multi-billion dollar pyramid scheme which ruined her financially in the first place.


The Book of Daniel

The Book of Daniel 2006


Rev. Daniel Webster, an unconventional Episcopalian priest who not only believes in Jesus, but actually sees him and discusses life with him, is challenged on many levels as he struggles to be a good husband, father and minister, while navigating an often rocky relationship with the church hierarchy.


The Incorrigibles

The Incorrigibles 1965


Die Unverbesserlichen is a German television series.