Planet majmuna: Revolucija

Planet majmuna: Revolucija 2014


Skupina ljudi koja je preživjela katastrofalni virus prije deset godina sada je prijetnja genetski modificiranim majmunima koje predvodi Cezar. Postignuti mir između ove dvije vrste neće se dugo održati. Ljudi i majmuni nalaze se na rubu rata koji će odrediti dominantnu vrstu na planeti Zemlji….


Intervju s vampirom

Intervju s vampirom 1994


Vampir Lestat (T. Cruise) je besmrtan, točnije bezvremenski, on ne zna svoje godine. Za njega je svijet beskrajan i beskonačan. Lestat živi u rijeci krvi koja je nužna za njegovo postojanje, a kada zaželi, on svojim žrtvama podaruje vječni život htjele one to ili ne. U Lestatov život potkraj 18. stoljeća ulazi Luis (B. Pitt), čovjek koji je uništen zbog gubitka žene i kćeri. Iako Luis postaje besmrtan, on će pokušati spriječiti bezdušnog Lestata u neumoljivu uništavanju ljudi. Dvije stotine godina kasnije, u San Fransiscu 20. stoljeća, Luis je svoju priču odlučio ispričati mladom novinaru (C. Slater) - vampirsku priču o želji, ljubavi, tuzi, strahu i ekstazi. Novinar je napisao reportažu koja je postala glasovita pod naslovom "Intervju s vampirom".


28 tjedana poslije

28 tjedana poslije 2007


Nedaleko Londona, Don (Robert Carlyle) se sa svojom ženom Alice (Catherine McCormack) i nekolicinom preživjelih skriva na farmi. Kada ljudi zaraženi smrtonosnim virusom provale u kuću, Don se uspaniči te u bijegu zaboravi na suprugu koja ostane zarobljena u kući. Dvadeset i osam tjedana nakon pojave virusa koji je izbrisao gotovo čitavu populaciju Velike Britanije, London se čini siguran pa uz pomoć američke vojske preživjeli stanovnici polako naseljavaju grad. Tammy (Imogen Poots) i njen mlađi brat Andy vraćaju se iz Španjolske kako bi nastavili živjeti u Londonu zajedno s ocem Donom. Majka Alice im nedostaje pa se odluče vratiti na farmu kako bi uzeli stare slike i osobne stvari koje su morali ostaviti za sobom. Međutim, majku pronalaze živu.



Benedetta 2021


Časna sestra iz 17. stoljeća u Italiji pati od uznemirujućih religijskih i erotskih vizija. Pomaže joj saputnica, a odnos dvije žene razvija se u romantičnu ljubavnu vezu.



Otok 2005


Godina je 2019. Lincoln Six Echo (E. McGregor) živi u strogo čuvanoj izolaciji, zajedno sa stotinama drugih izabranika, koji su - tako im kažu - spašeni od zaraze nakon katastrofe koja je pogodila planet. Lincolna muče noćne more, nezadovoljan je istom bojom odjeće koju nosi svaki dan, te se zbog toga žali upravitelju, dr. Merricku (S. Bean). Dr. Merrick je sumnjičav i odluči još strože nadzirati Lincolna, koji izaziva dodatnu pozornost čuvara druženjem s privlačnom djevojkom Jordan Two-Delta. San svakog člana te zajednice je dobiti na lutriji izlet na otok i iskustvo uživanja u ljepotama prave prirode. Kad Jordan dobije nagradu na lutriji, Lincoln otkriva da oni ne idu na otok već ih ubiju i uzmu im dijelove tijela. Lincoln uspije spasiti Jordan od smrti i s njom pobjeći. Dr. Merick unajmi vojnog specijalca Alberta Laurenta (D. Hounsou) da ih vrati u njihov centar, odnosno, ako u tome ne uspije, jednostavne ubije.



Sahara 2005


U potrazi za davno izgubljenim bojnim brodom iz građanskog rata s tajnim teretom, kojeg lokalno stanovništvo naziva "Brodom smrti", Dirk i njegov duhoviti pomoćnik Al Giordino (Steve Zahn) upoznaju dr. Evu Rojas (Penelope Cruz), prelijepu i genijalnu doktoricu koja vjeruje da je tajanstveno blago povezano s puno većim problemom koji predstavlja prijetnju cijelom svijetu. U potrazi za brodom, za kojeg nitko ne vjeruje da postoji, Dirk, Al i Eva moraju se uzdati u svoju domišljatost i hrabrost ne bi li uspjeli nadmudriti opasne vojskovođe, preživjeti u opasnoj zemlji i naposljetku razriješiti tajnu.


Omega čovjek

Omega čovjek 1971


Svojevrsna kuga uzrokovana biološkim ratom usmrtila je sve osim grupice od nekoliko stotina deformiranih ljudi koji sebe nazivaju - obitelj. Oni su postali osjetljivi na svjetlost, te psihotični i podložni ubojstvu. Vjeruju kako je znanost i tehnologija ta koja je kriva za sve. Dr. Neville, kao posljednji predstavnik znanosti i starog svijeta mora umrijeti!



Luđaci 1973


Građani malog grada zaraženi su biološkim oružjem koje uzrokuje da njegove žrtve nasilno polude. Dok se nezaraženi građani bore za preživljavanje, vojska priprema vlastiti odgovor.


12 Monkeys

12 Monkeys 2015


The provocative story of Cole, a time traveler from a decimated future in a high-stakes race against the clock. Utilizing a dangerous and untested method of time travel, he journeys from 2043 to the present day on a mission to locate and eradicate the source of a deadly plague that will all but annihilate the human race.



Castlevania 2017


A dark medieval fantasy following the last surviving member of the disgraced Belmont clan, trying to save Eastern Europe from extinction at the hand of Vlad Dracula Tepe himself. Inspired by the classic video game series.



Survivors 2021


The series takes place in a small Russian town where a deadly virus appears. Most of the inhabitants die, only a few people remain alive, who are affected by sleeping sickness: people cannot wake up on their own, and after two hours of sleep they fall into a coma.


Earth Abides

Earth Abides 2024


When a plague of unprecedented virulence sweeps the globe, the human race is all but wiped out. In the aftermath, as the great machine of civilization slowly and inexorably breaks down, only a few shattered survivors remain to struggle against the slide into extinction.


Ōoku: The Inner Chambers

Ōoku: The Inner Chambers 2023


In an alternate history where the male population is nearly decimated, eligible men serve as concubines to the woman shogun inside the walls of the Ooku.



Crusade 1999


Crusade is an American spin-off TV show from J. Michael Straczynski's Babylon 5. Its plot is set in AD 2267, five years after the events of Babylon 5, and just after the movie A Call to Arms. The Drakh have released a nanovirus plague on Earth, which will destroy all life on Earth within five years if it is not stopped. To that end, the Victory class destroyer Excalibur has been sent out to look for anything that could help the search for a cure.



Survivors 1975


Survivors is a British post-apocalyptic fiction television series devised by Terry Nation and produced by Terence Dudley at the BBC from 1975 to 1977. It concerns the plight of a group of people who have survived an accidentally released plague – referred to as "The Death" – that kills nearly the entire human population of the planet.


Medical Investigation

Medical Investigation 2004


Medical Investigation was an American medical drama television series that began September 9, 2004, on NBC. It ran for 20 one-hour episodes before being cancelled in 2005. The series was co-produced by Paramount Network Television and NBC Universal Television Studio The former controls North American distribution rights, while the latter distributes outside North America. The series featured the cases of an elite team of medical experts of the National Institutes of Health who investigate unusual public-health crises, such as sudden outbreaks of serious and mysterious diseases. In actuality, medical investigative duties in the United States are normally the responsibility of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local health departments, while the NIH is primarily a disease-research and -theory organization. The series existed in the same television universe as Third Watch and, by extension ER. A special two-part crossover event aired on February 18, 2005, establishing the television-universe connection by featuring the Third Watch and Medical Investigation teams working together in MI's Episode 17: "Half Life" and Third Watch's Episode 16 of the sixth season: "In the Family Way". The story was about a series of Marburg virus cases in New York.


Red Zone

Red Zone 2024


When a plague of the undead begins to spread in Rimbalaya, Maya must fight to find her missing brother. She races against time before the city becomes a red zone.


The Plague

The Plague 2018


Plague decimates late 16th century Seville, a crowded city where many have arrived to embark for the New World to seek their fortune.


Little Tragedies

Little Tragedies 1980


How far can a man overcome by a destructive passion go? And does he realize that slavish worship of irrepressible desires always entails retribution?


The Great Plague

The Great Plague 2020


Xand van Tulleken, Raksha Dave and John Sergeant trace the spread of the Great Plague of 1665 week by week and discover parallels with the coronavirus.


Al Haddama

Al Haddama 2009


The events take place in Kuwait in the thirties of the twentieth century and before the emergence of oil in the Arab Gulf countries, and talks about a young girl whose life is witnessing many fluctuations and setbacks at the family level and at the personal level. The events also include a moving love story, dramatic and romantic events and historical details.


The Black Dawn

The Black Dawn 2009


A plague has fallen over Los Angeles, turning the sky black and leaving death in its wake. Only 13 survive. No one knows how it happened. No one knows why it happened...