
Bezgrešna 2024


Časna Cecilija (Sydney Sweeney), mlada Amerikanka odlazi u udaljeni samostan u Italiji kako bi osnažila svoju vjeru. Cecilija će vrlo brzo shvatiti kako u samostanu ne vladaju samo red, rad i redovnička disciplina već i zloslutna tajnovitost, koja se posebno očituje u noćnim satima.


Prvo pretkazanje

Prvo pretkazanje 2024


Prequel franšize Pretkazanje prati mladu Amerikanku koja je poslana u Rim gdje će krenuti sa svojim pozivom crkvi, ali tamo naiđe na tamu zbog koje će krenuti propitkivati vlastitu vjeru te otkriva stravičnu zavjeru kojom se na svijet želi donijeti silu tame, kasnije poznatog kao Damien.



Nasljeđe 2020


Godine 2008. iznenada je preminuo Archer Monroe patrijarh bogate i moćne političke obitelji u New Yorku. Njegovo je imanje podijeljeno između njegove obitelji: Catherine (Connie Nielsen), njegove supruge; Williama (Chace Crawford), njegovog sina, političara koji se kandidira za ponovni izbor; i Lauren (Lily Collins), njegove kćeri, okružne tužiteljice na Manhattanu. Obiteljski odvjetnik privatno pokazuje posmrtnu video poruku oca njegovoj kćeri Lauren. Upućuje je u tajni podzemni bunker na obiteljskom imanju. Tamo pronalazi zarobljenog muškarca koji kaže da je 30 godina bio zatočen.


Do posljednje kosti

Do posljednje kosti 2022


Ljubav cvjeta između mlade žene na rubu društva i obespravljenog lutalice dok kreću na odiseju dugu 3000 milja kroz američku divljinu. Unatoč njihovim najvećim naporima, svi putovi vode natrag u njihovu zastrašujuću prošlost do konačnog sukoba koji će odlučiti može li njihova ljubav preživjeti.


16. razina

16. razina 2018


Zatočeni u internatu nalik na zatvor, dvoje učenika riskira vlastiti život kako bi saznali mračnu istinu koja stoji u pozadini njihovih muka.


Mala kuća od kostiju

Mala kuća od kostiju 2023


Film govori o teškom životu odbjegle braće kriminalaca koji se nađu u vrlo neugodnoj, pa čak i zlokobnoj situaciji. Kako bi pobjegli od pravde, provaljuju u napuštenu seosku kuću i nadaju se da će im to pomoći. Braća odlučuju zarobiti obitelj koja tu živi, ali ubrzo otkrivaju da kuća zapravo krije svoje zastrašujuće i mračne tajne.


Things Heard & Seen

Things Heard & Seen 2021


Umjetnica se seli u dolinu Hudson i počinje sumnjati da njen brak ima zlokobnu tajnu, onu koja se nadmeće s povijesti njenog novog doma



Dexter 2006


Dexter Morgan, a blood spatter pattern analyst for the Miami Metro Police also leads a secret life as a serial killer, hunting down criminals who have slipped through the cracks of justice.


3Below: Tales of Arcadia

3Below: Tales of Arcadia 2018


After crash-landing on Earth, two royal teen aliens on the run struggle to blend in with humans as they evade intergalactic bounty hunters.



Taboo 2017


Adventurer James Keziah Delaney returns to London from Africa in 1814 along with fourteen stolen diamonds to seek vengeance after the death of his father.


Last Tango in Halifax

Last Tango in Halifax 2012


Celia and Alan are both widowed and in their seventies. When their respective grandsons put their details on Facebook, they rediscover a passionate relationship that started over sixty years ago.



Carnivàle 2003


Carnivàle is an American television series set in the United States during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl. In tracing the lives of two disparate groups of people, its overarching story depicts the battle between good and evil and the struggle between free will and destiny; the storyline mixes Christian theology with gnosticism and Masonic lore, particularly that of the Knights Templar.



Manhattan 2014


Set against the backdrop of the greatest clandestine race against time in the history of science with the mission to build the world's first atomic bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Flawed scientists and their families attempt to co-exist in a world where secrets and lies infiltrate every aspect of their lives.


Flower of Evil

Flower of Evil 2020


Hiding a twisted past, a man maintains his facade as the perfect husband to his detective wife — until she begins investigating a series of murders.


Flower of Evil

Flower of Evil 2022


Daniel Villareal is trying to escape his tumultuous past. In a tragic event, he assumes the identity of Jacob del Rosario and starts life anew as a doting husband and family man to a homicide detective wife Iris Del Rosario. In a twist of events, his dark past as a suspected serial murderer catches up on him with his secrets unfolding. Detective Iris takes the lead on a case that will make his past catch up with the present, they will both stop at nothing to find out the truth and protect the life that they have built together even if it means going behind each other’s backs in order to do so.



Curon 2020


When their mother mysteriously vanishes shortly after they all arrive in her hometown, teen twins discover secrets behind the village’s tranquil facade.


Clean Sweep

Clean Sweep 2023


Shelly Mohan is a regular mum who juggles the lives and schedules of three children and a husband who is a local detective. It’s a chaotic and mostly thankless life, but one with which she is happy…until a dark secret emerges from her past.


St. Donatus

St. Donatus 1970


An unwitting family, relocating from Brooklyn, moved into a newly-renovated farmhouse on the outskirts of town. When the family starts experiencing unsettling occurrences, it brings them closer to the town’s secret… and the very thing trapped in their cellar.


The Spot

The Spot 1970


A successful surgeon and her school teacher husband suspect she might be responsible for a child's hit-and-run death. While looking into the matter, dark secrets are revealed that will test their relationship as they confront the possibility of hidden guilt and betrayal.


We Go Again

We Go Again 1970


Three stubbornly optimistic siblings have a dark secret. When their mum disappears, they will do anything to keep it quiet so they can stay together as a family, but – as feistily resilient and fiercely loyal as they are - can they really outwit the authorities and carry on with life under the radar?