Ključna riječ Future Vision
1984 1984
Radnja filma je smještena u 1984. godinu, poslije nuklearnog rata u Londonu, u glavnom gradu represivne, totalitarne države Oceanie. Winston Smith (John Hurt) je birokracijski činovnik u vladi na zadatku prepravljanja povijesnih činjenica i brisanja ljudi. Uprkos tome što zna da Veliki brat neprekidno motri svaki pokret i svaku izgovorenu riječ, Winston će početi pisati tajni dnevnik o događajima te će još dublje zagaziti u kriminal i pregaziti društvene norme, koje zabranjuju sve što ima predznak individualnog, kada se zaljubi u Juliu (Suzanna Hamilton). Tada će se naći na meti svog bivšeg prijatelja O'Briena (Richard Burton)...
David Attenborough: Moj život na našem planetu 2020
On poznaje naš prirodni svijet kao nitko drugi i nikada nije bilo hitnijeg trenutka da čujemo njegovu priču i viziju naše budućnosti.
Side by Side 2012
வை ராஜா வை 2015
1999 A.D. 1967
The Price 2015
Wealth of a Nation 1966
The Summit 2013
オーク 2023
Lakune 2020
FlashForward 2009
When the entire world blacks out for two minutes and seventeen seconds, everyone sees a flash of their own future 6 months from the present. For some, the future is hopeful, while for others, it is unexpected. For a few, it doesn't seem to exist. Knowing their fate will alter each person's life, destinies will be changed.
Another Miss Oh 2016
Two women working in the same industry with the exact same name keep getting their lives entangled both professionally and personally.
The Big Door Prize 2023
A small town is forever changed when a mysterious machine appears, promising to reveal everyone's true potential. Soon residents start changing jobs, rethinking relationships, and questioning long-held beliefs—all in pursuit of a better future.
Xploration Earth 2050 2014
What will the world look like in 2050? Where will advancements in science, technology, engineering, and math lead us? Host Chuck Pell takes viewers on a mind bending journey in search of these answers.
The Age of A.I. 2019
Explore the impact of A.I. and how it is transforming the way we live and work -- both now and in the future, featuring some of the brightest minds in science, philosophy, technology, engineering, medicine, futurism, entertainment and the arts to tell the dynamic story of A.I.
Head 2 Head 1970
Jay and Jinn are longtime rivals and persistent friends. They can't see each other without exchanging insults or a harsh glance. When Jay has a vision of Jinn's death and ends up in a crash, he's unwillingly put into Jinn's care while he recovers. In time, he comes to realise how impossible it would be to live without him.