Ključna riječ Sorceress
Ulisse 1954
Snjeguljica i lovac 2012
Kad ga zla kraljica pošalje da zarobi odbjeglu princezu, lovac umjesto toga postaje zaštitnik mlade žene i pomaže joj u nastojanju da povrati kontrolu nad svojim kraljevstvom.
少女革命ウテナ アドゥレセンス黙示録 1999
U izgubljenim zemljama 2025
Kraljica koja je očajna u pokušaju da ostvari svoju ljubav, povlači smion potez: šalje moćnu i zastrašujuću čarobnicu Gray Alys u sablasnu divljinu Izgubljenih zemalja u potrazi za magičnom moći. Tamo čarobnica i njezin vodič, lutalica Boyce, moraju nadmudriti i nadjačati ljude i demone.
Hawk the Slayer 1980
La Celestina 1996
驅魔警察 1990
Shadow of the Hawk 1976
Tower of Silence 2019
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 1983
When Adam, Prince of the planet Eternia, raises his magic sword he transforms into He-Man (the most powerful man in the universe). With his allies and friends, he battles the evil Skeletor and his minions to protect the secrets of Castle Greyskull.
Knights of Bloodsteel 2009
Once a paradise fueled by the all-powerful sorcery-grade metal known as bloodsteel, the distant land of Mirabilis begins to decay as supplies of the supernatural substance dwindle. The evil warlord Dragon Eye fights to gain control of the world's supply of bloodsteel, which he will use to rule Mirabilis. But, an ancient prophecy propels four ordinary citizens to battle Dragon Eye. Their quest is to find the fabled Crucible - source of all bloodsteel - before the corrupt forces of darkness destroy their world.