Sakupljač duša

Sakupljač duša 2024


FBI agentica Lee Harker dodijeljena je neriješenom slučaju serijskog ubojice koji poprima neočekivani preokret, otkrivajući dokaze o okultnom. Harker otkriva osobnu vezu s ubojicom i mora ga zaustaviti prije nego ponovno napadne.


Bez mane

Bez mane 2002


Pratimo događaje jedne traumatične noći u Parizu obrnutim kronološkim redoslijedom. Lijepa Alex brutalno je silovana i pretučena u pothodniku. Njezin dečko i bivši ljubavnik uzimaju stvari u svoje ruke. Unajme dva kriminalca da im pomognu naći silovatelja kako bi se mogli osvetiti. Vrijeme sve uništava.


Jack Reacher: Nema povratka

Jack Reacher: Nema povratka 2016


Kad bojnicu Susan Turner lažno okrive za izdaju, Jack Reacher otkriva da je ona meta goleme državne zavjere. Reacher riskira sve kako bi srušio moćnu organizaciju koja ne preže ni pred čim kako bi zaštitila svoje tajne.


Ljubav i krvoproliće

Ljubav i krvoproliće 2024


Povučena voditeljica teretane Lou jako se zaljubljuje u Jackie, ambicioznu bodybuildericu koja se uputila kroz grad u Las Vegas u potrazi za svojim snom. Ali njihova ljubav raspiruje nasilje, uvlačeći ih duboko u mrežu Louine kriminalne obitelji.


Ja, Robot

Ja, Robot 2004


U 2035. godini roboti su uređaji kojima se svakodnevno koristimo i kojima vjerujemo, osim jednom paranoičnom detektivu (Smith), koji istražuje ono za što sam vjeruje da je zločin počinjen od strane robota. Slučaj ga tjera da otkrije nešto još gore što prijeti ljudskom rodu. Will Smith će glumiti u ovom akcijskom trileru nadahnut klasičnom zbirkom kratkih priča Isaaca Asimova, a u film ga je napravio dinamični i vizionarski redatelj Alex Proyas (Dark City, The Raven). U ovom su filmu korištene najmodernije i najspektakularnije tehnike vizualnih efekata za oživljavanje svijeta robota.



Insomnia 2002


Iskusni losanđeleski detektiv Will Dormer i njegov partner stižu u zabačeni aljaški gradić kako bi istražili brutalno ubojstvo tinejdžerice. Usred vječnog ljetnog sunca, Dormer se bori s nesanicom koja ga polako izjeda, a istraga postaje sve zamršenija. Kada se dogodi neočekivani preokret, Dormer se nađe u moralnom labirintu, gdje se granice između lovca i lovine zamagljuju. Njegova nesanica postaje metafora za unutarnje nemire i grižnju savjesti, dok se bori s vlastitim demonima i pokušava uhvatiti ubojicu.


Bez izlaza

Bez izlaza 1987


Pomorski časnik Tom Farrell biva uvučen u opasnu igru moći kad započne strastvenu aferu sa Susan Atwell, ženom ministra obrane Davida Bricea. Kad Susan bude brutalno ubijena, Farrell dobiva zadatak da vodi istragu o ubojstvu, ne znajući da je on glavni osumnjičeni. Brice, u nastojanju da zataška svoju umiješanost, manipulira dokazima i stvara lažni trag, optužujući navodnog sovjetskog špijuna. Farrell se nađe u utrci s vremenom, pokušavajući otkriti pravog ubojicu i dokazati svoju nevinost, dok mu se mreža laži i obmana sve više steže oko vrata. No, što ako istina nije ono što se čini?


Tajna u njihovim očima

Tajna u njihovim očima 2009


Buenos Aires, 1975. Godina je političkih nemira i društvenih previranja. Benjamín Espósito, iskusni sudski službenik, radi na slučaju brutalnog silovanja i ubojstva mlade žene, Liliane Colotto. Zajedno sa svojom nadređenom i tajnom ljubavi, Irenom Menéndez Hastings, posvećuje se razotkrivanju istine i pronalasku pravde za žrtvu.


Noć vještica: Kraj

Noć vještica: Kraj 2022


Četiri godine nakon prethodnog ubojstva za Noć vještica, Laurie živi sa svojom unukom Allyson i završava pisanje svojih memoara. Michael Myers od tada nije viđen. Laurie je, nakon što je dopustila duhu Michaela Myersa da upravlja njezinom stvarnošću, odlučila otpustiti svoj strah i bijes i prigrliti svoj život. No, kada je mladić, Corey Cunningham, optužen za ubojstvo dječaka kojeg je čuvao, to pokreće lanac nasilja i užasa koji će natjerati Laurie da se konačno suoči, jednom zauvijek, sa zlom izvan njezine kontrole.


Ubojstvo po brojevima

Ubojstvo po brojevima 2002


Cassie Mayweather (Sandra Bullock) je detektivka Odjela za ubojstva, profesionalka na tragu dvojici srednjoškolaca, Richardu Haywoodu (Ryan Gosling) i Justinu Pendletonu (Michael Pitt), koji su počinili naizgled savršeno ubojstvo, ne ostavivši nikakvih dokaza, a čini se ni motiva.


Djevojka u vlaku

Djevojka u vlaku 2016


Rachel Watson (E. Blunt) je alkoholičarka i besciljno se vozika vlakom otkad je dobila otkaz. Opsjednuta je životom bivšeg muža Toma Watsona (J. Theroux) i njegove nove supruge Anne (R. Ferguson) te njihovih susjeda Scotta (L. Evans) i Megan (H. Bennett) Hipwell koje idealizira. Megan je Watsonima bila dadilja, ali nedavno je dala otkaz. Rachel iz vlaka ugleda Megan kako se ljubi s neznancem i to je razbjesni. Namjerava zbog toga prozvati Megan, međutim, probudi se nekoliko sati kasnije u svom krevetu, umrljana krvlju. Megan je nestala, a Rachel ispituje detektivka Riley (A. Janney) zato što su tog dana nju posljednju vidjeli u blizini Meganine kuće...


Talentirani gospodin Ripley

Talentirani gospodin Ripley 1999


Tom Ripley vjeruje da je bolje biti lažni netko nego pravi nitko. Kad se uvuče u živote bogatog plejboja i njegove djevojke, uranja u složenu mrežu dvoličnosti, laži i ubojstava.


Generalova kći

Generalova kći 1999


Vojni istražitelj Paul Brenner stiže u bazu Fort McCallum upravo kad general Campbell zatraži njegovu pomoć. Campbellova kćer, Elizabeth, pronađena je mrtva. Brenner i zastavnica Sara Sunhill dobivaju zadatak da pronađu ubojicu, ali nailaze na zid šutnje među vojnicima. Dok istražuju, otkrivaju mračne tajne iz Elizabethinog života koje bi mogle biti povezane s ubojstvom.


Dolazi noću

Dolazi noću 2017


Spas od zastrašujuće natprirodne opasnosti koja se proširila svijetom Paul i njegova obitelj potraže u zabačenoj šumskoj kolibi. Iako se čini da će uspješno prebroditi sve što ih očekuje cijela se situacija dodatno zakomplicira kada se na vratima njihovog doma pojavi mlada obitelj u potrazi za skloništem. Obe obitelji imaju najbolje namjere no osjećaji paranoje i nepovjerenja probuditi će u Paulu nešto mračno i ubojito.


Black and Blue

Black and Blue 2019


Nakon što snimi kako korumpirani policajci ubijaju dilera svojom tjelesnom kamerom, mlada se policajka nađe u bijegu od osvetoljubivih kriminalaca i od predstavnika zakona koji očajnički žele uništiti inkriminirajuću snimku. CRNO I PLAVO brzi je akcijski triler o mladoj policajki (za Oscar nominirana Naomie Harris) koja nehotice zabilježi ubojstvo mladog dilera svojom tjelesnom kamerom. Nakon što shvati da su ubojstvo počinili korumpirani policajci, udruži se s jedinom osobom iz svoje zajednice koja joj je spremna pomoći (Tyrese Gibson) dok pokušava pobjeći od osvetoljubivih kriminalaca i od policije koja očajnički želi uništiti inkriminirajuću snimku.



Dexter 2006


Dexter Morgan, a blood spatter pattern analyst for the Miami Metro Police also leads a secret life as a serial killer, hunting down criminals who have slipped through the cracks of justice.


Web of Lies

Web of Lies 2014


The internet is no longer a place you log on and visit; it's where you live. The home of true crime is now online. The internet is the Wild West. And if you're not careful, you too could be caught in a Web of Lies.


Homicide Hunter: Lt Joe Kenda

Homicide Hunter: Lt Joe Kenda 2011


A non-fiction investigative series of murder cases told through the personal experience of retired detective, Lieutenant Joe Kenda. Through re-enactments, discussions with investigation teams, and interviews with victims' families and other involved persons, the show highlights Kenda's successes with his 400 homicide case history and 92 percent solution rate.


Dateline: Secrets Uncovered

Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 2017


For more than 25 years, Dateline has brought viewers investigations into some of biggest mysteries in America. This entry in the franchise takes a second look at some of the most mysterious cases of recent history. It explores the stories through firsthand accounts told by people who are close to the crime, including investigators who dedicated their time to the cases and family members who are still trying to confront the tragedies that befell their loved ones.


Death by Fame

Death by Fame 2023


Death by Fame goes behind the scenes to uncover the sinister side of fame and reveal the shocking true stories behind the rise, fall and murder of some of Hollywood's most promising stars.


On the Case with Paula Zahn

On the Case with Paula Zahn 2009


Award winning journalist Paula Zahn unravels shocking crimes interviewing those closest to the case including lawyers, the victim's family, detectives and the convicted murderer themselves.



Dateline 1992


Dateline NBC, or simply Dateline, is a weekly American television newsmagazine series. It was previously the network's flagship newsmagazine, but now focuses mainly on true crime stories with only occasional editions that focus on other topics.


Fatal Attraction

Fatal Attraction 2013


Each pulse-pounding hour-long episode centers around an incredible and dangerous romance. Shocking crime, kidnapping or even murder is only half of the story! In the end, the “true love” that draws these couples together isn’t the kind that celebrates silver anniversaries – instead it leads to cross-country manhunts, bizarre cover-ups and dramatic trials. Driven by powerful, real-life stories, Fatal Attraction weaves together intimate, first-person interviews, exclusive interrogation footage and rare archival material. Along the way, it gives you a glimpse into the dark heart of a dangerous romance. Listen as the key players, family of the survivors and those that investigated the horrific crimes reveal the secrets to each sordid tale. Fatal Attraction… because love doesn’t just hurt, it can kill!


Fatal Vows

Fatal Vows 2012


When marriages fall apart, divorce can turn ugly - even deadly. From blushing brides turned cold-blooded killers to smitten grooms with shocking dark sides, the criminal psychology behind deadly divorces is examined. Guiding viewers through actual stories of love gone wrong are psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser and forensic psychologist Dr. Brian Russell, who analyze each couple to better understand how the marriage turned from flawed to fatal. .


ATL Homicide

ATL Homicide 2018


Homicide detectives David Quinn and Vince Velazquez are veterans of the Atlanta Police Department. They are sitting down to share some of the grittiest stories of their careers. Quinn and Velazquez recall these cases and talk about their personal experiences while solving the crimes. They have tackled hundreds of cold cases together, with anything from murder to everyday crime, and they try to bring these criminals to justice and give peace to the victims' families.


Dead Silent

Dead Silent 2016


A snap of a twig. A rustling leaf. In the woods, myth, urban legend, and horror collide with real-life killers. Transporting viewers into a vortex of dark mystery and psychological terror, each episode tells the true story of a crime set in a desolate location.


How I Caught My Killer

How I Caught My Killer 2023


The real-life stories behind unique homicide cases with in-depth interviews, authentic archival material and cinematic recreations all packaged together into a fresh spin in the genre.


A Plan to Kill

A Plan to Kill 2024


A true-crime series that examines the story of sadistic and meticulous killers who plan their victims’ murders for weeks, months or even years. Each stand-alone episode is brought to life through a tapestry of firsthand interviews with investigators and those close to the victim. Over the course of the hour, we’ll follow detectives on a winding investigation.


Cobras & Lagartos

Cobras & Lagartos 2006


Is it possible that in a world ruled by appearance, there is room for loyalty, ethics, true love, honesty and solidarity? Is it possible, today, when unrelenting consumption is a way of life, to find someone who equates more value to being rather than having? Cobras & Lagartos is an urban tragic comedy, modern and humanist, that deals with two increasingly different worlds: one which values loyalty and solidarity and the other, where the seduction of superfluity and the power of money reign.


See No Evil

See No Evil 2015


Every second of every day, millions of Americans are caught on CCTV. Living in a surveillance society means everyday actions are caught on camera, mostly of honest citizens going about their daily lives. But a few are guilty of unspeakable crimes. Video doesn't discriminate; criminals also end up on film. See no Evil is a groundbreaking series that presents dramatic stories about how real crimes are solved with the aid of surveillance cameras. Police reveal how CCTV footage has unlocked the answer to cases that otherwise might have remained unsolved- leaving dangerous killers at large. The series features real footage and dramatic reconstruction, combined with first-hand testimony from police, witnesses, and families.


Evil Lives Here

Evil Lives Here 2016


The true stories of people who lived with a killer. How well do you really know your family? Would you recognize the warning signs? Or would you become entangled in evil?


Fear Thy Neighbor

Fear Thy Neighbor 2014


These are the terrifying tales of the unwanted neighbors who turn home sweet home into home sweet hell. A look inside the lives of horrific neighborly disputes and what happens when a simple issue turns into the worst night of a family's life. Do you really know who lives next door? This true-crime series tells the chilling tales of those with the misfortune to unwittingly take up residence within a stone’s throw of a psycho or killer.


Evil Lives Here: Shadows Of Death

Evil Lives Here: Shadows Of Death 2020


Evil casts a shadow. That shadow spreads outward for years, even decades, after a crime. It consumes everyone in its path, pulling them into darkness. Can they find the light? Evil Lives Here: Shadows of Death explores the endless reach of evil, a reach that extends long after the act of evil itself. This original series highlights the struggle to survive as innocent people find themselves caught in the wake of death and evil.


Behzat Ç.: An Ankara Policeman

Behzat Ç.: An Ankara Policeman 2010


Centered around a personally troubled, officially discredited police chief and his inharmonious police team in Ankara Police Force. Even though the show usually focuses on murders and other crimes that happens on a weekly basis, the undertone of the story leads to an eventual duel between Behzat Ç. and the rotten department officials and bureaucrats.


For My Man

For My Man 2015


A true crime series featuring the salacious and shocking stories of women who have been arrested for a crime they did in the name of love. From a killing spree across the mid-west to being an inside informant at the DEA and from murdering an unsupportive mother to robbing fifteen banks in under a year, these women have no limits as to how far they’ll go for their men.