Čudovišta iz susjedstva 2015
Tinejdžer je mrzovoljan zbog selidbe u gradić, dok se ne zaljubi u novu susjedu. Njezin otac, međutim, piše horore i njegov će strašni svijet uskoro postati stvarnost.
Tinejdžer je mrzovoljan zbog selidbe u gradić, dok se ne zaljubi u novu susjedu. Njezin otac, međutim, piše horore i njegov će strašni svijet uskoro postati stvarnost.
Gospodin Peabody je poslovnjak, izumitelj, znanstvenik, dobitnik Nobelove nagrade, gurman, dvostruki osvajač olimpijske medalje, jednom riječju genijalac... koji je slučajno i pas. Koristeći svoje originalne izume gospodin Peabody i njegov prijatelj Sherman putuju kroz vrijeme kako bi iskusili najveće događaje u svjetskoj povijesti.
Doug Funnie experiences common predicaments while attending school in his new hometown of Bluffington, Virginia.
Seeking an escape from his mundane life, high-schooler Keita Amishima stumbles into the secret life of an agent of UNDER ANCHOR - a covert organisation combating cyber terrorism. Keita isn't alone, as he is partnered with an A.I. - the Phone Braver "Seven". Together, Keita and Seven work to counter cyber crimes, all the while dealing with the machinations of a rogue Phone Braver, "Zero One".
Three-part documentary series about the importance and nature of friendship among children, told from their point of view. Shot over eight months and told entirely from their perspective, it is an intimate and moving insight into how children think and feel as they journey into a new world.