Recept za sreću

Recept za sreću 2014


Talentirani kuhar bez dlake na jeziku odluči okrenuti novi list i otvara kamion s brzom hranom. U tom pothvatu pridruži mu se najbolji prijatelj i otuđeni sin koji vidi ovo kao priliku da, kroz ljubav prema kuhanju, ponovo izgradi odnos s ocem.


Što očekujete kada iščekujete

Što očekujete kada iščekujete 2012


Presretni zbog začetka obitelji, TV fitness guru Jules i zvijezda plesnog showa Evan shaćaju da njihovi slavni životi nemaju šanse pred iznenadnim zahtjevima koje traži trudnoća. Već napola luda autorica i odvjetnica Wendy na svojoj koži iskusi vlastite ratoborne majčinske savjete, dok hormoni haraju njezinim tijelom, dok se njezin suprug Gary nadmeće sa svojim alfa- ocem, koji pak očekuje blizance s puno mlađom suprugom, Skyler. Fotografkinja Holly spremna je obići svijet da bi usvojila dijete, ali njezin suprug Alex dvoji, pa svoju paniku pokušava prikriti pohađanjem grupe za potporu mladim očevima...


Ninja Sentai Kakuranger

Ninja Sentai Kakuranger 1994


It's been a long time since the great war between the Three God Generals and the Youkais, an ancient race of monstrous spirits. Since then, imprisoned in a cave protected by the mystical Seal Door, their leader Daimaou and his Youkai army wait, planning for the day they can finally strike. That day has arrived and it is up to the Kakurangers, along with the Three God Generals, to defeat the Youkais, before Daimaou's villainy destroys Earth!


Hot and Sweet

Hot and Sweet 2016


Min Joon owns a food truck and has found a bustling, high-traffic location to park his truck at Gangwon Beach. But he keeps crossing paths with Joon Young, a mysterious and wacky young woman who makes things difficult for him.


Akko's Lunches

Akko's Lunches 2015


Sawada Michiko, a temporary staff who works for a trading company, has just had her heart broken. On one of the boring days Michiko has been leading, her boss, Kurokawa Atsuko, makes an unexpected suggestion to her. “Exchange lunch with me.” Unable to go against Atsuko, Michiko reluctantly complies. In doing so, she soon realises the profundity of food and starts to change. Atsuko, whom people call Akko-chan, is feared by the people around her and has extensive contacts. What is her true character?


Baek Jong-won's Food Truck

Baek Jong-won's Food Truck 2017


A program that tells Baek Jong-won's business secrets as a businessman and food consultant based on food trucks, a small-capital restaurant start-up item. Therefore, this program serves as both an entertainment program and a startup solution program.


Sel et diesel

Sel et diesel 2017


The food truck craze is taking over the country! Evelyne Charuest and Corey Loranger take you on the road to discover these restaurants on wheels where forward-thinking chefs delight passers-by. On the menu: delicious encounters and loads of fun!


Food Truck Face Off

Food Truck Face Off 2022


Food Truck Face Off pits two teams against one another to win their own customized food truck. Hosted by Jesse Palmer, four teams with food truck dreams present their unique concepts to an expert panel of judges, but only two teams are chosen to face off in a truck-on-truck showdown. The team that makes the most money over the course of two intense days emerges victorious.