Meni 2022
Mladi par putuje na udaljeni otok kako bi večerali u ekskluzivnom restoranu u kojem je kuhar pripremio raskošan jelovnik, uz nekoliko šokantnih iznenađenja.
Mladi par putuje na udaljeni otok kako bi večerali u ekskluzivnom restoranu u kojem je kuhar pripremio raskošan jelovnik, uz nekoliko šokantnih iznenađenja.
U najprometnijoj noći u godini u jednom od najpopularnijih restorana u Londonu karizmatični glavni kuhar Andy Jones balansira na oštrici noža dok višestruke osobne i profesionalne krize prijete uništiti sve za što je radio.
Charles Duchemin (L. de Funès), poznati gurman i pisac restoranskih kritika, vodi rat protiv jednog od menadžera poznatog restorana brze hrane kako bi spasio reputaciju francuske kuhinje. Charles pristane pojaviti se u talk showu kako bi ukazao na važnost svoje borbe te pokazao umijeće kušanja vina, ali susreće se s dvjema katastrofama: njegov vlastiti sin želi postati klaun, a ne kušač hrane, a on sam je izgubio osjetilo okusa!
Chung Kwok-Chu is a renowned food critic and an assistant editor-in-chief of a newspaper, Ko Jim Daily. When his son, Si-Hon returns from Canada, Chu is disappointed to find that Si Hon intends to become a chef rather than taking up a professional career. His attempts to guide his son away are thwarted when Shum Bui-yee, a well-known and respected chef, reluctantly accepts Si-Hon as her assistant. Meanwhile, Kwok-Chu struggles to keep peace amongst extended family members.
Mad Cook Show is a smart and witty food show by mad chefs Riku Rantala and Tunna Milonoff, that invites Finland's most interesting guests to their table to eat, drink and chat - with a guaranteed Madventures twist.
Daymon Patterson, the instantly-relatable everyman, delivers bite-size commentary with larger-than-life personality on every kind of takeout food imaginable... not from a table or a bar, but from the place where it's the hottest, most tempting and drool-inducing: the driver's seat! From city-to-city, he visits three local favorites and judges each on two things — experience and food. Every bit of Patterson's 6-foot-5-inch, 390-pound frame is filled with a lot of love — for both food and comedy!
Food critic and food lover Grace Dent explores the phenomenon of Greggs.