Venom 3: Posljednji ples

Venom 3: Posljednji ples 2024


U finalnom nastavku trilogije, Venom 3: Posljednji ples, Tom Hardy vraća se kao Venom, jedan od najvećih i najkompleksnijih likova. Eddie i Venom su u bijegu. Progonjeni od oba njihova svijeta, dvojac je prisiljen donijeti razornu odluku koja će spustiti zavjese na Venomov i Eddiejev posljednji ples.


Deadpool & Wolverine

Deadpool & Wolverine 2024


Bezvoljni Wade Wilson muči se u civilnom životu. Dani kada je bio moralno fleksibilan plaćenik, Deadpool, su iza njega. Kada se njegov svijet suoči s egzistencijalnom prijetnjom, Wade se mora nevoljko ponovno obući, uz još nevoljkijeg... nevoljnijeg? Najnevoljnijeg? Mora uvjeriti nevoljkog Wolverinea da... Kvragu. Sinopsisi su tako glupi.



Venom 2018


Kada istraživački novinar Eddie Brock tijekom istrage postane domaćin izvanzemaljskog stvorenja on postaje Venom. Izvanzemaljsko biće potpuno ga obuzima i oduzima mu slobodnu volju. Pravila sada netko drugi određuje, svako opiranje je uzaludno. Njih dvoje postaju jedno, postaju Venom – najpoznatiji antijunak za kojeg nećete znati trebate li ga se bojati ili će vas spasiti.


Vitez tame

Vitez tame 2008


Godinu dana nakon događaja iz prošlog nastavka, Batman, poručnik James Gordon i novi okružni tužitelj Harvey Dent uspješno dovode kriminalce iza rešetaka, sve dok se u gradu ne pojavi misteriozni sadistički kriminalac zvan Joker, koji počne stvarati novi val kaosa u Gothamu. Batmanova borba protiv Jokera veoma brzo prijeđe na osobnu razinu, što će Batmana prisiliti na velike kompromise kako bi ga uspio zaustaviti.


Venom 2

Venom 2 2021


Više od godinu dana nakon događaja iz originalnog filma Venom Eddie Brock se još uvijek privikava na suživot s vanzemaljskim simbiontom Venomom, koji mu daje nadljudske sposobnosti. Brock je novinar koji pokušava oživjeti svoju karijeru pomoću intervjua sa serijskim ubojicom Cletusom Kasadyjem, koji postane domaćin simbiontu Carnageu i pobjegne iz zatvora.


Vuk s Wall Streeta

Vuk s Wall Streeta 2013


Temeljen na istinitoj priči, film predstavlja život Jordana Belforta, od njegova uspona na burzi, velikih zarada i života na visokoj nozi, do pada povezanog s kriminalom i korupcijom.



Deadpool 2016


Bivši specijalni agent, sada plaćenik, Wade Wilson, biva podložen ilegalnom eksperimentu koji mu podari nadljudske moći. Nakon što jedva uspije pobjeći, on preuzima svoj novi alter ego i nazove se Deadpool. Naoružan novim moćima i veoma uvrnutim smislom za humor, Deadpool kreće u lov na čovjeka koji mu je gotovo potpuno uništio život, no usput planira i ponovno osvojiti svoju bivšu ljubav.


Dobar, loš, zao

Dobar, loš, zao 1966


Dok se građanski rat zakuhtava između Unije i Konfederacije, trojica muškaraca – tihi samotnjak, nemilosrdni plaćeni ubojica i meksički bandit – pročešljavaju američki Jugozapad u potrazi za ukradenim zlatom u vrijednosti $200 000.


Odred otpisanih: Nova misija

Odred otpisanih: Nova misija 2021


Dobrodošli u pakao - a.k.a. Belle Reve, zatvor s najvišom stopom smrtnosti u SAD-u gdje se drže najgori super-negativci koji će učiniti sve da izađu - čak i pridružiti se supertajnoj, super-mračnoj misiji. Tko preživi za zadatak ima okupiti Bloodsporta, Peacemakera, Captaina Boomeranga, Ratcatchera 2, Savanta, King Sharka, Blackguarda, Javelin i svima omiljenu Harley Quinn, naoružati ih i baciti (doslovno) na udaljeni, neprijateljski otok Corto Maltese. Kao i do sada, jedan njihov pogrešan potez i mrtvi su.


Black Adam

Black Adam 2022


Gotovo 5.000 godina nakon što je dobio sve moći egipatskih bogova te isto tako bio zatvoren, Black Adam oslobođen je iz svoje zemaljske grobnice, spreman osloboditi svoj jedinstveni oblik pravde u modernom svijetu.



Cruella 2021


U želji da postane slavna dizajnerica Cruella stiže u London. Njen osjećaj za modu primjećuje barunica Von Hellman, inače modna legenda. Ali njihov odnos pokreće niz događaja i otkrića koja će dovesti do toga da Cruella oslobodi svoju opaku stranu i postane osvetoljubiva Zlica od Opaka.


Peti element

Peti element 1997


Bruce Willis glumi Korbena Dallasa, njujorškog taksistu koji će postati junak u ovoj priči o ljubavi i preživljavaju u 23. stoljeću. U budućnosti kakvu je osmislio režiser Luc Besson, čovječanstvo je krenulo prema zvijezdama, šireći životnu energiju. No svakih 5000 godina, kada se nakratko otvore vrata paralelnih dimenzija, mračna sila napada univerzum. Upravo sada je to vrijeme i zao Zorg (Gary Oldman) to želi iskoristiti. Nadu za spas čovječanstvu može pružiti samo Leeloo, koja predstavlja peti element, životnu snagu. Budućnost Svemira u njezinim je rukama.


Panov labirint

Panov labirint 2006


U Španjolskoj 1944. godine, neposredno nakon Građanskog rata, djevojčica Ofelija (I. Baquero) odseli se zajedno sa svojom trudnom majkom očuhu Vidalu (S. López), okrutnom vojnom zapovjedniku Francove vojske. Kako bi pobjegla od ružne svakodnevice, Ofelija neprestano bježi u svoj svijet mašte. Njezina je znatiželja jednoga dana odvede u šumu, te u tajanstveni podzemni labirint gdje susretne neobično biće, mitskoga Pana (D. Jones). Pan tvrdi da je ona reinkarnacija princeze Moanne - izgubljene kćeri podzemnoga kralja i da je njegova zadaća čuvati portal koji bi je trebao vratiti ocu. No, prije svega treba provjeriti je li njezina besmrtna duša ostala nepromijenjena i Ofelija mora izvršiti tri zadatka u vrijeme punog Mjeseca. No, to će ovu bajku na opasan način ispreplesti s ratnom stvarnošću...



MaksimUm 2010


Moćni zlikovac MaksimUm napokon svlada vječnog protivnika Metromana... ali život mu postane besmislen kad se više nema protiv koga boriti. No kad se pojavi novi zlikovac i svijetu zaprijeti kaos, MaksimUm ga jedini može spasiti.



Rambo 1982


John Rambo, bivši pripadnik zelenih beretki koji je desetak godina proveo u Vijetnamu, dolazi u gradić na američkom sjeverozapadu kako bi pronašao svog starog ratnog prijatelja. No saznaje da mu je prijatelj umro od posljedica otrova kojim su se Amerikanci koristili u borbi protiv Viet-Konga. Čini se da mu to otkriće neće donijeti ništa dobro: mjesni šerif bez razloga ga zatvara i zlostavlja. Rambo uspijeva pobjeći u šumu. Za njim se organizira i potjera koja uključuje i helikoptere. Policajci ne odustaju, čak zovu i pripadnike Nacionalne garde, no Rambo, vijetnamski veteran, u šumi je na svom je terenu: služeći se najraznovrsnijim zamkama, on ubija jednog po jednog policajca sve dok ne bude pozvan i njegov vijetnamski zapovjednik da razjasni situaciju.


Odred otpisanih

Odred otpisanih 2016


Skupina jedinstvenih superzlikovaca, koji se već nalaze u zatvoru visoke sigurnosti, regrutirani su za tajni zadatak vladine agentice Amande Waller. Pod nazivom 'Odred otpisanih' kreću u pogibeljnu misiju, preopasnu za obične snage sigurnosti i vojske, koja im je dodijeljena u zamjenu za određene povlastice.


Ghost Rider 2: Duh osvete

Ghost Rider 2: Duh osvete 2011


U novoj filmu, redatelja Marka Neveldine i Briana Taylora, Johnny se još uvijek bori sa svojim prokletstvom đavoljeg lovca na glave- ali riskira izgubiti sve kad se udruži s vođom skupine pobunjenih opata kako bi spasili dječaka od samoga đavla... a možda bi se i on mogao zauvijek osloboditi svoje kletve.



Trainspotting 1996


Skupina nezadovoljnih mladih Škota okreću se heroinu u pokušaju da izbjegnu banalnu svakodnevicu. Tad počinju patiti od posljedica i otkriju da nema jednostavnih rješenja za iskonsku samoću i životnu bol.


Film o superjunaku

Film o superjunaku 2008


Drake Bell glumi srednjoškolskog štrebera kojeg ugrize genetski modificirano vretence i koji se potpuno izgubi na svom putu da postane super-junak i borac protiv zločina! Kako njegove moći rastu, tako raste i količina smijeha! Sara Paxton i Christopher McDonald glume bespomoćnu djevojku u nevolji i komičnog zločinca, a pridružuju im se Pamela Anderson i Leslie Nielsen.


Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger

Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger 2003


The meteorite believed to have once killed off the dinosaurs actually rattled the Earth into two parallel universes — Another Earth and Dino Earth, where dinosaurs continued to thrive. Now they have evolved into the Saurians, a race of humanoid dinosaurs, and the Bakuryu , a race of mechanized dinosaurs. But the wall between our universes has been breached. The Evolians that have been at war with the Saurians and Bakuryu have invaded, and it's up to the Abarangers to protect the world!


Person of Interest

Person of Interest 2011


John Reese, former CIA paramilitary operative, is presumed dead and teams up with reclusive billionaire Finch to prevent violent crimes in New York City by initiating their own type of justice. With the special training that Reese has had in Covert Operations and Finch's genius software inventing mind, the two are a perfect match for the job that they have to complete. With the help of surveillance equipment, they work "outside the law" and get the right criminal behind bars. 



Angel 1999


The vampire Angel, cursed with a soul, moves to Los Angeles and aids people with supernatural-related problems while questing for his own redemption. A spin-off from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop 1998


In 2071, roughly fifty years after an accident with a hyperspace gateway made the Earth almost uninhabitable, humanity has colonized most of the rocky planets and moons of the Solar System. Amid a rising crime rate, the Inter Solar System Police (ISSP) set up a legalized contract system, in which registered bounty hunters, also referred to as "Cowboys", chase criminals and bring them in alive in return for a reward.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1997


Into every generation a slayer is born: one girl in all the world, a chosen one. She alone will wield the strength and skill to fight the vampires, demons, and the forces of darkness; to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their number. She is the Slayer.



Kamandag 2007


Kamandag or Venom is a fantasy Philippine drama that aired on GMA Network from November 19, 2007 to April 25, 2008. Based from the graphic novel of Carlo J. Caparas, it starred Richard Gutierrez.


Marvel's The Punisher

Marvel's The Punisher 2017


A former Marine out to punish the criminals responsible for his family's murder finds himself ensnared in a military conspiracy.


Accel World

Accel World 2012


A short, overweight student uses the Neuro Link, an evolution of the Nerve Gear, to escape himself from the reality. But his skills in the virtual world brings him to the attention of Kuroyukihime, a popular student who introduces him to the Brain Burst.





Mark Grayson is a normal teenager except for the fact that his father is the most powerful superhero on the planet. Shortly after his seventeenth birthday, Mark begins to develop powers of his own and enters into his father’s tutelage.


The Rising of the Shield Hero

The Rising of the Shield Hero 2019


Iwatani Naofumi, a run-of-the-mill otaku, finds a book in the library that summons him to another world. He is tasked with joining the sword, spear, and bow as one of the Four Cardinal Heroes and fighting the Waves of Catastrophe as the Shield Hero. Excited by the prospect of a grand adventure, Naofumi sets off with his party. However, merely a few days later, he is betrayed and loses all his money, dignity, and respect. Unable to trust anyone anymore, he employs a slave named Raphtalia and takes on the Waves and the world. But will he really find a way to overturn this desperate situation?


Xena: Warrior Princess

Xena: Warrior Princess 1995


Xena is an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent. Accompanied by her comrade-in-arms Gabrielle, the campy couple use their formidable fighting skills to help those who are unable to defend themselves.


Captain Biceps

Captain Biceps 2010


Captain Biceps is a French animated series based on the comic books by Frederic Thebault and Philippe "Zep" Chappuis, available in 78 episodes of 8 minutes each. The series is about a fighting superhero, very muscular but unintelligent, called Captain Biceps, assisted by his faithful companion, Genius, facing the villains to save Capitaleville from disaster. The series first aired on November 8, 2010 on France 3 in France. It also airs on Starz Kids & Family in the United States, weekdays at 8:00am ET/PT.


Great Pretender

Great Pretender 2020


Supposedly Japan's greatest swindler, Makoto Edamura gets more than he bargained for when he tries to con Laurent Thierry, a real world-class crook.



Jormungand 2012


Jonah is a child soldier and the newest bodyguard for Koko, an international arms dealer with an entourage of hired guns. The cold-blooded kid hates Koko’s line of work, but following her into the darkest corners of the black market might be the only way he can find those responsible for his family’s slaughter. Besides, his employer isn’t like most merchants of death. She uses guile and cutthroat tactics to keep her clients armed to the teeth—all while cultivating her own warped plan for the future of world peace. With the CIA desperate for her capture, assassins eager to collect her head, and the potential for every contract to end in ultra-violence, Koko and her comrades in arms bring the boom to every corner of the world.


Banana Fish

Banana Fish 2018


Nature made Ash Lynx beautiful; nurture made him a cold ruthless killer. A runaway brought up as the adopted heir and sex toy of "Papa" Dino Golzine, Ash, now at the rebellious age of seventeen, forsakes the kingdom held out by the devil who raised him. But the hideous secret that drove Ash's older brother mad in Iraq has suddenly fallen into Papa's insatiably ambitious hands—and it's exactly the wrong time for Eiji Okamura, a pure-hearted young photographer from Japan, to make Ash Lynx's acquaintance.


Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 2015


When Mikazuki Augus, a young member of a private security company known as the CGS, accepts a mission to protect a young woman seeking to liberate the Martian city of Chryse from Earth’s rule, he sets off a chain of events that threatens to send the galaxy back to war.


The King of Dramas

The King of Dramas 2012


Sparks fly when career meets romance in this behind-the-scenes drama.


The Founder of Diabolism

The Founder of Diabolism 2018


As the grandmaster who founded the Demonic Sect, Wei Wuxian roamed the world in his wanton ways, hated by millions for the chaos he created. Ultimately, he met his end at the hands of his dear adoptive brother, Jiang Cheng. Over a decade later, he finds himself incarnated into the body of a lunatic and runs into a former classmate, Lan Wangji. The two men with opposing personalities delve into the mysteries of spirits and ghosts, while Jiang Cheng suspects that Wei Wuxian has returned.


The Pretender

The Pretender 1996


Raised in a secret facility built for experimenting on children, Jarod is a genius who can master any profession and become anyone he has to be. When he realizes as an adult that he's actually a prisoner and his captors are not as benevolent as he's been told, he breaks out. While trying to find his real identity, Jarod helps those he encounters and tries to avoid the woman sent to retrieve him.


Hellsing Ultimate

Hellsing Ultimate 2006


For over a century, the mysterious Hellsing Organization has been secretly protecting the British Empire from the undead. When Sir Integra Hellsing succeeded as the head of the organization, she also inherited the ultimate weapon against these supernatural enemies: Alucard, a rogue vampire possessing mysterious and frightening powers. Now, Hellsing must deal with a more dangerous threat than vampires.